'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
beyond a doubt - Printable Version

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- Apollo Haddix - 06-24-2009


___ It had been a month ago since Apollo last came to the borders of AniWaya. He ended up in a similar area, standing on the neutral side of the barbed wire fence, determined to finally accomplish what he had meant to do the first time he had come. Though he had enjoyed his time spent with Ember (and secretly hoped she might be the one to greet him along the borders) Apollo was here for a family member; someone who he had yet to meet.

___ Before he called any attention to himself, the young Haddix took the time to shift to two legs and dress himself in the usual attire. He pulled on the jeans which had been torn off just above the knee, accompanied by a simple black t-shirt whose neckline formed a V. Lastly, he retied the blue bandana which had begun to slip during the trek here. It was always present on the young boy’s forehead, and he didn’t expect that habit to end anytime soon.

___ Once he felt ready, he let out a simple call. It was addressed for Lannen, noting that he only wanted a few words and came in peace. After his travels away from Nova Scotia, Apollo learned it was smart to state your business sooner rather than later.


- Lannen Haddix - 06-29-2009

It was rare for someone to call out to him, especially in AniWaya. Despite the considerable amount of time the Haddix man had spent within tribal lands, he had done very little to make himself known. He was a virtual unknown here, in fact. So uninvolved in anything and everything. It went against Lannen's nature not to be so fully enmeshed within pack life. The tribe didn't function as a pack, not exactly. At least not a pack that Lannen was used to, like the one he had grown up in. AniWaya was still a network of connections, creatures depending upon one another and living peaceably. Still, Lannen hadn't quite found his place here. Or perhaps he hadn't quite found himself at all.

So much of his identity had been enmeshed within the Long Lake pack. He had immersed himself within his pack and his family. Now that he had to live without them, it was hard to redefine the way he should live his life. So much had changed, and Lannen was a creature of habit. He craved connection, although he would never admit it. And part of him was afraid to reach out. After all, it had been his own fault, his own doing that he led to the decision for him to leave Maine.

A howl pierced the air and the white man shook himself, rising from where he was seated. He had been working on whittling a stick down into nothing. He pushed bits of splinter and dust from his thighs, shaking out his hands and setting his work aside. Lannen did not live far from AniWayan borders, and it took only mere minutes for him to reach the source of the call.

The brown eyed wolf stopped upon seeing the young man. He looked familiar, painfully familiar. Although Lannen was certain that he had never yet met this wolf. Cocking his head to the side curiously, he let his eyes trace the young man before he spoke. "Yeah?"

- Apollo Haddix - 06-29-2009


___ It was easy enough to tell that the two were related. Though Pilot’s frame was much smaller than his brother and their eyes of different colors, Apollo was sure he could see some of the familiarity that only came from being blood related. He offered a thin smile to the stranger, feeling much as he had when he and his father had made it to Long Lake. He knew that this man was his uncle, but it was still hard to go around saying your family when you were still much like strangers to one another.

___ "I’m Apollo," he started, letting the mismatched eyes study his uncle for a moment before he continued. "Apollo Haddix, your nephew." He wasn’t exactly sure what he had wanted to say to his uncle, but only that it would be appropriate to meet him. He hesitated for a moment. "My dad, Pilot, and I went to meet the rest of his family. Well, our family. Now that I’m back, I guess I just wanted to introduce myself." This meeting was proving to be more awkward than Apollo had expected.


- Lannen Haddix - 07-06-2009

Lannen's features were passive as he listened to this young man speak. He just let the words flow over him, letting silence enfold them both for a few moments after he had spoken his piece. He was certain now that he had never met this youth, had never crossed his path here or in Maine. He let the meaning of his words filter through his mind, unsure of how he should react.

Apollo Haddix was his nephew, someone with ties of blood that bound them both together. He did not know the content of this boy's character. He wouldn't have been able to guess his name, or his deepest desire. Lannen didn't know how this boy chose to live his life, or where he called home. But at that moment, it didn't matter to the ivory colored male.

Lannen swallowed his indecision, and the blankness fell from his features. A wide small spread across his face and his brown eyes lit up in welcome. He had yearned for some sort of connection to something, to someone that could reconcile the discrepancy between his past and present. And here was a member of his family, in the flesh, right here. "Apollo, I'm Lannen," he said, walking forward and clasping his hand warmly - it seemed strange to even think of embracing him as family, but he was glad to have this contact at least. "It is so great to meet you."