'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
face the face we've mauled - Printable Version

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- Catalyst de Sadira - 06-05-2009



Catalyst was exhausted; physically, mentally, and perhaps even a little with her sanity. The death of Ril'o, the pack's former border patrol and seemingly guardian, had been taken so unfairly and cruelly by a dark and devious trespasser at the borders, one of which could seemingly only materialize in the depths of one's nightmares, suddenly came alive and breathing in reality. Not knowing the border patrol wolf's name as Ril'o, his image would be forever burned in mind as he roared out his final requests to her, and even then the ivory girl was struck by the icy grips of fear to not move a muscle and watch as his trachea was severed and crushed onto one another in a glorious spray of crimson. It had all seemed too unreal to her, the way his life poured from his wounds and into the jaws of his captor. Those dark, colorless eyes... Catalyst could see them in her mind, as if his eyes had traveled with her since that day. They were haunting, and would prove to be for awhile in the span of her twisting and turning slumber.

It was almost to where Catalyst was about to turn four months; growing up fast and life ushered to her at a quicker rate than possible. The de Sadira had decided on coming out to Whisper Beach once again, seemingly enough to where this was a landmark for her that wasn't the most favorable of spots (seeing as how Conor completely ripped her down emotionally about the abandonment of her mother). Still, Catalyst felt as if the salty and carefree air of the coastal beach seemed to be a temporary relief to most of her sleepless nights following the grim events thereafter. Feeling that now familiar sink of sand beneath her paws, she let the granules do the work of tickling the tender skin betwixt her pads and paws, making the sensation give her a playful smirk upon her tiny maw, but it was soon to disappear once walking toward the shoreline proved to make the sensation repetitive and the nice feeling disappear. Once reaching the point to where her paws felt the moist sand transform into shallow water, Catalyst stood there and let her paws and ankles soak. The ocean was biting with its frigid waters, for a second making that seemingly sensation of very cold water begin to burn. It was refreshing and invigorating to the senses, however, as it temporarily woke up her exhausted spell. With her azure and steel hued eyes looking out into the endless ocean before the beach, the puppy simply reveled in the sight. It was a fairly sunny day, with the seagulls soaring in the skies and making evident caws.


- Princess Chance - 06-05-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... tablep.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:409px; border:1px #258BA4 solid; font-size: 10px;">

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568 words.

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Don’t mention Buttface. Don’t mention Buttface. The words had become an ever-repeating mantra within her mind. Princess was worried about her brother, but the fear for her mother’s life, which Tokyo said could be at risk if Buttface was brought up, was a more real fear at the moment. The pack members she had met thus far seemed friendly enough, and she didn’t picture Alexey or Cmwfen killing her mother over their past. . . But neither had been the actual leader of Dahlia de Mai, and Princess hadn’t yet come across Cercelee. No one had told her anything of the leader, but then, Princess hadn’t asked anyone. Since her reunion with Tokyo, Princess had spent her time exploring the shore around their den. She grinned, looking out over the sea. It felt right to refer to it as their den. They were supposed to be together, always.

Her mother’s warning had stopped her from searching out any of the puppies Cmwfen had mentioned that had been out of the pack lands and might have come across Buttface. If she found Conor, Emwe, or Avarice, what would she do? Would she ask them about Buttface, in hopes that they didn’t know where he was, and had never heard of him? Princess almost hoped that no one would know anything, and that no one would ever find him around here. The worry for her brother was great, but if he never came to the area, then she and Tokyo could live happily together without worrying about him coming in and ruining anything. Surely Buttface was safe and happy, wherever he went after they had parted ways. Princess hoped he was, anyway, so that she could feel better about not trying harder to find him.

Seeing a white form up ahead, Princess turned up her nose. What was someone else doing out here, relatively close (well, not really close at all) to their den? Before long, she realized it was a puppy, smaller than herself. Alexey had mentioned that there were seven puppies in the pack, not including herself, and there was a decent chance that this puppy was one of the three she hoped to find, but also hoped would be invisible. “Hey! Hey, who are you? Are you Conor, or Emwe, or Avarice?” she called out, scrambling over the wet sand and the cold tide to get closer to the white puppy. She didn’t know what kind of answer she hoped to receive. Did she really want this puppy to be any of the three she had asked about? Probably not, she decided, bright eyes searching the pup for some sort of telltale sign of who she was.

Princess almost wished that Alexey had told her the names of the rest of the puppies in the pack, so that she could ask about them as well. It seemed unfair to only name three out of the seven, but she couldn’t help it. What would she ask - “Are you Conor, or Emwe, or Avarice, or one of the other four puppies that I didn’t think to ask the names of when I met Alexey, and also didn’t ask when I met Cmwfen?” Frankly, to her own mental ears, it sounded stupid. Princess was too good to sound stupid in front of anyone else, including a puppy she didn’t know, and didn’t know if she even wanted to know.


- Catalyst de Sadira - 06-05-2009


400+ WotD: Abstemious

Catalyst had remained quite abstemious in diet since the incident at the borders, and that surely wasn't a healthy sign at all for a puppy that was young as herself. For an individual this young, at this moment Catalyst felt a strange sensation of feeling weathered, old. The death of Ril'o really took the natural innocent spirit right from her, and who knew when it was to be revived, or who would be the one to bring it back upon her. The china doll female was getting lost in the sway and sounds of the ocean, letting her ears drift to each distinct sound and melody that rose from the beach and the ocean, until words cut through the tepid sounds. Flicking her ears immediately back, it was as if Catalyst was startled from her spell of gazing out into nothing (and which it could be clearly shown as she was, slightly jumping at the little voice).

Snapping her head around to where she could see the individual who was the source of the voice and words, the anxious puppy was met with another that was quite like her, although she was bigger and looked a couple months older than her. Drifting back to the occasion with Alexey, she noted that there was only Conor and Emwe that were the only other puppies in the Dahlia ranks, and seeing that this puppy was not a boy puppy, Catalyst was instantly confused. Was she a trespasser, stranger? No, she clearly smelled of Dahlia.

Letting the opposite pup's question reverberate in her mind, it was obvious that she did not look like a Conor or Emwe, but what struck her was Avarice. Released from her spell of self loathing and misery entirely, Catalyst instantly became suspicious of her. How did she know her sister? Who was this? Catalyst certainly didn't want to share the incident she had with Conor here not too long ago, and had yet to meet this Emwe that she spoke of. Now, fully twisted around, with her heart picking up crescendo in beats from getting scared initially by her voice, Catalyst did what she would usually do in a suspicious situation; answer a question with a qustion. "Who are you's?" She inquired right back, dual eyes studying the tawny girl closely, and then went on to add: "An' where you's know Avarice from?" Her voice stated her clear suspicion that she felt. Ever since the monster puppy eater with Avarice, Catalyst kept her sibling's names as mum as possible, not to mention giving away too much information to strangers she didn't know.


- Princess Chance - 06-06-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... tablep.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:409px; border:1px #258BA4 solid; font-size: 10px;">

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414 words.

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Princess blinked, instantly annoyed with the white pup’s defense. Taking a step closer, the multi-colored pup raised her head and announced, I am Princess Chance. Tokyo Chance is my mother. Who are you?” she asked, deciding that this puppy wasn’t Conor. Conor was a boy’s name, although she could not be sure about Emwe and Avarice. Those two names didn’t really give her any specifics about gender, and both could easily be names for this puppy, who was a girl. However, from the way she became so defensive over the name Avarice, Princess could only assume that this wasn’t not Emwe in front of her. Maybe the puppy was Avarice, and she would be faced with the decision of asking about Buttface, or forgetting about how badly she had wanted to, just recently.

Despite her small size, Princess was larger than the white puppy and, therefore, (in her own mind) she was better and more important. She did not need to give such a question a response; the pup should have simply answered her question, and not asked any of her own. Obviously, this puppy didn’t know someone important when they were right in front of them. “I don’t have to answer that, but I’m going to, to humor you,” she explained. It was vitally important that she did not give the puppy any wrong ideas. Princess did not want the puppy to think that she deserved an answer to such a rudely-put question. The puppy was most certainly not entitled to any form of an answer, but because Princess was curious, she was going to honor the puppy with an answer from the amazing Princess Chance.

“When I met Alexey, she told me that Conor, Emwe, and Avarice had been out of the pack lands. I did want to talk to one of them, but if they’re as rude as you, then maybe I don’t want to anymore,” she huffed, looking away from the puppy. Perhaps it hadn’t been a good idea to talk to this puppy. Obviously she wasn’t worth talking to, if she was going to be unpleasant to be around. Besides, if she no longer would be allowed to ask questions about Buttface, would it really be worth it to try and find those puppies? Princess could spend her time doing more important things, like spending time with her mother. Tokyo had so much to teach her, and Princess wanted to spend as much time with her mother as possible.


- Catalyst de Sadira - 06-08-2009


Since my thread with Tokyo is going slower than expected, I'm just going to assume for this one that Catalyst -doesn't- know who Princess's mother is yet. 600+

It was amusing for the fact that Catalyst fit her name to a tee, even though the dual eyed girl thought of it to be strange and very not German like. The initial first impressions received were usually the base point of how her interaction would go for the duration of the encounter, and by the telling responses that were elicited from Princess, it was one that instantly began to slightly form as discourteous. Whether it was Catalyst's fault for starting it, she didn't care. The world felt as if it was tumbling upon her miniscule shoulders (but you could certainly blame her arrogance for doing so), so she didn't give a damn which way she might have interpreted her introduction (which was an interesting spectacle to see in a puppy that was her age and was so young; Catalyst was naturally just too haughty for her own good).

Listening closely to her name and that of her mother's, Princess spoke as if both her and her mother were someone of importance around here. Maybe Catalyst would have thought of so, if in the event she actually heard about them from somewhere, but like Alexey notified her before, there were only Conor and Emwe at the time, so Princess struck even more suspicion about herself. To finally answer who she was, there was no hesitation on proudly stating her name and her affiliation. "Well i'm Catalyst de Sadira, an' Miss Cercelee jus' so happens t' be my guardian who I live with." Princess could easily overpower Catalyst in a second; there was several months difference in age, and Princess was certainly much closer to becoming an adult than she was, and yes, Princess did in fact have more authority than her. However, in Catalyst's mind, with all her arrogance and haughtiness, being directly related in some way to the Rosea of Dahlia made her think that she was definitely from a more important line. Cercelee was the top individual who ran and managed Dahlia, and Catalyst thought that if it was the honor of living with Miss Cercelee, then perhaps she and her siblings were some sort of high honor individuals as well.

Listening as Princess carried forth, her own annoyance was budding forth, especially at the ending to where Princess didn't want to have anything to do with the three she mentioned if they were so rude as Catalyst had been. Catalyst couldn't help but wonder in the back of her mind just why Princess would want to know such information from the other puppies, but she wouldn't make it evident that that's what she was thinking. Snorting, the dual eyed puppy had her retaliation in words lined right up as soon as Princess fell silent and anxious for her reply. "You's can say that 'bout Conor." She then stated, not forgiving the boy for giving her a nicely put head butt to her center mass. The very recollection of that made her heated. "If I'm so rude then jus' go away then. Bad things 'ave happened, you don' even know th' half of it all." One could tell there was a longing sort of hurt behind her eyes that were trying to look annoyed, but the exhaustion had settled in as a permanent resident for the time being. Catalyst was certainly on edge as it was, and if the other puppy didn't want to have anything to do with her, it probably would be better if she just left then. She approached her in the first place anyway, Catalyst didn't even want any such company at the moment.


- Princess Chance - 06-08-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... tablep.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:409px; border:1px #258BA4 solid; font-size: 10px;">

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574 words.

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“Well,” she said, growing exasperated with Catalyst. “If she’s your guardian, then where is your mother?” Princess would never have bothered to ask about the pup’s father, as she had no contact with her own. Raphael had, basically, never existed, in her eyes. She didn’t recall ever having met her father; it had always been their small, broken family of three for the short period of time the pups had stayed with Tokyo. However, for a pup that was so reverent of her own mother, it was natural to question the whereabouts of Catalyst’s mother. There was also the faintest bit of curiosity about potential brothers or sisters, but Princess didn’t think it a good idea to ask, as she didn’t want two have the question turned around on her. She wasn’t allowed to talk about Buttface, or her mother would have been very angry with her.

She wasn’t sure what to make of the pup’s comment about Conor, and admittedly, it only made her want to find him more. . . Or would, if she was still wanting to ask about Buttface, which she wasn’t, she reprimanded. Catalyst seemed to have a very negative opinion of Conor, and Princess couldn’t help but wonder if Conor would be one to make fun of Buttface if they were to ever meet. If this rude pup in from of her thought that Conor was rude, then Princess was already beginning to hate him for the alleged possibility that he might make fun of Buttface, if they ever met. A lot of people made fun of her brother, and mostly because of his name. Princess couldn’t stand it, but they still did it. She found herself already disliking Conor, and they had never met, and nor did it seem likely that he had met Buttface and mocked him. It was merely one of those hard-to-fight assumptions, and she couldn't chase it away.

Oh, great, she thought, coming to the potentially incorrect assumption that Catalyst was one of those “my life is worse than yours, so ha!” people. Princess could barely tolerate those people, and she hated even more when someone told her that she was acting like one. Certainly things have happened to Catalyst - obviously, since she didn’t live with her own mother - but that didn’t mean she was the only one things happened to. “Well, things have happened to me and my family, too, you know,” she added, her tone indignant. How dare Catalyst act like her life was so much worse? At the look on the pup’s face, however, Princess’ own haughty features softened. Maybe, just maybe, she could be an outlet for Catalyst, and maybe they could even be friends. . . Eventually.

“If you wanted to, though, you could talk to me about them,” she continued, her tone softer, far more gentle than before. Princess paused; what the heck was she doing? She was going to actually try to listen to what someone had to say, and it wasn’t about her. Well, it certainly seemed like she was going to. She wasn’t visibly confused, but in her mind, she wasn’t quite sure she was actually. . . Awake, or sane, or what have you. Princess never cared about anyone else’s problems. Her own were far too important to waste her precious time on someone else’s. So why was she standing there, offering to listen, instead of leaving, like Catalyst had suggested?


- Catalyst de Sadira - 06-08-2009



It was then Princess asked that million dollar question, just to throw Catalyst back into a deeper pit of misery. Seemed like everyone wanted to know where her mother went, why she left, where she came from, and so forth. Catalyst wished so hard to be able to answer all of those things and put it to peace, but unfortunately, nobody seemed to have let her or her siblings in on why their mother left; not even their guardians remotely said anything at first. Well, Anka tried to hurt Catharsis at one point before all of this, giving her the designated permanent slash across one of her eyes. Catalyst didn’t think of that as the reason, but who knew, really. Giving a huff, there was really only one word to say to it all. “Gone." And unfortunately, that was all that could be said. There was that familiar feeling of envy felt for Princess, lucky to have her mother still around. And Catalyst loathed that feeling of envy; it drew her up the walls.

Catalyst was then surprised to hear that Princess thought nothing of her shattered and sullen mood, and it only made her more heated, but typically when Catalyst got angry, she got angry, but this time couldn’t help to oddly feel how sadness was beginning to be more of the dominant mixed feeling than pure anger. Was it the fact that she was just too emotionally drained, or just gave it up entirely, for the fact that Princess didn’t understand what had happened to her? There was an irritable sigh blown from her snout. If only, if only Princess had been there at that moment. Catalyst was a little hesitant at first at spilling the whole scenario that happened the other day, but if it was matters to defend her side and possibly shed some light on the situation, then she would timidly go ahead to explain. ”I bet you’s ne’er seen anyone bleed from their neck b’fore. I bet you’s ne’er seen anyone talking for one minute, an’ then die in front of you’s th’ next. I bet you’s ne’er seen a monster with no eyes tha’ are black an’ jus’ watched you while they killed someone an' didn' even kill you…” For a second she went into short rambling, and had to stop herself for the reverie was beginning to get her all fussy. One would probably think a wolf with black colorless eyes wasn’t real, Catalyst probably wouldn’t even believe such a thing as if it was told to her, but it was truly real. The hysteria in her voice hinted that she wasn’t making any of this up, no matter how silly the black eyed monster might have sounded. He was out there, and he might come back at some point. The thought made her shudder right there.

Hearing then as how Princess’s voice became a little gentler, hopefully she would understand. Seeing as how she was considerably older, maybe things could be talked about with her, and maybe she could understand certain things and know what Catalyst was going through. Maybe mutual grounds could truly be met somewhere with them. To answer her original question, since names were gotten out of the way, she might as well provide some information, since her voice suddenly got a lot nicer than in the beginning. ”She’s my sister.” Catalyst was referring to Avarice. ”Don’ know Emwe, but Conor… he’s… mean.” She said bitterly at the last events that took place with him. Back to Avarice, though. ”Why’s do you need to find her? Is… is it about the monster puppy eater?” That damn monster puppy eater was still stuck in her mind, Catalyst would never forgive for such an act of almost gobbling up Avarice.


- Princess Chance - 06-08-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... tablep.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:409px; border:1px #258BA4 solid; font-size: 10px;">

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I need to role play with you more often when listening to this song. o-o; It's just coming out like crazy for me. 701 words.

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All that Princess could possibly say in response that was, “Oh.” How did one respond to such a simple answer, said with such vehemence? Princess didn’t think it would be fair to tell Catalyst that her mother had been ‘gone’ for a while, too, because, while that was true, her mother wasn’t gone anymore. In truth, it was she that had been gone, and not her mother, but it seemed more fair to blame Tokyo. After all, it had been Tokyo’s own damn fault that her pups had run away, both times that it had happened. And then, after she and Buttface had been gone, Tokyo was gone from the spot they had left her; Princess had certainly checked their old den when she had begun her search for their dreaded mother. When she had come across that old den, she had seen the small blood stains near the entrance, and those stains were what had pushed her to search for Tokyo with even more conviction. Her three siblings were gone, too.

Despite the softness of voice she had just used to ask about it, Princess found herself growing indignant. Yes, she had! Well, almost. Her mother’s eyes hadn’t turned black when she killed those three, but it had been an awful thing to watch, and it had chased her away. Maybe, if Catalyst knew what had happened with Tokyo, she wouldn’t have been so unhappy about her own mother being gone. Princess opened her mouth as if to say something, but then she remembered her promise to Tokyo. If she told anyone - especially the pup being taken care of by the leader of the pack - about Buttface or her murdered siblings, her mother might be chased out, or killed. And then, what if the pack decided she wasn’t good anymore, either? Surely they would be mistaken, but Princess didn’t know the leaders of the pack, except for Cmwfen, who wasn’t actually the leader. She didn’t know how they would take to the daughter of a puppy-killer.

The only thing that came to mind was to disagree, but refuse to explain. Was she allowed, she wondered, to say that she wasn’t allowed to talk about it? It didn’t seem like it would cause all that much harm to do so. “Nuh-uhn! I have to seen stuff like that. Puppies, too. Three of them, all very little. But I’m not supposed to talk about it, because it’s upsetting,” she added, deciding that it was a decent enough reason not to explain further. She then paused to consider her tone, and then using a tone more like the one she’d been using before when she was trying to be kinder, she continued. “Who was it that died? Do you miss them terribly?” Princess wasn’t sure if she missed her three siblings, as she hadn’t known them long. They had been unnamed in her mind for so long, and she didn’t even know if they had been brothers, sisters, or a combination of sorts. Maybe she couldn’t miss them, if she barely knew who they were.

Avarice must have been her sister, and recalling Alexey’s telling of the puppy having been attacked by the puppy-eating monster, it didn’t surprise her that Catalyst would mention him. “I did want to ask them a question about any puppies they know outside the pack, but I shouldn’t, so I guess I was going to say hi.” Truth be told, she didn’t know what she had been planning on saying to any of those puppies, now that she was forbidden to ask. “Conor’s mean? Would he be mean to someone with a. . . Weird name, if he met him, even if the puppy with the weird name might be older?” Princess didn’t know how old Conor was, and she didn’t even know if Buttface was in the area, but she felt it was important to ask anyway, so she could rightfully hate Conor without meeting him. Catalyst seemed like she knew what she meant when she said he was mean, and if it meant she might end up with a friend in the pack, Princess was more than willing to take her word for it.


- Catalyst de Sadira - 06-18-2009


Apologies for the wait, back from absence! What song are you referring to? WotD: Prescience 500+

          If only an event such as what happened with the reuniting of Princess and Tokyo could happen with Catalyst, life would be great. The ivory girl would come to know with maturity and time that she wouldn't feel the same about that down the road, but for now, all she longed for was something of an indicator from her mother. The prescience in this case was all too predictable. Whether it was to just stop by and say hello again, just to know that her mother was indeed well. Catalyst was trying so hard to not be selfish about things, that probably her mother was off pursuing greater achievements for the sake of Catalyst and her siblings (after all, that's what Cwmfen told Catalyst; her mother had left them for the fact she was doing other things that needed to be done). Still, however, Catalyst didn't understand, and never would.

          Listening that Princess did have a similar experience like Catalyst, except that it was in the instance of three puppies instead of adults, Catalyst shuddered at the idea of seeing a puppy in the jaws of that black eyed demon. That would have been traumatizing, even more so than what happened to Ril'o. Thinking about it would only make the child more uneasy and on edge, so taking a very deep swallow, she pushed those poisonous thoughts from mind. However, what happened to the three puppies that Princess spoke of was just as unsettling. "Was... was it a... monster puppy eater that got'em?" Catalyst just had to ask that question, for in her world, monster puppy eaters really did seem like real life creatures that existed and preyed upon puppies like wolves preyed upon deer. At the inquiry of who it was exactly that perished before her eyes, Catalyst couldn't help but blink her weary eyes, at first afraid to mention the name of the deceased adult. "Ril'o." She stated, blatantly and a little empty. Never got a chance to say his name himself to me... As far as missing him, Catalyst shook her head indignantly. "N-No. I... didn' know him." Which was the worst part; how he was only a mere stranger, but at the same time, he did hold somewhat significance in his presence, whether he was a pack mate or border patrol. He was somebody, somebody that was now forever gone.

          Her tiny ivory brows furrowed at her comment made about her name. "M' name's not weird." She said justifiably, even though sometimes Catalyst did indeed think of her name as weird. If anything, Catalyst thought how it was weird for anyone to be named Princess, even when they didn't hold that classical title as one. Besides the fact of names, however, Catalyst went on to explain about Conor and his meanness. "I don' know. Somethin' 'bout losing his mommy too. He was upset tha' day... an'... he wasn' right to do wha' he did to me. Hit me right in th' chest with his head..." A deep exhale was given, feeling that sinking blow made to her chest like it was just yesterday.


- Princess Chance - 06-18-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... tablep.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:409px; border:1px #258BA4 solid; font-size: 10px;">

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Honestly, I don't remember. . . XD But welcome back! 570 words.

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Shaking her head fervently, Princess knew she was going to regret having mentioned it to Catalyst. If she didn’t explain further, then Catalyst might jump back on her with the “my life is worse” war, and then the two of them probably would keep at it for hours. Princess knew that situation only too well; she’d had many arguments over such a thing. “It wasn’t a monster or nothing. . . But you have to promise not to tell. You have to promise. Otherwise, I’m gonna get into big trouble for saying it,” she explained, truly afraid for herself, and also afraid for her mother. Tokyo’s warning rang clear in her head, but Princess thought she might be able to trust Catalyst enough to tell her this one secret. Equally, Catalyst had told her about Ril’o and Conor, but Princess didn’t know if she was forbidden to bring it up. The idea was unlikely, but she still felt that Catalyst could be trusted with this secret. Maybe they were going to be friends.

“It wasn’t a puppy-eating monster,” she repeated quietly, almost trying to convince herself of the fact that her mother wasn’t a monster. “It was my mother, when we were little puppies. There were five of us, but then there was only me and my brother. But, please don’t tell anyone! My mother said she could get hurt by the pack if they found out, even though it wasn’t here. And she doesn’t want anyone to know. . . Please don’t tell,” she begged. She didn’t want to lose her mother again, but feared that she might, if Catalyst told anyone. It was unlikely that Cmwfen and the other leaders would be happy to know that they had a puppy-killer in their pack, especially one that had killed her own puppies. Despite the fact that the murders were not in the pack lands, or even the general area around the pack, and the fact that they were so long since past, Princess was afraid to lose her mother. Tokyo was a prominent, and yet scary, figure in her life.

“I’m sorry you had to see that. . . Was Ril’o nice, do you know?” The nice never deserved to die, especially at the hand’s of a black-eyed monster, like Catalyst had described. Indignation flared at the pup’s next words. She had never said that Catalyst had a weird name! It was kind of weird, but she couldn’t judge such a thing, since her brother had the strangest name she had ever heard before. “I was talking about my brother. He’s got a really weird name, and he might have tried to follow me here.” Her eyes widened with what seemed to be panic. “Oh! Don’t mention him, either, ‘cause my momma will be angry, and she might do something bad. . . He deserved her being mean to him. She says he did.” She almost believed her own words - almost, but not completely. “But, yeah. . . ‘Lexey said he’d been out of the pack lands, so I wanted to know if he would be mean to someone with a weird name, just incase he met my brother.” She didn’t care that Conor had lost his mom, too. It seemed like they all had, at one point or another. Princess only wanted reassurance that he would be nice to Buttface if they were to have ever met.


- Catalyst de Sadira - 06-18-2009


Thanks. (: 500+

          So if it wasn't a monster puppy eater, than what was it? Certainly more serious than any puppy hunter out there, at least from how Princess was making it sound. For once did Catalyst's interest be diverted to something else other than the miseries that were consuming her little life at this point; thin triangular ears perking forward, catching every genuine word that left the tawny juvenile's maw. Apparently it was serious enough to where Catalyst had to promise to not say a word about it ever again, and knowing Catalyst and how she certainly liked knowing in on secrets and other unknown things, eager nodded her promise. "Promise." She then said, blinking and straightening up upon herself, prepared to hear what Princess had to say about the fates of the three puppies.

          Listening acutely, Catalyst was surprised to hear that the incident regarding the three puppies revolved around Princess's mother. Instantly did her maw fall agape, shocked to hear that a mother would commit such a crime to her own puppies. Well, Catalyst then again wasn't a stranger to such an action. Her own mother nearly slashed the eye right out of her sister, Catharsis's, eye socket. Her mother didn't necessarily favor Catharsis as much as she did Catalyst (in which Catalyst would always use that fact to get the upper paw in things), but mother never went as far as what happened. Hearing that from Princess, that actually made a silent prayer of relief be whispered in Catalyst's mind. Thank the heavens that Anyanka was sane enough to know she was not suitable for her own children, and dropped them into the care of Cercelee before anything drastic such as what happened with Princess's siblings could happen. "Really?!" Was her excited response all of a sudden, but kept almost in a whisper as low as how Princess explained it. "But... but why? Did your mommy not like your brothers an' sisters?" Maybe it was for a similar reason that Anka tried to slash Catharsis's eye open, but who knew. At Princess's frantic pleading of not to say a word, Catalyst nodded tepidly. "I won'." Although such a terrible thing would be interesting to tell to her siblings, a promise was a promise.

          Coming back to Ril'o, unfortunately Catalyst didn't know much about him. "I don' know. I met him once by a house with a strange lookin' creature, it wasn' a wolf, but somethin' else... didn' really talk to him." It had been a damn hassle to keep bay of that hysteria coyote pup, and Catalyst was better not to remember that incident. She wished she could have known more about the late patrol wolf, however. Finding out that Princess had actually been referring to her brother, Catalyst kind of felt silly for making a mini fit about it, but brushed it off. She was surprised to hear once again yet another thing that couldn't be mentioned, this time her brother. It made her wonder why Princess's brother deserved punishment; it slightly confused her. "So wha's your brother's name then if it's so weird?" If it was really that weird, Catalyst was curious to know how weird a name could be.


- Princess Chance - 06-19-2009

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397 words.

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She shrugged, unsure of how to explain it. Tokyo had told her, of course, why she had done what she had done. It was because of that stupid boy, Champ, that had left Tokyo when she had become pregnant. Princess had not understood her mother’s explanation, however. How would killing her children make Champ come back? It made little sense, but she thought it was an acceptable answer, since her mother did so enjoy drama, and maybe there had been more to her friendship with Champ than she knew about. “It’s ‘cause she had this friend, but when he found out she was going to have puppies, he ran away from her, and I guess she was angry, ‘cause we made him go away. But me and my brother, we escaped when she did it, and then we ran away together a couple months later, when we were older,” she explained, enjoying telling her story. It seemed like Catalyst was focused entirely on her, and Princess certainly did enjoy being the center of attention. She liked feeling important, and she liked being listened to.

Shifting her weight from either paw, Princess nodded acceptingly. “Good. I’m glad, ‘cause she would get mad, and to be honest. . . I’m kind of afraid of her.” To vocally admit her fear of her mother - not for her mother, but of her mother - did make her sad, but she felt a little better, having said it aloud to someone. It was not something she wanted to get back to Tokyo, but it was the truth. Her mother had killed three helpless pups, and abused another. If she found out Princess was talking about things she had been forbidden to mention, what would she do? Even though Princess had always been her favorite, the young female didn’t believe that Tokyo would just accept it and smile. “If you laugh at his name, I’ll beat you up,” she warned, although it was, basically, an empty threat. She had never actually beaten someone up over her brother’s name, but she had bitten someone over it, so that counted, didn’t it? “My brother’s name is Buttface. . . My mom didn’t like him much, ‘cause he apparently looks like our dad, and she wasn’t nice, either.” Tokyo was far from mature, especially considering the unfortunate names she had given both of her children.


- Catalyst de Sadira - 06-22-2009



          Princess’s story was certainly engaging, as Catalyst temporarily forgot about the misery that was her focus for nearly a couple of days now (well, it wasn’t entirely gone, but at least Princess’s story gave her something else to think about in the meanwhile, which was refreshing in itself). Catalyst thought of Princess and her brother very fortunate to have escaped when they did, for a second trying to put herself in Princess’s place at knowing the fact that her own mother was a murderer of her siblings. Catalyst simply wouldn’t know how to react or what to think about that if that happened to her. Catalyst had witnessed her mother, Anyanka, attempt to gouge out one of Catharsis’s eyes, but it didn’t seem as grueling as what happened to Princess’s deceased siblings. Inclining her head to the side in though, now that Princess’s mother was back, wasn’t she afraid that her mother might do the same to her now that they’re reunited. The ivory girl had nodded, understanding what Princess told her, but it bode her to ask that question that rose in her mind. ”Aren’t you’s… scared tha’ your mommy might try an’ hurt you’s this time?” It was an inquiry worth considering; however, Catalyst didn’t know the relationship between Princess’s mother and Princess, so maybe it wasn’t as so bad as it was previously with her siblings that were murdered. Still, putting herself in Princess’s place once again, Catalyst didn’t think she’d able to trust any relative if any of her siblings were picked off. Family blood and bonds were a big deal to Catalyst, and even in the smallest incident (taking Avarice almost eaten by the puppy eater), anything related to family was serious business to the dual eyed girl.
          Apparently Princess was afraid of her mother, and Catalyst simply wouldn’t blame her for what was told. To be living in fear out of a family member, even someone who was a guardian, that didn’t seem like the good life for any puppy. For a moment Catalyst actually felt a little bad for Princess, considering those very conditions she had to live with. Then again, it also taught Catalyst an important lesson in itself: basically everyone had some sort of problems, that there were considerably worse things that happened out there every day. Catalyst thought her mother’s abandonment was bad, but a mother who killed her own puppies? Yeah, that was pretty intense in itself. Catalyst had not had the opportunity to meet Princess’s mother (and would in a week’s time), but Catalyst would be sure to keep her guard up. It was all in her head to not fear anyone, whether it was pup or adult, but it was indeed correct that Princess’s mom did sound scary, and would have to remember that.
          At the mention of getting beat up at her brother’s name, Catalyst scoffed. Beat the guardian’s puppy up? Like said, Princess could easily do what she wanted with Catalyst due to her age and size, but granted that Catalyst could certainly put up a fight to the bitter end, but at the moment it simply wasn’t about fighting or anything of the such. Catalyst was too enthralled in Princess’s story to even care, and when she said his name was Buttface, it was too hard for Catalyst to keep a very wide grin forming on her tiny muzzle, a grin that had not showed on her china doll façade since the murder of Ril’o. Come on, how can a puppy not think of that as a funny, weird name?! But Catalyst tried to stifle a giggle, and also incline her head once again. Yeah, that was the weirdest name Catalyst heard for a puppy, but also unfortunate for Buttface’s situation. Poor Buttface. ”Tha’s… really weird an’ funny. So you’s think your brother is ‘round here in Dahlia now t’ follow you’s?” It would be too hard of a thing to not remember a name such as Buttface, but Catalyst had not seen any other pups around other than her own siblings and Conor.


- Princess Chance - 06-25-2009

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Do we want to wrap this up relatively soon, maybe a few more posts? 422 words.

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It felt amazing to share her secrets with someone, and the fact that the story seemed to keep Catalyst’s attention very well was a very big perk. Princess loved being the center of attention - to have everyone looking at her was the perfect situation, in her eyes. The truth was that she was very afraid of her mother, but she did not actually expect that Tokyo would get violent with her, unless Catalyst actually told someone everything she had just promised not to tell. Princess did trust the little pup with the strange eyes to keep her secret, because after all, a promise was a promise, but there was no harm in reiterating the need to keep it a secret. “I don’t think she’d do anything to me, unless she found out that I told you all of this stuff. I’m her favorite,” she added by way of explanation. Granted, after Tokyo had killed off three of her children it had only left two for her to have a favorite from, but Princess was definitely the favorite. Buttface had been hated incredibly, it seemed, meaning that Princess had the love for the favorite, and extra love that should have gone to the one that wasn’t the favorite.

The pup’s grin and the words that accompanied it received an angry glare from Princess in return. Yes, I think he’s going to be around here somewhere. Not in Dahlia, but maybe near it. And I told you not to laugh!” she barked, deciding that laughing was the same as mocking, which was obviously the same as commenting on his name being weird. Princess knew it was a terrible name, and if it had been anyone but her own brother, she would have openly laughed at the name as well. However, it was her brother, and he did not deserve such a terrible name, nor did he deserve the terrible treatment that went along with the god-awful name. Tokyo had been terrible in naming him as she had, and then treating him like he was no better than - or maybe even worse than - the very dirt and rocks beneath her pretty little paws. Tokyo was an unpleasant woman, Princess knew for a fact. Everyone thought she was so damn amazing, and unfortunately, even Princess found herself holding her mother in complete reverence. It was only when she thought of her brother and their mother’s treatment of him that she found herself thinking clearly about how terrible Tokyo had been, and was still.


- Catalyst de Sadira - 06-29-2009


Sure thing. 500+

          Princess spoke confident enough to where she didn't suspect her mother would be any real threat to her, given that none of this information told to Catalyst would be relayed in any sense. How could one be sure, though, that word wouldn't get out? Catalyst promised to keep her mouth shut about it, but what if there was another way of finding this out? It reminded Catalyst how she had been the favorite among her own siblings, and how herself and her sister Catharsis (which was basically her opposite and clone, in a strange sense) had been the two battling siblings ever since they were born. Catalyst knew already how much their mother adored her, and it was obvious that Anyanka made a strike to Catharsis's eye, showing that there was some resentment, regret, and other psychological similar problems with Catharsis. Catalyst knew what it felt like to be the favorite out of the bunch, and in a sense it was easy to relate to Princess right there. "Me too. Mommy didn' like my sister Catharsis, she has an "evil eye". To tell you's the truth..." Catalyst trailed off, lowering her own voice to a whisper as to not let any eavesdroppers listen in on them. "...my mommy was sorta th' same. She tried to slash Cath's eye out 'cause it reminded her of a family member she didn' like... she almost hurt Cath really bad." And the ivory girl dipped her muzzle in a sincere nod. It wasn't as bad as death, but close enough. It was a little along the same topic as being something that should be unspoken amongst strangers and outsiders, but at this point, seeing as how Anyanka wasn't to return anytime soon (or really at all), it didn't matter what secrets were to be let out or kept under wraps.

          So, Buttface was somewhere around 'Souls. Catalyst would have to keep her dual eyes peeled for such a sight (and a name) if she happened to come across it at anytime soon, though it might be unlikely at this time (due to the fact that after the death of Ril'o, Catalyst probably wouldn't be venturing toward the borders of Dahlia for another couple weeks, maybe even a month or so, in fear of the black eyed demon that lingered there). When Princess barked abruptly, seeing as how Catalyst did make an amusing pass at his name, well, she couldn't help it once again. "'m not goin' near those borders 'gain, not anytime soon, no way! But... I don' know... maybe i'll tell you sometime if I see him." Was really the only thing Catalyst could say or offer at this point, since putting her own paws in Princess's place for a second, Catalyst would appreciate it if someone else notified about the whereabouts of her own siblings if they were missing or perhaps near.


- Princess Chance - 07-03-2009

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501 words.

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Catalyst’s story was similar, although nearly not as dramatic (in the eyes of your ever-so-humble Princess Chance), but all the same, the girl lowered her eyes to display her dismay at the act of a mother, if she could really be called one. Catalyst’s mother had abandoned her, and had tried to rip out her sister’s eye? That was just terrible. What kind of mother could take away any chance of beauty in one of her daughters? Despicable. That was the only word that Princess could think of in relation to Catalyst’s mother. Admittedly, the word could also be applicable to Tokyo, but there was very little chance that the girl would actually admit this wretched word to anyone. And really, the word was just too ugly to be used in regards to Tokyo. “That’s a silly reason to try and take your sister’s eye out. Just as silly as my mom’s reason to not like my brother, ‘cause he looks like our dad. How come moms can be so stupid sometimes?” she asked, her tone hushed on the off chance that Tokyo might be lurking nearby. She had already said too much, and if Tokyo ever found out, she’d be angry. But she’d be even angrier to find out that Princess had called her stupid, the girl suspected.

Nodding her agreement, Princess tried to be sympathetic toward the younger pup. She supposed she could understand why Catalyst would not want to go near the borders again, but she had been holding out hope that the girl with the different eyes would be one to break the “stay in the pack lands” rule “because of the dangers outside.” If Catalyst had been one to do that, Princess would have had another person keeping an eye out for Buttface. She wasn’t so badly disillusioned that she thought that her brother would actually try to join Dahlia de Mai; she knew that he did not want to have contact with Tokyo again, ever. But she did suspect that he would try to seek her out again, as they had been incredibly close, once upon a time. “I would really appreciate that, if you could. Maybe one of your brothers or sisters will see him, and you could tell them to let me know? Or Emwe or Conor, if you ever talk to them, even though Conor was mean to you.” She felt she might be treading on thin ice, mentioning Conor once more, since Catalyst did not seem to have a very high opinion of him. However, as she stood and stretched her legs out, she thought it was worth the effort. And what was she supposed to do now? Princess was not particularly good at the effort of closing conversations. She usually just left after she got what she wanted (or was scolded, as was often the case). Was she allowed to just walk away this time, since she actually liked Catalyst, or did she have to do or say something else?


- Catalyst de Sadira - 07-20-2009


Shit, apologies for my delay on this. We can go ahead and end this here, with this being my last post. You're free to make one more post with Princess if you wish, or I can just archive it from here. Sorry, and thanks for threadding! 300

If there was one thing that the both of them had in common, it was indeed that both of them had very silly mothers who did silly, irrational things. There were some things within the world that were probably better off to be left unexplained, unspoken of. Catalyst would never find out the true reason why her own mother abandoned her and her siblings, and it would simply be something that would be geared toward acceptance with a bitter remorse for the past. Nothing could be done at this point, not for the both of them. Perhaps Princess's mother might have had a second chance on turning things around for the better, but as far as Catalyst, not a chance. Not ever again. "I don' know. Guess I don' even want to know sometimes too..." She trailed off, a light shrug accompaining her shoulders.
Catalyst gave a simple nod of Princess's request, and that was it. Her current mindset was too wracked upon the way that her mother left her and the topics the two young females engaged in with their mothers to really have any input into anything else. Her mind was entering that horrible state of dismay, fogged with emotions and onslaught of memories that only made the reveries worse to think about. Catalyst could feel fresh tears prickling in the back of her dual hued eyes, and it signaled that it was time to go before she made a scene and their mutual grounds would be ruined by her outlandish emotions. "I've... i've got to go now. Bye." Her departure was quick and hurried, giving one final head nod before descending away to wallow in her self misery of pitiful thoughts about the past.
