'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
you can sing along - Printable Version

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- Icarus Phoenix - 12-31-2007


For Glider and any of the other Phoenix pups if they want to join in. Big Grin

indent "So, Glider, huh? Well, d’you wanna go and play outside? We can go play in the snows. Oh, and, and! Mebbe we can see Pilot. He promised me that he was gonna give me a piercing just like his. Mebbe he’ll give you one too, if yah want." Icarus was wiggling his little back end by the entrance of their family den, excited at the prospect of having a new sibling. Sure, it didn’t replace the fact that Firefly was gone. But it was an interesting new face. Dad had just brought Glider home the night before, and they didn’t really have much time to play. But the day was young, and they would still have plenty of time before Icarus’ curfew was imposed.

indent The chocolate brown Phoenix whelp leapt out the entrance of the den and bounded a few feet in the snow. "Come on, Glider! We can build a snow wolf!" He was eager to teach his new sibling all the ins and outs of Storm. Maybe he would even come with him to Clouded Tears and the other lands of Bleeding Souls.


- Glider - 01-01-2008

The young boy hadn't been sure what to think when Phoenix had taken him home, but it had been a pleasant experience. None of his new family had tried to force him to submit, or been mean to him, or any of the other things he had anticipated. It had been a very ... nice sort of meeting, actually. And after the initial introduction, he had promptly fell asleep, full of rabbit and happy dreams that he forgot when he woke up. The next surprising thing for him was that he wasn't ignored. First thing it seemed, one of his new brothers, Icarus, he thought, was already ready to play with him. Weird, because he was a runt, not worth such a big pup's playtime!

His ears pricked eagerly as the older boy spoke. "Piwot?" He inquired, tilting his head with a puzzled look in his eyes. It might have been one of the siblings, but he didn't think so. There had been so many, though, that it wouldn't have surprised him to discover it was. "Wass'a snow wuff?" Glider asked a lot of questions, because he was endlessly curious, and also because so much was new to him.[/html]

- Icarus Phoenix - 01-01-2008


indent "Yeah, Pilot. He’s uh big white wolf that lives here in Storm with Dierdre. You’ll meet ‘em soon, I’m sure. They’re both really nice and they like to look after us pups a lot. Mebbe we can stop by their den later today or somethin’." He sniffed at the snow before looking back towards Glider. Had his new sibling never built a snow wolf before? How sad! It was one of Icarus’ favorite past times now that ground was almost always littered in the white glitter. Though, the sun tended to melt them and their faces and tails would start to wear away to nothing.

indent "Yeah, uh snow wolf! They’re so much fun tah do! You just pack tah snow together and make big wolfs!" Icarus flopped onto his belly, both of his forearms stretched out in front of him. With his paws, he scooped some of the snow and started to try and form it into a little ball. "I’ll make tah head, if yah wanna try starting the tail or somefin."


- Glider - 01-01-2008

The younger boy twisted his ears back, anticipating frustration from the older male for his questions, but received none. His silver-blue eyes darted sideways to look at Icarus, watching the words as they were spoken. "Ohs." Was his simple reply to the explanation of who Pilot was. He wondered if that made Dierdre and Pilot their aunt and uncle. Because Aunt and Uncle were always the ones who watched them back home. Instead of asking, though, Glide merely assumed they were. Too many questions would result in boxed ears, he knew from past experience. Though so far, past experiences had not guided the cub's way all that well.

When they got out into the snow, he noticed how cold it was under his paws. Of course he had known that before, but the warmth of the den had made him forget. Still, he wasn't going to be cold forever, which was what had happened last time. There was a warm den that he could easily return to as soon as he wanted to. Assuming everyone didn't pack up and leave like they had before. Eager charcoal ears pricked to hear further explanation, this time about snow wolves. Bobbing his head to affirm that he would do as he was told, Glider lowered his muzzle to poke at the snow with his nose. Nudging the snow with both one forepaw and his muzzle, he gathered it into a pile. Then, with a glance at what Icarus was doing to make the head, he started to pack it together. In the end, it looked rather lopsided and awkward, but somewhat like a tail nonetheless.

"Yike dis?" He inquired, looking hopefully over at the older boy. Tentative, because he was still waiting for a harsh paw to fall.[/html]

- Icarus Phoenix - 01-02-2008


indent When he got older things such as making snow wolves would become a lot easier. As it was, Icarus didn’t yet have the ability to shift into his Luperci form. If he could, well then, it would make much of his youthful adventures a lot easier to carry out. By the time he could actually make a decent looking snow wolf, he would probably be too old to even want to attempt it. Assuming, that was, if he lost his creative imagination.

indent For the body, Icarus would just pile up a low square of snow on the ground. He couldn’t really maneuver it enough to create an actual body with legs. This was close enough for him. The head and tail, however, were necessary. Without them, the snow just looked like stumpy blocks. Icarus looked up at the sound of his new sibling's voice and a small smile appeared. Not back for a rookie. He looked back to his own ball of snow and nodded to himself. With a small swipe of one paw, he created a smile and two eyes for the head. "Sure, now we has to make the body. You can help me if you wan’."

indent Icarus set the head aside, being sure to move away from it so that he didn’t accidentally crush it. Then, the boy plopped down on his behind and began to swoop the snow into a small pile. "Tah do the body, we gots to make a big pile of snow. Then we can add tah head an’ tail."


- Glider - 01-03-2008

Glider was hesitant, uncertain, as he waited for the other boy's response. If it ended with a smack of the paw, he wouldn't be surprised, his snow tail was pretty pitiful as near as he could tell. Definitely no tail he had ever seen was so mishapen. He lowered his ears and turned his head slightly to the side as Icarus started to speak ... and said that it was fine. The charcoal pup tilted his head, narrowing one eye to peer at Icarus confusedly. Surely what he had done was not acceptable. He had expected the older cub to at least roll his eyes, but there was no unkindness at all. The cub was honestly not sure how to react.

Until he was told he could help make the body. Then his lips curled into a smile and his tail wagged uncertainly for a moment, before he bounded forward to start eagerly nudging snow with his nose, then his forepaws, to try and gather it up for the body. He really hadn't done bad! Seriously, Icarus wasn't mad. Oh good! He was glad. Because he had really not wanted to get kicked out of his new home so soon after coming to it. It was so ... peaceful here, and he liked it better than either being ignored or punted about. It was far, far, preferable, and he never wanted to have to go back to where he was before.

Once he had a reasonable ball of snow, he nudged it with his muzzle toward Icarus, gathering a little bit more snow as he went, before pushing it to the older boy. Because they had to make one big pile, so this was the best way to compile it, he thought. He glanced at the older wolf, before lowering his muzzle to make more small balls of his own that could be compacted with those that Icarus made to make a big body.[/html]

- Icarus Phoenix - 01-17-2008


indent The two boys sat there in almost complete silence, despite the sounds of the nature surrounding them, the howl of the slight wind, and the patting of their paws and noses in the snow. He was impressed at how quickly his new brother was catching onto this snow wolf thing. A grin appeared on his face a refused to fade. He nudged his snow piles together with Glider’s and packed them together to form a decent sized body.

indent "There! We did it!" He looked to his brother with a reassuring grin, accompanied by a wagging tail. "Now we hasta put the tail an’ head on it. Get yah tail!" Icarus moved over to where he had safely placed the head he made, and gently grabbed it in his jaw. He settled next to the pile of snow they had declared the body and set the head on one end of it. Sure, it was a rather crude looking wolf, but it was pretty good for two whelps trapped in the less maneuverable lupus form.

indent Taking extra snow from the littered ground around the, Icarus tried to repair the teeth marks in the snow head. His jaws had caused an ear to fall off as well, and he couldn’t seem to get it back on. He looked over towards Glider and his snow tail. "How’s it comin’, brother?"
