'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
cry me a river - Printable Version

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- Firefly Sadira - 06-08-2009

(ooc, set for later date or whatever.. after Enigma thread?)

Firefly had spent much time down on the docks trying to gather as much rope as she could. She had a mission to do and she was going to get to the bottom of the grotto without risking her life. She'd begun to make a ladder with the old dock ropes, twining and twisting the ropes into stronger braids as she sat atop the dune watching over the lands they'd recently gathered as their own. She'd gained quite a few yards of the ladder but knew that there was going to be quite a bit of work ahead of her. The woman of gold was determined to make this work but she wasn't quite sure how that was going to happen yet, like everything else she was going to just have to hope that things turned out her way, they normally did. Until recently that was.

She tossed down the ropes as she wrung out her fingers and hands. The pain in her limbs was almost enough for her to give up but right now there wasn't much she could do but keep busy until all hell broke lose. That normally didn't take too long, inside or outside of the pack there was always something going down, she just had to be patient enough to wait and see just what the hell it was going to be this time. She knew that if Haku took a wrong step and she was ready that he would find himself paying for every mistake and every cruel notion he'd ever had against those she cared for. She narrowed her eyes as a growl rose from her throat. He would pay, she would make certain.

- Leroy - 06-08-2009

[html]<style type="text/css">.february24leroy b {color:#abb291;} .february24leroy a {color:#abb291; font:9pt Georgia;} .february24leroy a:hover {color:#fff;}</style>
http://sixpop.com/files/402/february24% ... 20prof.png) bottom no-repeat #434038; color:#898883; font:9pt Georgia; line-height:1.1em; padding:1.0em; padding-bottom:21.0em; text-align:justify;">
[ooc; sorry is short and crappy ^^']

Leroy hasn't spent much time near the beach lately, though after spending much time working on the house and his talk with Jac it was time for a break. The wind on the beach was strong but it felt nice on his dark coat, the strong smell of the water being thrown into the air. Curly tail was behind his form as his paws sank into the sand, barely leaving behind paw prints to trace. Ears flickered at the sounds ahead of him, the waves that crashed along with the birds that was looking for food. He also heard something else with the scent of Firefly. Rising a brow the patterned husky walked further on the beach his rose eyes caught sight of his golden friend, he wasn't sure what she was making but he slowly made his way over as his voice rose form his throat as he neared her dune. "You look rather busy.." Hind legs recoiled to a sit some feet from her side.


- Firefly Sadira - 06-09-2009

Firefly hasn't expected company but she knew that in time they would find her, they always did. It possibly had something to do with the fact that each and everyone of them knew that she was a firecracker ready to go off and once her temper got the best of her they would all be involved. Better to keep a watch on the loose cannon then have to clean up the mess afterward. She really didn't care either way but she found herself with a lot more company lately than she'd had in a long while, oddly enough it didn't make her as grumpy and snippy as it use to.

She flicked her eyes over to where Leroy had sat down as she finished the last knot on another rung in the ladder. She dropped the heavy mass of rope as she grinned. "Keeping myself out of trouble.. or preparing to get myself into some.. take your pick." She was going to get down into that cave oneway or another, this way could atleast keep her from killing herself. Maybe she'd invite one of the other packmates along for the adventure.. to make sure she came out of the mess alive.

- Leroy - 06-10-2009

[html]<style type="text/css">.february24leroy b {color:#abb291;} .february24leroy a {color:#abb291; font:9pt Georgia;} .february24leroy a:hover {color:#fff;}</style>
http://sixpop.com/files/402/february24% ... 20prof.png) bottom no-repeat #434038; color:#898883; font:9pt Georgia; line-height:1.1em; padding:1.0em; padding-bottom:21.0em; text-align:justify;">
[ooc; ...]

Leroy couldn't help but grin back as his eyes glanced at the mass of rope, there was alot that she has done herself and he had to give it to her for that. Ears flickered as he shifted, he has been staying in his halfling form alot lately and it felt nice change. Long strong arms sat on his knees lazily as his head watched the female beside him, ears leaned with the sound of the rope hitting the ground as his deep rube eyes looked back up at the woman. He was well aware she was close to Svara, though Leroy and her haven't really gotten much time to meet one another on better terms. A sudden thought about when they found Svara entered his head, he probably shouldn't have snapped at her, but he won't say sorry for the fact he believed he did the right thing.

His voice was deep and rough as it left his lips,"Maybe it's a bit of both. If you know its coming you can keep yourself out of it, or dive head first.". Clawed hand reached back to scratch at his neck before he spoke again. "What exactly is your goal with this ladder, I mean what is it that you are trying to reach? " Black and white body rested on the dune as his sway sat relaxed behind him.


- Firefly Sadira - 06-13-2009

Firefly normally held grudges for a long time but once they'd been removed from the pack she'd realized that those close to her she couldn't stay mad with or they'd never get anything done within the packlands. She played with the end of one rope as she glanced over to Leroy, wondering if Svara had realized who the male was on her own yet or if Leroy was still playing as though he was just a close friend. She dropped the rope as she spoke softly. "You.. should have told her you know.." She knew that it had been hard on Svara to not know who she was but it had to be hard on Leroy as well, not being able to be as close to the woman as they actually were. She knew it was just her opinion but she had the right to say it anyways.

She gave a soft fluttering sight as she turned away from her words and fiddled with the ladder again as Leroy seemed to decide to examine the creation. When he asked just what she was attempting she grinned and chuckled. "I'm trying to get down there.. without getting killed.." The words spoken as she glanced down over the ledge and towards the open mouth of the cave where waters crashed and rolled. "Of course.. I have to wait til the tides turn anyways.." She shrugged and glanced over to Leroy, "Why, you wanna go too?" A wicked grin played across her lips, knowing that they had no knowledge of what they would find down below.

- Leroy - 06-14-2009

[html]<style type="text/css">.february24leroy b {color:#abb291;} .february24leroy a {color:#abb291; font:9pt Georgia;} .february24leroy a:hover {color:#fff;}</style>
http://sixpop.com/files/402/february24% ... 20prof.png) bottom no-repeat #434038; color:#898883; font:9pt Georgia; line-height:1.1em; padding:1.0em; padding-bottom:21.0em; text-align:justify;">
[ooc; this can be after their break up]

Blinking his red eyes looked over at the golden woman's form. Ears turned on the top of Leroy's head as they moved to her words, he knew he should have though Leroy couldn't bring himself to say anything. Fingers pushed themselves through his short spiky hair as he spoke to Firefly, and the patterned male wasn't sure if she was aware of the fact that Svara and him were no longer together.Yea, I know.. but I just couldn't tell her about me. Though she remembers everything now so it doesn't seem to matter now." His silk voice was calm as it left his lips with his hand returned to it's resting spot on his knee, looking out at the water he glanced over to watch her fiddle with the rope. He was feeling over curious today, maybe that was a good thing.

Listening to Firefly talk it brought a grin to the husky's maw, an challenge to the cave below. Leroy followed her eyes to the mouth of the cave and her invitational only added to his spark of interest, maybe this wasn't relaxing but since him and Svara ended their mateship on good terms he has being looking towards interesting things. Looking back at Firefly Leroy had a smirk of his own. "Hell yea I wanna go, can't let you go poking around in caves having all the fun." Looking at the rope Leroy wasn't sure how much rope that would need to reach the cave, though with the time it will take for the tide to go out they can get all they need. "How much more rope are you going to need, cause I got a few cable at my work site."


- Firefly Sadira - 07-01-2009

Firefly glanced back to Leroy as he seemed to go on not believing that there was ways that they could fix their issues. She paused a moment and raised a brow at the male as though there was something seriously wrong with him. She shook her head and just said matter-of-factly. "Things will change, you'll see.." She didn't really know that the two actually had called it quits but she tended to try and keep out of everyone's love life since her own had gone for such a horrible twist so quickly. She wrinkled her nose at the thought and finished tying another knot in the rope before glancing back to Leroy. "Besides, making up is the fun part." She was horrible, yes she was.

She really had a large pile of rope ladder already and was thinking that it was long enough to reach the entrance to the cave but she wasn't so certain about the winds along the cliff or what they might find once they reached the mouth of the cave. She knew that the tides were residing and that if she hurried and finished the last few feet of the ladder that she could try and reach the bottom today. She grinned at the idea, almost forgetting that Leroy was there until he decided that he was going to join her on the expedition. She let a flashy grin split her maw as she chuckled. "Of course not.." She began to sort out the rope, showing the yards and yards she already had assembled as Leroy asked how much more they needed. She laughed softly as she shrugged. "I think we've actually almost got it here. The tide should be turning right now.. I'll just have to finish these last few feet.. if you want to see if the tide is off the entrance yet.." She hoped that they would have enough time to explore before the waters started back again. She knew time could fly if you weren't watching it.

- Leroy - 07-01-2009

[html]<style type="text/css">.february24leroy b {color:#abb291;} .february24leroy a {color:#abb291; font:9pt Georgia;} .february24leroy a:hover {color:#fff;}</style>
http://sixpop.com/files/402/february24% ... 20prof.png) bottom no-repeat #434038; color:#898883; font:9pt Georgia; line-height:1.1em; padding:1.0em; padding-bottom:21.0em; text-align:justify;">

The golden female's words made him blink before laughing, he wasn't sure how things would be but she was right about the making up part. The feeling of being a open male was nice, it was different from being Svara's mate though he does love her but at the moment he has the freedom of flirting with whom ever he pleases and more. Smiling his white grin the husky leaned forward as he watched her with a bit of excitement of his own, this might be the only positive thing besides finishing his house. Sadly Svara had welcomed the rooms to others as well which can become loud.

"few feet uh? hmm even if it don't touch the bottom we can drop down that much, plus jumping up wont be that hard either." Red eyes rose from her working hands to her own green eyes as his hands moved to his ear, pulling it down he gently scratched the back and rubbing it before letting it go. "right away madam." Leroy wasn't sure why he was excited but then again he he knew, searching into a cave with a friend it is a pleasant distraction. Smiling his devilish grin the black and white male jumped to his feet, spiky hair falling slightly over his eyes as his paws carried him to the edge.

Ruby eyes looked down at the moving water as it splashed against the earth, its white foam rolling over the waves. 'lets see where's the opening..' Watching the rhythm of the waves it one could see the tide going out, each breeze blowing the strong scent of salt into his senses. Ears turned on his head as Leroy lowered himself to a crouch as his clawed hands grabbed the ledge, leaning over Leroy could see the opening of the cave much better. Another grin pulled on his lips as his pulled himself back to his feet and turned around towards his golden female, tail swayed behind him as his voice spoke with handsome excitement."Waves are just under the cave opening,it seems like there is a little water still covering the floor but otherwise it's all clear."


- Firefly Sadira - 07-05-2009

When Leroy didn't go on about his relationship with Svara she stayed quiet as well there was no reason to beat the dead dog. She just turned to look at him when he laughed but just shook her head. She didn't know what was going on in his mind but she was afraid she didn't want to know either. Smiling slightly at the male she went back to trying to finish the rope ladder, no clue at how twisted and crazy the ideas in his mind were at this moment. She was quietly working on the rope as he went on about the idea of them climbing down. She smirked at his answer and raised a brow. "So there's no convincing you to turn back?" she asked in a teasing voice.

When he gave her the information on how far the tide was from the entrance to the cave below she smiled a grim little smile and quickly went to work to finish up the last of the rope ladder, knowing that if they didn't hurry they would miss their chance today to go down below. She let her eyes glance to the male as she worked on the last few knots, a trade she'd learn onboard the ships and actually hadn't lost in time. She gave a swift tug to the last knot and grinned over at Leroy. "You ready boy? Because I'll leave you behind if you're not.." she threatened as she threw the ladder towards Leroy and got up to stretch out finally, having spent a long day up on the cliffside.

- Leroy - 07-06-2009

[html]<style type="text/css">.february24leroy b {color:#abb291;} .february24leroy a {color:#abb291; font:9pt Georgia;} .february24leroy a:hover {color:#fff;}</style>
http://sixpop.com/files/402/february24% ... 20prof.png) bottom no-repeat #434038; color:#898883; font:9pt Georgia; line-height:1.1em; padding:1.0em; padding-bottom:21.0em; text-align:justify;">

Taking a deep breath Leroy enjoyed the smell of the sea air,maybe he did miss out by not sailing. Closing his rose eyes for a moment the tall man pull his arm over his shoulder, the action gave way to a relieving pop in his shoulder. Rolling his shoulder the patterned husky glanced up at Firefly who's comment moments before had made his ear turn. "Turn back? ha! This is the most excitement I've had in a while, so hell no." The handsome man had a smug smile but his voice was just as playful back, it would seem that he isn't the only one pumped.

Leroy was truly in a good mood today, red eyes watched her hands before he turned back towards the cliff. Another strong breeze made his black spiky air sway in a mess, moving all over above his bright eyes as the cold wind felt nice. The smell of salt made him smile pull on his lips to show his handsome grin. Ear's twisted at Firefly's voice, her words made his brow rise as he turned to face her when he seen -and heard- the rope fall at his feet. "Boy? Like fucking hell I'm staying behind, I'm the muscle in case there is something big and bad down there." His deep voice was playful and impatience but he settled as he looked at the ropes before glancing back, for the smallest of moments he took in her form before he spoke. "Come on, I don't want to have to carry you down!"

- Firefly Sadira - 07-07-2009

Firefly couldn't help but raise a brow as the husky mix seemed to decide that their adventure was the best thing yet. She gave him a small smile and warned. "Don't assume it's gonna be that thrilling Buster.." She sure didn't want to be to blame if there was nothing down there but a hole in the ground. She turned her eyes towards the sea, the sun that was resting low above the horizon made the area a golden crimson hue as she smiled to herself, not admitting it but just as ready for their little adventure.

She paused a second though as she realized that in preparing the rope ladder she'd nearly forgotten the torches that she'd prepared. Turning away from Leroy and walking a few yards away she collected the cloth cradle with the soaked unlit torches as she grinned, knowing that this was sortof exciting. At the remark he gave at having to carry her down she rolled her eyes and laughed. "Yeah, you wish.." She turned back to Leroy, ready to go as she smirked and asked. "Soo... You gonna tie this off or am I going to have to do all the work." as she kicked the ladder at their feet, knowing that the male would probably be worthless and actually get them eaten if it came down to her needing protected. She just gave him a wink and waited to see if she was going to have to do all the work after all.

- Leroy - 07-07-2009

[html]<style type="text/css">.february24leroy b {color:#abb291;} .february24leroy a {color:#abb291; font:9pt Georgia;} .february24leroy a:hover {color:#fff;}</style>
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Leroy laughed slightly at his golden friend, stepping forward the patterned male grabbed the rope. "Just looking at the water, besides you have done enough." Looking up at Firefly he grinned, he knew she had done enough. Putting together the rope ladder, leroy doesn't have the patience for that. Tying off the rope the bright colors of the sunset was slowly fading into night, giving the rope a rough tug Leroy made sure it was good before rising to his feet.

Red eyes looked bright that evening as he walked to Firefly's side. "Thrilling or not it is still a adventurer." Spiky hair moved wildly with the gust of wind as he stepped to the edge, curly tail swaying behind him."I'll take those down,or would you rather so can investigate your finds?" Facing Firefly he flashed his smile at her wink as he held out his hand for the unlit torches. She's always smart but it doesn't bother him at all.