'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
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- Enigma de le Poer - 06-07-2009

Enigma de le Poer had set off that day to wander the territories outside the packlands, his choice to investigate hadn't seemed to promising for there was nothing but sand and dirt for miles. He was really beginning to think that he'd come to the boneyards or something. He could almost imagine just a few feet below his paws there to be shallow graves filled with the headless enemies of the clan. His dark hued eyes scanned the lands as he tried to find something in the void to entertain him on the long trek across the desertlike shores of the bay.

He could understand atleast why they called it the wastelands now as he picked up a small handful of pebbles and began to idly frisk them across the sands, the small clatter and clank as they met other rocks or pieces of wood one of the few sounds to reach his ears. The rush of the waters to the shore would normally have been enough company for the boy but he was growing restless and was looking for something to ease his mind. So far all he'd found was sand and more sand. He was tempted to turn about and see what the other side of the clan's lands held, hopefully it was more entertaining than what he'd found so far.