'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Wash away the years - Printable Version

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- Phasma Kiles - 01-01-2008


All Welcome. :]

indentThe morning air was crisp and cold, much to the dismay of the aging woman. Phasma made her way from inside of the community den, peeking of the very front entrance and into the dark morning. She was almost convinced now that she would have to begin carrying her blanket about with her, to keep the harsh cold from getting to her skin and sinking down into her bones. Even in the night, curled next to the warmest fire, she could feel the ache of cold in her body. With a quiet sigh she pushed her way out of the den and into the cold wind, four paws lifting high as they met the snow. It really wasn't the first thing she wanted to experience in the morning.

indentPhasma honestly didn't mind these little things though. She could deal with the ache inside her body, the blanket of snow on the ground, and the fact that she felt it her duty to rise so early and wander the borders. Jaded Shadows had been a place of peace and quiet since the moment that she had arrived. No bickering, no drama, and more accepting faces than she had seen in a while. In a way it reminded her of Syemv, how everyone got along and worked together, and that brought some peace to the onyx woman. Despite the blistering cold, Phasma smiled and gave a faint wag of her tail as she strolled through the dark morning and toward the borders of the lands.


- Tamerlane - 01-01-2008

Tamerlane's handsome cream fur shone an unpleasantly dusky grey in the morning light, as if the frostiness of the day had charred him coldly. Silhouetted ominously, he leaned against a skeletal oak overlooking the sweeping landscape that was Jaded Shadows territory. He had been here before, though of course having enough respect to not venture deep into the lands. He folded his long arms across his chest, his muzzle dipping slightly to catch the slender form that was emerging distantly from the shadows. Whereas Tamerlane stood on the outside of the borders, this figure approaching was coming from within.

He kept his dark eyes calmly upon her. An ebony, feminine creature with pale eyes who held about her a blanket to keep out the cold. Phasma Kiles, was it not? Tamerlane had met her mother (or closest to) only recently, but it had not been a surprise to find familiar creatures related so. A bulk of the Bleeding Souls population linked veins, and had Tamerlane not been a generally quiet rather lone creature, he would have felt instantaneously shunned – none of his blood besides his own was warm within these territories. I feel like I'm missing something, he murmured with a degree of dark, friendly humour as Phasma grew nearer: her scent was that of Jaded Shadows. Not Storm.

- Phasma Kiles - 01-01-2008


indentIt was odd, really, how things seemed to turn out. Phasma wouldn't have ever imagined that she would making her way to the borders of Jaded Shadows to scout because it was now her home. Of course, the prospect of living anywhere but Syemv had been something that had never imagined also. In a way it felt right, living with a mother figure, her adopted son, the one that she herself banished from her own pack. As she neared the borders of her new home, Phasma spied a figure in the distance. He was unique looking, not someone that Phasma could easily mistaken for someone else, and at the sight of him she gave a faint, friendly sort of smile.

indentHis words, though quiet, were welcome as they were spoken, if not a bit disheartening. It was no surprise that her absence from Storm had yet to be noticed, then again, there weren't many in Storm that even knew she existed. In one way or another the majority of them were related, and yet, nothing there felt like family. She never felt she had a place. Syemv had been small families, if that, but it had always felt like one large family. "Irreconcilable differences." She said as she stopped, a sad sort of tone taking over. They might have been able to work it out, but at the moment that she and Phoenix had met and spoken, she understood that he wouldn't then listen to reason. Which was why she had decided that she wouldn't stay and listen to accusations.


- Tamerlane - 01-01-2008

Tamerlane held a degree of respect for Phasma, and although it was genuine and worth taking as a compliment, it was also rather automatic. The respect, after all, stemmed from the fact that the attractive female had been the one with the power to accept Tamerlane into Storm. As with most other pack wolves, the memory concerning their initial acceptance into the pack was one that remained generally prominent. Irreconcilable differences. This was understandable, and the sad but unassuming tone with which Phasma spoke easy to catch. And yet those two simple words changed drastically if one altered the context even slightly. So he would have asked if she could elaborate, but not yet. Out of selfless gentleness, he first said: do you mind if I pry?

- Phasma Kiles - 01-01-2008


indentPhasma hadn't a clue what had been going on in Storm since her departure. Of course, she wouldn't have been surprised to go back and find that Skoll had been allowed back in as a pack member. It would be none of her business now, of course, but that didn't mean she couldn't worry for the welfare of her friends. The raven woman took only a moment to stop and consider his question, keeping quiet for the time as she did so. Was Phoenix trying to hide what had happened? Perhaps he was trying to avoid stirring up questions at the departure of his Gamma. Whatever the case, Phasma couldn't know for certain, but she wouldn't lie about things that had happened just to cover it all up. "Two hard headed individuals with complete faith in their beliefs, really." That was all it really was, wasn't it?

indent"Some time ago, before Phoenix was Alpha, a member of Storm was banished from the pack. I found him on the borders not long back, Phoenix arrived shortly after, offering him a home again." She paused a moment then, to let the words sink in. "I left their company shortly after that, concerned, because of the terms of the banishment. I suppose that it was mostly because I think a former Alpha's ruling should stand."


- Tamerlane - 01-01-2008

Hard-headed individuals with faith in their beliefs. It was easy to look at these words and lower them to a simpler, but nevertheless equally true, level – stubbornness. Two creatures in disagreement, insisting that each stand by their own, and ending with no resolve whatsoever, besides a battle for power that concluded with regards to the present state of the hierarchy. The news of Phasma being a former Alpha was no surprise; to Tamerlane, she seemed to uphold many strengths of a conventional leader, which was how he had determined her rank to begin with, and why he currently thought that perhaps she held a similar rank here, evident by her dutiful patrol of the borders. And, of course, the fact that she was strongly connected to the Alpha. However, Storm's current Alpha was pack leader to the core; the rank was not shared, and perhaps that was to be respected.

Tamerlane did, however, sympathise with this mentioning of a banished man whose fate was split. Your stance is understandable, he agreed softly. May I ask, on what grounds did Phoenix reverse the exile; were you one, perhaps due to your experience of the event, to know better?

- Phasma Kiles - 01-01-2008


indentThat was how most arguments started, she figured, over different thoughts and beliefs. That wasn't why she'd chosen to leave Storm though. She could have easily dealt with the difference of opinion, she wanted to discuss it with him, to tell him why it worried her and her thoughts about it all. It had gone beyond that though, despite how much she hadn't wanted it to. Adjusting herself where she stood, Phasma wrapped the blanket moreso around her than before, giving a sad look when he spoke once more.

indent"He told me his story, the one who was exiled, and when I left them I did the only right thing that I could think of." She paused then, still confirming in her mind that she felt what she had done was right. "I went to Inferni to get the other side of the story. I know they're disliked but that doesn't mean their actions aren't justified from time to time." She still didn't even know why they attacked Aremys. "He reversed the exile because he didn't agree with it in the first place, because the one exiled was a friend of his." Phasma let out a short sigh, shaking her head. "I exiled my own son from Syemv for actions that he had taken, to keep the peace between Storm and Syemv."


- Tamerlane - 01-03-2008

Tamerlane listened with subtle, courteous and genuine interest. Having unfolded his arms at Phasma's approach, out of automatic respect for her, he curled one long arm about a branch to his right, and re-adjusted his back on the rough bark of the tree. This was quite a story, of ethics, principles and clashing power – power that was perhaps questionable to each side in terms of actuality and lingering presence. He nodded faintly; he understood her words, and indeed agreed with her position. He did not, however, in any way oppose Phoenix – to whom he had never felt negatively – whose decision it was to make anyway. Justice was complicated.

I exiled my own son from Syemv for actions that he had taken, to keep the peace between Storm and Syemv. This was an interesting confession, albeit set apart from the context, but nevertheless relevant to the matter of Phasma's principles. Forgive my ignorance, said the man still relatively new to Bleeding Souls, but what is Syemv?