'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
blood is thicker - Printable Version

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- Dreyrugr - 06-18-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v708/ ... _table.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

He remembered catching the scent only a day or two before the abduction. It was a distant memory now, obscured by the far fresher ones associated with the ordeal he'd recently experienced, but it was still strongly in his mind nonetheless. He'd been returning to Dahlia from a day of exploration in Halifax, and his body had stopped cold in its track as a tantalizingly familiar scent had brushed his nose. It belonged to no one he knew, there was no question of that, but it held the unmistakable allure and texture of Stormbringer heritage. From the teasing whiff he'd taken, the only other detail he could discern was that the bearer was female. Could it be possible there was a close relative wandering the territories of Souls, a relative neither his grandfather nor grandaunt were aware of?

He'd wanted to search out the owner of the scent immediately upon its discovery, but the trace had been faint, like the ghost of a woman's perfume that lingered after a long-ago night of magic. It was entirely possible the woman was no longer in the lands and had merely been passing through. After all, Kol had told him not long before that about the Dawnrunner that had confronted her in Flander's Field. He'd been formidible enough to prevent Kol from attacking him outright by herself; perhaps he'd come across this strange Stormbringer as well and had rid the world of her already. He'd initially put his curiosity to the back of his mind, determined to seek out an answer in the future.

Of course, that future had been further away than he'd planned. Kol had opted to come along with Drey in his search for answers, and the two had been caught offguard alone on the outskirts of the burned lands of the old Souls. The Dawnrunners, led by the overzealous fanatic Azrael, had overwhelmed the siblings and kept them hostage for somewhere around six long weeks. Three weeks after their eventual rescue, Drey was finally back in Souls and could further investigate the intriguing mystery of the unknown Stormbringer woman.

Unofortunately for the Dahlian, his relative's scent had faded past all possibilities of tracking. The strongest of the traces had led him to the vast neutral zone known as the Dampwoods, but it had withered away into yet another dead end. There were only three explanations for her whereabouts as far as Drey was concerned. The stranger was either dead, had only been passing through the lands, or was using some very good and little known way of masking her signature. Though the male himself knew none of the tricks for doing so, he'd heard of a rare few individuals who'd discovered such tactics. He considered it the ultimate in stealth, for one's scent was the last sign of existence once they learned to mask their movement and sound. Though such a scenario was statistically unlikely, Drey secretly hoped it was the case with this strange woman. He would love to learn to employ such strategies himself.

Though a large and imposing figure in his favored Optime form, the Stormbringer nevertheless moved silently and fluidly through the trees, searching for any sign whatsoever of his long-lost relative. He had yet to restore any of his piercings to his ears, lest their glittering metal give away the signs of his passage through the shadows. His only adornment was the single eagle feather braided into his mane: a rich golden primary to replace the one lost during his and Kol's captivity. The male was in no hurry as he slipped through the forest on his search. Things were still like walking on broken glass whenever he found himself around Alexey, so she wasn't exactly expecting him to pop up anytime soon. He had all the time in the world to figure out just what was going on with the strange vanishing woman who shared his blood.

Table by Requiem

- Lillith Stormbringer - 06-30-2009


http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b171/ ... /lilth.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Tainted blood raced like fire through her veins; her mind replaying the previous night’s glorious events over and over again. The madwoman felt empowered, in complete control of her abilities. It was wonderful; knowing she had the power to take life away. She had every right to do so too, seeing as it was her job to rid the world of evildoers. Ahren had come to her in a dream, to entrust her with a very specific task. She remembered it perfectly; “the blood of the wicked must be spilled” were his orders. She still bore a faint cut across cheek, the only substantial proof she had of their ethereal encounter.

A spiked collar hung loosely from her jaw, tarnished with crimson and partly consumed by the color of death. Flames had ravaged a good part of it, wafts of gasoline still radiated from the object. It had once belonged to someone else, whom until yesterday, had still been in possession of the attire. Now it was hers; the perfect souvenir. Thavardo would’ve been proud of her, she knew. The sinewy smell of eucalyptus still clung to her pelt, luckily overshadowing her natural scent. Her victim’s allies, if he had any, would have a hard time finding her now. She’d already left the crime scene, parting ways with her blue-eyed beau out of precaution.

Haku Soul had taken the male’s tail, one more trophy for his collection. She, on the other hand, preferred non-decayable objects. Halting before a weeping willow, Lillith gingerly tested the soil’s humidity by applying pressure with her paw. A well-defined print was formed, revealing how malleable the land was. Setting the collar aside, the Stormbringer femme began scraping from front to back, consequently digging a small-sized hole in the ground. Her job completed, Lillith merely pushed the evidence inside the burrow.

As she finished reapplying dirt onto her prize, faint noise to the left caught her attention. Her neck twisted in that direction, aquamarine orbs scanning the vicinity in order to catch a glimpse of the wandering silhouette. She didn’t move immediately, somewhat hoping to see the Lilium emerge from the darkness.
