'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Eternal Sonata [p] - Printable Version

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- Faolin Mogotsi - 12-29-2007

mall-caps;">Table by Hilli

<3 For Gabe. She's not shifted.

Each morning as she awoke Faolin felt a little different between eating way more than usual and feeling a lot more tired. She was growing fatter, something completely unexpected in the middle of winter. It had come down to one thing, she was pregnant. In the back of her mind she had always known, but she questioned it everytime because the thought sort of scared her. She wanted to find Gabriel, she decided she would finally tell him. Something she always knew, but denied. It scared her, but the thoughts of having children excited her.

How would Gabriel take the news?

With Kaena's children running about still and Empusa, it would be hard, but then gain they would be a whole two months older by the time her children would be born. The last couple days were spent in the library where it had all started, searching the books and looking through them. It seemed humans kept records and information on wolves and pregnancies. She really did not expect to find anything. Most of what she found out she knew, deep down somewhere instinct was starting to kick in.

Paws carried her towards the house and she bounded up the steps her small paws letting out a dull thud, nails clicking on the hollow wood as she moved. Hunched over she sat on the deck, panting slightly. She waited for him to come back, searching for the words she would use to tell him the important news.


- Gabriel de le Poer - 12-31-2007


indent It had been a few weeks since the fight, and Gabriel was beginning to relax around the borders. Storm had not raised arms against them, so Inferni was safe for the time being. His thoughts revolved around the clan above all else, but he was settling into an ease with the lack of problems they had. A few new faces were around, but Inferni, and coyotes by nature, are solitary. It mattered little that he saw them, as long as he was aware they were there. If the time came for him to call upon them, they had to respond. That was all Gabriel required.
indent Faolin’s scent was fresh. Gabriel sped up his pace, curious as to where she had been for the past few days. They had long since gotten over the trust issue from the incident with Phoenix, and Gabriel was comfortable with her moving as she pleased. Soon, though, he found her on the porch. Wagging his tail and advancing, the four-legged hybrid gave her a nuzzle and stepped back, regarding her.
“Hey baby.”


- Faolin Mogotsi - 12-31-2007

mall-caps;">Table by Hilli


The sound of heavy footsteps found her ears. Tense for a moment, until she was sure it had been Gabriel. She relaxed, a smile forming across her lips as she looked upon the face of her mate. Faol was glad they had gotten past the entire Phoenix thing now, she had not seen him since, but thought it may be a little better if she had stayed away from him for a little longer. It did not take long for Gabriel to close the distance between them and greeted her with a nuzzle. Returning the gesture, Faolin buried her face into his thick winter fur that covered his throat.

Grinning from ear to ear she was able to pull back away from him for only a moment. "I have something to tell you!" she half whispered into his ear, tickling the fur around it with her breath. Faolin gave his cheek a small lap with her tongue and pulled back. Her red eyes looked up at him it would be obvious as soon as he met her eyes. He would know, the girl was bursting with excitement at the seams. She could not contain her excitement anymore and blurted out, "We are going to have puppies!"


- Gabriel de le Poer - 01-01-2008


indent One dark ear flicked at her breath, and he stood back as she grinned from ear to ear and said that one word he did not expect. Puppies. Children. They were going to have children. Gabriel at first balked, eyes wide, and then his lips pulled back in a grin and he let out a wild laugh, rushing forward and putting his weight on his hind legs, wrapping the other two around her in a doggish hug. “That’s fantastic!”

indent And struck wordless, he laughed again, tail frantically thumping against the wood beneath them.


- Faolin Mogotsi - 01-02-2008

mall-caps;">Table by Hilli

I <3 Gabe. lol

Faolin swelled with happiness as she saw his expression change drastically. She giggled before being wrapped in a big bear hug almost losing her balance. Her tail beat back and forth in unison with his, the wood making a hollow thumping sound from the two of them. It could not get more perfect than this. Faolin beamed with pride and excitement. Although there were a couple doubts in the back of her mind, but nothing could ruin the intense emotion she was feeling right now.

"Yeah, I don't even know how I figured it out, other than I have been getting fat," she laughed, and nipped at his ear a bit. "I don't even know what it is, but I just know. It's hard to explain I guess," she smiled and batted at him a couple times, covering his muzzle with wet kisses and squeezing him harder.


- Gabriel de le Poer - 01-05-2008


indent They were a couple of fools in love. That was all right though; they needed a balance in their lives, both of them, so it was understandable why they were so blissful around each other. Among strangers Gabriel was cold, Faolin friendly; when their madness came to the surface, she could be as cruel as her brother, and Gabriel was twice what Kaena might have been. Still, for the time being there was only the two of them (and the children in her belly).
indent He dropped his feet down, keeping those too-bright gold-yellow eyes on her face. “You know,” he began quiet suddenly, tone serious. “We should probably see someone who knows about this stuff. I know some medicine but not anything like this.” In that same span of thought, he found the answer. “Fatin! We should go see Fatin. She’ll know all about this.” He wasn’t aware he was rambling, babbling, jumbling words.


- Faolin Mogotsi - 01-06-2008

mall-caps;">Table by Hilli

Have you already talked to Sonia about a thread? I could poke her if you'd like!

It still did not seem like it could be true, but when she spoke those words to Gabriel a big realization hit her. She had never done this before, and Gabriel had not either. When he mentioned Fatin Faol nodded quickly. It was a really good idea, she could have gone to her mother, but Faolin still did not like the idea. Her mother still had a while before she had her complete trust, plus she had her own puppies to take care of. Faol had heard of Fatin before from Gabriel and from what she knew she was a nice wolf.

"That's a good idea, when should we go? In a couple days or so?" her red eyes glowed with excitement and her tail beat back and forth behind her. Faolin bounced around excitedly and looked up at the sky. They would have to pick a day that was clear enough for travel and make sure that everything was safe while the two of them were gone. There were more adults around so the possibility of being attacked was low. The clan wouldn't miss Gabriel if he was gone for a short while. They would be no longer than a day, Jaded Shadows was not that far away. A look of concern spread over her features and she waited for his answer.


- Gabriel de le Poer - 01-07-2008


I talked to her a while ago about this plot, but if you want to remind her be my guest. :]
indent There were only a few things that worried him within his own backyard; Andre, for one. While he did not know that true extent of his brother’s madness, he knew it was very real. Still, Hybrid was his second in command, and for whatever else Faolin’s brother was, he was loyal to the clan. Gabriel knew that from the day Vitium had been exiled. “The sooner the better,” he offered, smiling. “Have you eaten today? Do you want me to get you something?” They had to make sure she was eating well; with those children now growing in her belly.


- Faolin Mogotsi - 01-07-2008

I want something good to die for
I sent her a pm today, just waiting for a response! As soon as I get one do you want to start the thread or me?

To make it beautiful to live
"I had caught a rabbit this morning. I'm fine," she grinned happily, tail still beating madly behind her. She stepped close to him again and buried her muzzle within his fur, happy that her wish was finally coming true. After all the children she had looked after within Inferni, she was finally having her own. "You don't know how happy this makes me," she smiled, pulling back and looking into his deep golden eyes. She gave him a small lick on the nose and then pawed at him playfully with a cream coloured paw. There was so much to do. They would need to pick out names and would have to certainly do something about preparing where she would be giving birth to the youngsters and so on. She figured she would get everything she needed to know from Fatin, so she sighed and tried to relax instead. A sense of peace coming about her, but something struck her instantly, what about Andrezej?

"We are going to have to do something about Andrezej though... He threatened to push me off a cliff. I wanted to talk to you sooner about it, but I really didn't want to worry. He's getting a little too aggressive for my liking. He's only a pup I know, but he nearly took a chunk out of my paw one day when I had followed him up one of the mountains nearby." She frowned growing weary of the youth's presence. It seemed as if he was growing bigger each day, he might just get bigger than she did, and that was something she did not want to see happen.


- Gabriel de le Poer - 01-11-2008


indent There were a thousand things that had to occur before their children were born. Gabriel was inexperienced, the only newborn children he had seen were his mother’s and that had been after the fact. It was frightening, in many ways; while he did not understand fully what the risks were, he was aware they were great. Yet despite the looming future, the present was still presenting a thread Gabriel was all too aware of. His eyes darkened and somewhere deep in his chest a faint growl had begun.
indent “Stay away from him. I’ll take care of it.” Two strikes. His half brother was two strikes in and after the third there was no coming back.
