'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
ein kleines bisschen horrorshow - Printable Version

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- Lubomir Varg - 06-30-2009

http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l135/ ... ale/04.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
OOC: I'm terribly sorry for the delay in getting this up! Backdated to the 24th if possible, please? 400+

Dead. Ril'o was dead. He'd seen the body go up in flames, he'd been there to watch it all turn to ash and disappear into the sun. He'd been there and he still couldn't get over it. How could he? Sure, his acquaintance with the other wolf was passing, a few fleeting glances and nothing more, but he had been a member of Dahlia, he had been someone to talk to in case he needed to. And then something awful had turned on their pack, some unseen atrocity, and torn them apart. He could remember Cercelee's face, and Cwmfen's too. He could remember little else beside that. What else was there to remember? The way the flames engulfed the body, hungrily devouring it? The way he had stood there, silent, watching death fall upon his home? It had struck too deeply in his heart, it reminded him too much of the Old Country. He had spent the night awake, staring at the ceiling of the house he shared with Mew, trying hard to recall the faces of his sister and her mate. Lubomir could not sleep. He could not even think of sleep. His sister was easier to remember, the stern set of her jaw and the way she held herself, with pride and dignity. But her mate was a blur.

Would Ril'o end up like that too? The thought scared him. He was not old, not really, not yet. He should remember these things, he should think hard and recall every single thing that had marked his life in the old pack. But he couldn't. Futile, all futile. So the grey wolf had set out to speak to old friends, to find some company outside the borders of the pack. Savina. He had helped her and she was still his friend, at least as far as he knew. He was still Ambassador for the pack, he could use that to go and see her. Ask for her advice. She would understand his grief differently from the others in his pack. She could offer him words of advice. Words he needed to hear.

Setting off at a brisk pace, the unshifted wolf soon found himself outside the borders of Crimson Dreams. He didn't know how time had passed, but here he was. It was almost the same spot where he had found her, so many moons ago. Now, though, he had come with a purpose. Sitting on his haunches, he let out a soft call. Savina? Perhaps it would be enough for her to hear him. He knew better than to trample pack territory and seek her. No, he would do his best to sit and wait.

- Ares Chance - 07-05-2009

No worries! Backdating is completely fine~ 504 words.

Ares was feeling particularly.. prickly. He wasn't very happy with himself for his lack of action: he hadn't done anything to get back at Tokyo yet. He hadn't even started training to fight, hadn't even been back to her packlands even once. All he did was mention his ambitions to Mati. He should head to that pack she mentioned, Cour des Miracles. Find Mati's brother. He kept flip-flopping on whether or not that would actually be a good idea, but even in his indecisiveness he padded deliberately towards the border. He should go, anyway, he really really should. But like any other time when unhappy with himself, doubts slithered their way into the cracks between his thoughts. He was such a failure. He couldn't even start doing something that he put his mind, that he wanted to do so badly.. Maybe Tokyo was right. Maybe he was just a worthless piece of shit, a living breathing replica of his oft-mentioned, never-seen father..

Ares shook his head, but it did nothing to dislodge the worms that had gnawed their way inside. Instead, a quiet, nearby voice tickled his ear. His paws changed course automatically, carrying his (for the first time in a while) unshifted form rapidly in the direction of the voice's owner. It had been a nice jog; in shifted form his muscles never got the same work-out, and it always felt like it took more effort to get places. Since he had been contemplating traveling, it made sense to swap the utility of hands for the speed of four solid paws eating away at the ground beneath. The word spoken by the other hadn't been clearly heard, although it was sort of fishy for this guy just to be calling out over the border. And yeah, a careful analysis of the scent had Ares visibly bristling. The speaker was a male, from his mother's pack. The boy carried his tail like a flag, ears perked and his whole body possessed a very careful, deliberate posture. Aggressive, almost.

His tone, though, left no doubt in that department: "What do you want? You aren't really welcome here, Dahlian." The last word was basically spat out, indicating just what he thought of his mother's pack. Ares wasn't actually sure if the edict against his mother that Savina mentioned extended to all Dahlians, but he knew that he certainly did not want this male around. As nice as his chat with the kid Conor was, this wolf was an adult. Probably a high-ranking member. Probably knew his mother. Probably would protect her, too, if Ares was careless enough to let himself get caught in his future attempted at revenge. That made the white wolf before him an an enemy. Ares just didn't understand. How could anyone tolerate his mother? How could anyone fall for her fucking bull-shit, how could her fucking sweet innocent facade fool even a child, let alone a whole pack? They had to all be bad, to accept her. Either that or dumb as rocks.

- Lubomir Varg - 07-18-2009

http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l135/ ... ale/04.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

OOC: This is the last reply for a week, my boyfriend is visiting ^_^ I apologise in advance 300+

It wasn't long before someone trotted up to him, but it was not Savina. Lubomir was not aware of the changes his friend had gone through, he did not know what Crimson Dreams itself would go through very, very soon. The young male before him was aggressive, decisive and somewhat derisive. Lubomir could see that for all his cockiness, he was remarkably low in the pecking order. There were small clues to let him know, little hints that just betrayed his self-consciousness. Lubomir did not have time for children to delay him. He wanted someone to talk to, wanted someone to comfort him in ways no one from Dahlia could. His own voice was icy as he pointed out, I called for your leader, not for you. And you would do well to respect your elders. One would question your upbringing, with that kind of attitude on you.

What was it about children these days that made them this cocky? True, Lubomir's views might be considered somewhat old-fashioned, but it was the way he had been brought up. He'd decided, privately, that if he and Mew ever found time to have puppies, they would be raised to look up to leaders and those in high ranks, to respect their elders and not talk back, certainly not in the way this boy was talking to him. The grey male flicked his tail from side to side, his eyes narrowing slightly. He didn't want to ask what Dahlia had done to him personally, to made him so angry, but it could have been something serious. Well, if that were the case... If Dahlia has done anything to anger you, let me know. As the Ambassador for my pack, I report to my leaders directly. His tone had taken on a more formal note, his voice clipped and cool. He would not have relations between Dahlia and Crimson Dreams deteriorate because some foolish wolf in his pack could not keep their maw shut.


- Ares Chance - 07-26-2009

no worries, i am super slow anyway. XD; 312 words

Question his upbringing? Oh God, the irony was so intense that Ares felt it almost as a physically painful thing. Ares' upbringing. You know, that time of his life when the fucking monster that this male's pack was succoring would beat the shit out of him daily, just to make sure that he didn't forget that he was worthless. "I don't care who you called for, or how much older than me you are. Even if I were the lowest ranking member of this pack " (which, little did he know, he shortly would be) " I'd have the right to challenge a unwelcome stranger at the borders." Ares basically snarled the words; there was no cold ice, no controlled, chilly disdain, it was all the hot-tempered fire and rage of a pissed off teenager.

Apparently, though, this male was the "Ambassador." Very fancy title, it was. And Mr. Ambassador wanted to know what Dahlia de Mai had done to anger him? The anger died down a little, fading in favor of the vague sort of hope that perhaps he'd be able to use this encounter to his own advantage, to destroy his mother's life from the inside out, getting her removed from her pack. As long as she lingered, a little, and didn't leave the lands or join another pack right away, it would make his plans of violent revenge so much easier to have her alone, unprotected. "Your pack has a viper in your ranks. A nasty, vicious, cruel woman - Tokyo Chance. She's already forbidden from these lands by word of our leaders, and I personally do not welcome those who would associate with her, protect her." Blunt, and still angry, but less snarling, now. Ares had managed to compose himself some, and his words were earnest, sincere, and intense. Meant to be taken seriously, to the utmost degree.

- Lubomir Varg - 07-30-2009

http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l135/ ... ale/04.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
OOC: Back now :3 And don't worry about slowness! ^_^ 300+

Unwelcome? The grey male bristled at the youngster's tone. As far as he was aware, he had not parted on unfriendly terms with Savina and indeed they had agreed that he would come and see her again. Matters of importance to Dahlia had kept him away from the ebony fey, but to be turned away so rudely and by one much younger than him, Lubomir too almost like a personal insult. He couldn't fathom what in the world had come into this puppy, for he was little more than one to him now, to be acting so rudely. With a growl, the male replied, You are over-stepping your boundaries, you insolent child. While you are right to challenge my being here, you would be blind or a fool to see that I reek of pack smells, so I could not come into the lands unnoticed. I'm also unarmed, so I would cause minimal damage before being seen. How foolish do you take me to be, boy? The cool tone was slipping again, the hot anger boiling through, so Lubomir took several deep breaths to calm himself. He would not show his anger to this child.

He calmly listened to the boy's tirade and tried to remember if he did know this Tokyo woman he spoke of. She came to mind in a hazy kind of way, for he had never directly spoken to her and she had not caught his attention too much. He seemed radically different to her, though his words spoke volumes about his dislike for her. She was banned, so Cercelee and Haku were well aware of this, for all that Lubomir was not. He would have to speak to his leaders again, to get up to speed with changes in relations to the other packs. He had nothing of worth to mention, but he needed to listen to them too. Has she angered you personally? I will accept your leaders' words on her behaviour and I will make sure she does not trespass here. However, what is your bone of contention? Are you the reason for her banishment? It would not surprise him if he were, but Lubomir kept that to himself.


- Ares Chance - 08-10-2009

<33. 314 words!

Mr. Ambassador didn't understand what Ares was saying at all. It wasn't that the youth held any sort of belief that he was dangerous, that he was under Tokyo's control and doing her bidding or anything. Ares didn't seek to keep him out to avoid future crimes; no, he wanted to punish him for crimes already committed. For crimes being committed. For providing his mother with a safe vantage point from which to manipulate and abuse anyone who fell within her sphere of control. His thoughts flashed along those lines, but he didn't think in those words and wasn't sure how to articulate his feelings on the matter, coming up with a vaguely annoyed sounding: "I don't think you're going to hurt the pack or anything, I just don't think you should enter our lands."

Angered Ares.. personally? That was, ah, one way of putting it. One way of understating it. "No, I am not part of the reason. I came here after she was banished, seeking a safe place to live without her. She attacked one of the leader's puppies." He hesitated. He could reveal the truth, now, easily. About her crimes. It wouldn't be hard. Fuck, why was he even hesitating? Tokyo didn't deserve any scrap of affection from him! It was just so.. drilled into him, to keep quiet about this, not just by his mother but by Princess as well, misguided as she was in her love. "But yes, my mother has angered me personally." Ares drawled lazily, underplaying the crimes with his tone, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "If you count things like murdering my three infant siblings. Probably would have murdered my sister and I if we hadn't hid. If you count abusing me as a child because I take after my father. Starving me, and such. You know, those little annoying things that really get under your skin."