'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
I'll teach you yet - Printable Version

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- Svara Thames - 06-16-2009

http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... arts-1.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
"She's a wild heart"

She sat inside her new house, the one leroy had built only a few weeks ago. The house was larger then the cabin, a pretty good size house to live in and fit a good amount of people. As more and more poeple came to this pack, more would take lodging in this house. Right now she was sorting through her herbs thinking about her meeting with Cwmfen. What made the women think that she could hurt haku soul? At the time she wouldn't have hurt him, but now she would take his head and put it on a pike. Next time would be different.

All her herbs were sorted. It left her with nothing to do. She was lost as she sat there starring at her finished job. What was she supposed to do now that it was finished? The constable snorted and and got to her feet. Pacing back and forth she felt restless. Why was there this feeling that something was getting closer. It was in the air she could smell it. Her fists clenched and she growled.


- Leroy - 06-16-2009

http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... able-2.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
"The lights, they shine so bright"

This has been the longest amount of time Leroy has spent from home, missing for a whole day and night most likely stirred the others. He was not sure who all are at their house, it was after all Svara's and Leroy's home. The many rooms was just a plus. It was a hassle to finish but in the end Leroy was content with the house, now they had their own space away from the others but more people will come sooner or later. A deep snort emitted from the black and white husky, he was tired and that could be the main reason for his close travel. Beside the wounds he has given and received in the fight that coyote hybrid, that fight made Leroy feel much better in a way. Most of the aggression and hostility that was put away in the large mans system has been released, oddly he has the same feeling after the fight he had with Haku Soul. A smirk pulled on his lips for a moment before fading away as his blood eyes locked forward.

It was not to hard to see why humans adored his breed, their noticeable patterns and that curly tail of theirs. Walking at his slow pace Leroy appeared like a normal husky, not a large two legged werewolf or even a huge husky wolf thing. Merely a normal dog, it has been a while since he used his lupus form. The handsome man's body was smudged with thick dried blood clumping in his fur, its red color more visible in the bright white of this coat. Though his white isn't as bright at the moment, though it has a dark crimson splattered on it though brighter red, fresh blood bleed slowly from the reopened wounds. It's kinda funny how this happens to him, though in the moment he didn't care that his body burned in some places and froze in others. "home sweet home..."Tongue pulled out as he licked the side of his maw, the strong salty but metallic taste filled his mouth the hybird let his jaws part. Breathing it with a deep breath through his nose the scent came to him, he was home.

Leroy stopped for a moment, his messy yet still handsome coat hung on him as the few droplets of fresh blood fell from their wounds. Yes he must have looked a mess but he felt fine, as fine as one could feel. Main tired from the slow walk home, oh sleep will be nice. Moving forward Leroy's large paws stepped on the first step of the porch, moving he left a smudge of blood in the shape of his paw. A nice trail home uh. Red eyes looked over at the large gash to his cheek as it's warmth trickled down again, the blood flowing to his chin as the male licked it off. He hates that feeling, when water or any kind of liquid hangs on your chin. Necklace swayed with each step as his claws clicked on the top of the porch, it's metal dragon having a dried layer of blood on it. Blinking Leroy's ears fanned forward at the growl from within the house. Moving forward Leroy pushed the top of his head into the door getting a thud from his skull, scratching with his bloody paw his deep,dry voice spoke up. "Svara..?" He could change but he'd rather not at the moment. Backing up he gave room if she busted through the door, which wouldn't surpirse him a bit.


- Svara Thames - 06-21-2009

http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... arts-1.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
"She's a wild heart"

The knock on the door made her ears move. Why would someone knock on her house door? Most just barged in like the usual custom. Which was better for the she wolf cause it meant she didn't have to get up. Growling she went to the door and pushed it open not to gently. Looking down she saw Leroy covered in small wounds and minimal blood. At first her heart stopped at seeing him hurt, then a twitch formed under her eye. Shutting the door in his face she walked back inside.

Leroy smelt of blood, and Inferni. Her temper was flaring to heat that she couldn't even control. Why did he smell like Inferni? Going back to the door she opened it again and glared at him. "Get in the house. Now." Her voice was pissed and it told the male the anger he would see soon. Waiting for him to get in the house she thought about how she would handle this situation. Did the Inferni member attack her former mate? Something told her it didn't. Yellow eyes watched closely, waiting.


- Leroy - 07-01-2009

http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... able-2.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
"The lights, they shine so bright"

This might not have been his smartest idea but this was his house and he was going to sleep in it, with an angry Svara or not. Black ears turned on the husky's head at the sounds from the house which made a sigh emitted from his lungs, from her walk alone he can tell she was in a sour mood but at the moment he could really care less. Standing his his normal form Leroy didn't move when the door flew open to show a sexy, and very alluring woman who's yellow eyes locked onto him. Red eyes watched hers in silence, in the brief moment when she first seen him he could feel her shook and that made him smile inwardly.

Like a flash she slammed the door as her worry was gone and anger was ever shown again. Looking at the door made him think it would have been easier if he didn't use his form but instead his two legged one. Shaking his head Leroy's curly tail swayed for a second before Svara flung the door open and shouted at him. 'no surprised' The cut on his cheek would leave a small black scar but he doesn't care, if anything he feels much better besides the soreness of his body. Walking into his red eyes looked about their home as his claws clicked on the floor. Shifting was quick once he was inside,doing it in his step made the motion very smooth as he stood to legged in the room.
