'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
from past to future... - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: from past to future... (/showthread.php?tid=6244)

- Rendall - 06-01-2009

It had been about a day or two since the pup had joined her new found pack, Rendall couldnt wait to get on the move and see the pack territory, she had spent the past fews days making herself comfortable at Da Vinci's cabin, however, she soon became restless and bored, she wanted to meet others....she opened the door and stepped outside....
It was a cloudy day outside, she decided it would be best to approach this on all four of her legs, she would be warmer this way, plus, without the sun, she would look alittle more normal than usual. She walked up a few paths here and there, fallowing sents, when the salty smell of the sea drifted to her nose. Rendall had heard warning of a beastly male that hunted pups such as her, so she kept her weariness of her surroundings, But she always loved the sea, and had never truly seen it.
She walked cautiously toward the beach, but Rendall soon caught sent of blood, battle, violence, and a strange male sent she did not reconize to be the packs sent, it frightened her and she quickly fled....hearing a saddened cry that broke the silence of the cold air.
She quickened her pace and made her way back to the cabin, she was not sure of anything, only that the cry had reminded her of her own cries for her mother as life had slipped from her weakened body, Rendall curled up in a corner to try and think this all through. It wasnt her fault nor wasnt anyone elses fault that she had been born different in a world that tried to be so normal......
She sat there thinking for a while, at least until the sun came out and she felt alittle more comfortable about going back out into the open and exploring as her instincts had encouraged her to for the last hour, she stepped back out into her new world, and headed down a path away from the frightening beach, she took in all the sents of the area, and wondered, would she ever be able to move on from her past to be able to enjoy this new life of hers? she continued quietly down the path and thought absently to herself