'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
promise. - Printable Version

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- Mantra Dhvani - 01-01-2008

Private for Phasma.

It was late evening and the snow had been coming down for three straight hours now, its precipitation increasing steadily with each passing minute. Now it had grown to such a rate that one could only see a veil of white clusters and hazy fog no matter which way he or she turned. Mantra had always been astounded by the soft thrum of silence that accompanied a blizzard during the perilous days of winter. Everything was oddly quiet, almost frighteningly so. It was as if the snow muted all sounds so that they barely even existed. This was one of the many reasons why she loved winter dearly. She greatly preferred her alone time next to anything else and, while social interaction wasn't looked down upon, Mantra always felt that her individual thoughts were more intriguing than actual conversation. Silence was also much better for inward prayer and reflection, two things she frequently made sure never to forget doing throughout the day. While such seclusion did get a bit lonely at times, she much preferred it to vocally voicing ideas.

Although she had her views and points of argument, Mantra had never been a fan of debating. It frustrated her to no end when others failed to grasp what she was trying to say, purposefully swatting away any valid ideas she may have had. Plenty of times, specifically on her travels, others had failed to understand her obsession with devotion. They had, at times, even ridiculed her for being so radical and "queer". Mantra would try to explain the importance of meditation and connection, but none would have any part of it. That, she felt, was their fault alone. If they couldn't become more open minded to even go so far as to accept the ideals of another individual, the female wanted nothing to do with them. Rather than become openly agitated, Mantra would just walk away and pretend as if the whole ordeal had never happened. As many of her elders had preached before her, it was best to allow those who didn't quite understand her culture and mindset to go off on their merry way; if they failed to grasp what she preached, they didn't deserve to participate in such acts of devotion.

She lay sprawled out atop the perilous peak, surveying the stupendous storm that was occurring all around her; Mantra watched as the flakes slowly began to build up and create layers upon layers of frost until she could barely see the ground beneath her supine figure. As the rate finally began to taper off her eyelids began to become heavy, but the Timber wolf valiantly fought off sleep in fear of missing any last bit of the storm; such a finale would be a waste to miss after she'd stayed watching for so long, glued to her "seat". And so, she continued to observe.

- Phasma Kiles - 01-02-2008


indentHer life, like usual, had been a roller coaster or problems and emotions. She should have been used to it by now, honestly, but each time something happened she was just as surprised as the last time. Chimera, Syemv, Aremys, Syemv once again, and finally Storm. That was five homes that she'd lost, five packs that she'd lost, and it was finally starting to take it's toll on her. Things had finally calmed down though, smoothed themselves out for the most part, but it wasn't a feeling that the raven colored lady was going to let herself get used to. Honestly, though, what more did she have to lose?

indentRather than question it and list the few things that she had left, Phasma had decided, at some point or another, to take an evening stroll. With the small baby blue blanket wrapped tightly over her shoulders, hands holding it closed on the inside, the onyx woman made her way away from Jaded Shadows and the warmth of the den. Luckily for her there was very little wind, which made her travels in the falling snow all the more peaceful. From mountain to mountain she went, farther upward than she would have usually gone, until it was so clear and so high up that she was almost certain she could touch the moon.

indentIt wasn't the moon that caught her attention as she continued on her way though, rather, it was the form of someone lying in the snow. At first uncertain, the pace of the slate eyed woman slowed, inching her way closer. It wasn't until she was a few feet away that she spoke, clearing her throat once before allowing her words to escape. "Are you alright?" There was a faint sound of concern in her voice, unsure if the other was hurt or simply laying there.


- Mantra Dhvani - 01-02-2008

"Are you alright?" "I suppose so... if you can call being lonely, confused, and pensive alright I would say that pretty much sums up my condition." Mantra responded evenly, her solemn bright blue eyes never leaving their hold upon the other female's face. Phasma probably hadn't wanted a long-winded, detailed report of her current mental state but she hadn't seen any reason to withhold such information from her. She must have looked pretty pathetic to an innocent passerby, not that Mantra cared much about what anyone else thought. Curiously, the lone wolf surveyed the other girl's face. She had the scent of a pack all along her coat, although she couldn't quite place which one this stranger was from. A fellow passerby had courteously informed her of the four clans that'd staked claims in Bleeding Souls -- Storm, Clouded Tears, Jaded Shadows, and Inferni. The last one could easily be ruled out.

So as not to appear rude, Mantra quickly diverted her gaze in case Phasma took her inquisitive staring as offensive. She supposed an introduction was necessary at this point. Better to get such mundanities out of the way first. "I'm Mantra Dhvani. New here, if you haven't already guessed," she added on as an addendum. Whether her counterpart wanted to share her own name and residence wasn't up to Mantra.

- Phasma Kiles - 01-02-2008


indentThe chill of the air sent a sudden shiver down the spine of the raven woman and, for a very short moment, she'd almost regretted straying away from her warm den. Had she not, though, and this stranger actually was hurt, then maybe no one would have discovered her out here. The voice of the stranger assured her that she needn't be worried about her welfare, she seemed to be fine, at least physically. Honestly, Phasma could understand what she meant and nodded her head just a bit. "I know what you mean, unfortunately." She commented in almost a grim sort of tone. Things were getting better though, did she still have a right to be upset about it all and feel the way that she often did?

indent"Phasma Kiles, from Jaded Shadows. It's a pack not far from here." She had said she was new around these parts, which was why she'd bothered with a short explanation. "Do you like it here so far?" She asked then, honestly curious, and shuffled forward a few more steps. It wasn't often that she'd come across a stranger that seemed so open right off and, quite frankly, it had the raven woman more curious about her.


- Mantra Dhvani - 01-03-2008

Mantra was glad the raven female received her candid statement without balking at her eagerness to share what others would have considered personal information. Instead, Phasma sympathized with her, stating that she knew exactly what it was like to feel empty, alone, and helpless; much like the emotions that'd been coursing frivolously through her bloodstream ever since they had indicted her. Now telling this innocent female that story would have been sharing a bit too much information, so for now the tawny female held back any retellings of her somber yet life-changing past; the only one who probably cared much about it was herself, anyways. A soft breeze that brought light snowflakes careening about her head passed over them briefly, and Mantra allowed it to refocus her attention briefly; she began to think about finding a place to practice her daily devotions, a place that would not only be secretive but her's only. There were a thousand hymns that needed to be sang, a thousand thoughts that needed to be urgently sent upwards, although Mantra felt like she couldn't find the right place for doing so; she felt uncomfortable asking Phasma where she might find such a recluse.

Jaded Shadows was a pretty name for a pack, much prettier than the one she'd hailed from and the one that'd been so quick to banish her. She mulled the name over in her head for a bit, wondering if it was named for a specific facet of the territory or just for the pretty words. At Phasma's question Mantra merely hinted at a smile, lifting her light gaze so that she could take in the full beauty of her surroundings before providing an answer; it would be foolish to respond negatively... after all, what soul could not take pleasure in being apart of such a wonderful winter wonderland? As she gazed upwards towards the white heavens, a wet snowflake fell nearly perfect atop her wet, black nose and rested there until it swiftly became a puddle of water, melted by the hot, humid breath that permeated through her stuffed up nostrils. In the distance, she could briefly hear the harmonious yet somber call of geese taking their flight South for the winter. As much as Mantra loved this time of year, it was terribly lonely without the usual company of the surrounding wildlife and foliage. "I honestly don't think I could have asked for a better place to live." It was the God honest truth; she had been so lucky to find such a place after her endless plights of unhappiness and empty wanderings... who would have ever though such good luck would be disposed on Mantra Dhvani?