'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
waiting and fading and floating away - Printable Version

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- Ehno Marino - 07-02-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v26/K ... rnotxt.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
This is set in north Halifax, a few miles away from the eastern-most tip of Dhalian territory. 400+

Ehno had spent the past few days wandering through the city once again. The uncommon and unknown sights did well to calm that restlessness that had been building within his chest these last few weeks. Everyone had their drug of choice; his was adventure. Exploring any territory, whether man-made or natural, left him with a wonderful feeling and a head full of new thoughts. It helped center him, let him remember his place in the world. This particular journey was exactly what he needed; his thoughts no longer centered on his missing sister, or the fight he had gotten himself into nearly two weeks ago. The adventure had already lasted a few days, leading him to parts of the city he had never been to before. After spending a couple days in the eastern portions of the city, he made his way to the northern outskirts of the city of Halifax.

He had ended up in an area where the buildings were much smaller than those in the heart of the city, simply a cluster of smaller houses and an apartment complex or two. He had arrived there late the previous night with the rain pouring relentlessly from the heavens. The chocolate hued male made his way into one of the abandoned structures seeking shelter from the storm. He chose to rest there for the night, deciding that he would take one last look around the area in the morning before setting off for home. The Chief Sergeant laid himself down on an old couch in the main room of the house, setting his travel bag on the floor next to him before drifting to sleep with the lullaby of rainfall.

It was silent when he awoke the next morning, but the dim light pouring in through the window told him it was still cloudy out. The big grey giants in the sky rumbled ominously in the distance, warning of a storm a few miles east that would be making its way there sooner or later. Ehno sighed, but remained sprawled on the couch in the ramshackle house. He knew it would be wise to head back home soon and get a head start from the storm. He didn’t move though, intent on relaxing for a few moments more. As it was, he would end up getting wet anyway; the weather in these parts didn’t seem to understand the concept of sunshine. The Marino closed his eyes, an amused smile pulling at the corner of his mouth.

- Henratha Gyrkin - 07-06-2009

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... t/rath.jpg); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:9px; padding-left:50px; padding-right:50px; padding-bottom:306px;">
OOC: Sorry for the delay. I've been really busy lately -_-.

IC:Dampness, he never enjoyed the feeling of his shaggy fur being damp, but unfortunately he would just have to deal with it for now. The ruddy hued, white-flecked male was unsure as to why he had ventured so far from his home, workplace, and now even his packlands to this strange land. He had seen the large buildings of the city numerous times from a distance, but he had never decided to venture forth to explore the streets and buildings. Even now he was only one the outskirts, filled mostly with residential homes homes and smaller, concrete sided buildings that his carpenter's mind rejected as sick representations of architecture. While he did marvel at the human's ingenuity at being able to build such huge structures out of stone, and metal, he could not quite grasp the idea of just how they did it. Steel framed buildings were not his forte, although, come to think of it he had only just begun to work on woodframed structures so the were not his forte either.

___ The male shook his head, his kinky ponytail swishing back and forth as he vigorously tried to change the subject of his thoughts. He had not come here to try and understand modern city construction. No, he had come here to gather windows. He only needed a few more, big ones to make up the sides of Colibri's greenhouse. He had finished the frame during the past week. Although, the entire time he had been working, right next to Colibri's house, he had not seen hide nor hair of the timid female. Was she avoiding him? Had he said something at their last meeting to offend her. It certainly hadn't seemed so. In fact, he thought she had enjoyed spending the entire day conversing with him. He certainly had. It was all very confusing, as the tall, 7'3" male thought as he wandered around a corner to the edge of the nearest apartment building, completely oblivious to the lingering scent of another individual close by. Instead, he reached down to the tool belt around his waste, the only article of any sort of clothing that the male wore, and he only wore it for convenience. With the belt, he was able to carry all of the tools he would need, while keeping his hands free to work. One might think it an odd sight to see a shaggy wolf wearing nothing but a fully packed tool belt. However, Rath wasn't the least bit concerned of what others might think. For all he knew at the moment, there was no one around to see him. So, with that, he pulled out his small sledge hammer and a chizel, beginning to hammer away at the wall of the apartment building. The window he was after was a large picture window about 6 feet in length and three feet in width. He would be perfect for one of the side walls of Coli's greenhouse, if he could get it there in one piece. Right now, however, he was simply focused on exposing the framing for the window. If he could remove it while it was still in its frame, it would make the task of carrying it back to the worksite much easier.



- Ehno Marino - 07-08-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v26/K ... rnotxt.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
It's no problem at all. :] 400+

The Crimson Dreams wolf let his thoughts wander along as he lay there, focusing mostly on his discoveries from the past few days. There always seemed to be something new and interesting to find within this human city. Yet his reverie could not last forever, and it was disrupted as the morning’s silence was shattered. It was a series of quick, sharp tapping noises emerging from somewhere outside. Ehno sat up slowly, glancing out over the back of the old couch to look out the window. There was nothing out of the ordinary to be seen beyond the glass. His view was limited to the side of another small house and a small expanse of sky. The noise wasn’t the storm he heard approaching earlier, sounding neither like the pattering of rain nor the harsh booms of thunder. The only remaining explanation was that there was someone else in the area. Finding a new energy in his determination to look around, the chocolate hued male swung his legs over the edge of couch as he reached down for his travel pack.

The Italian man stood and stretched, shaking the sleepiness from his muscles. As he went for the door he hooked his small pack over one arm, using the other to adjust the bandage over his left shoulder. He had changed the bandage a few days prior, and since the wound was now nearly healed, he knew he could afford to wait to take a better look at it when he arrived back home. With that in mind, he stopped fiddling with the cloth as he stepped outside. His ears perked up at the noise, trying to at least determine the general direction of it. The source of the racket seemed to be coming from the other side of the house he just emerged from. He turned around the corner of the ramshackle building, immediately spotting something on the other side of the street. It was another Luperci, his hair pulled back in a ponytail, pounding away along the sides of a large window. Ehno took an interest in the tools the stranger wielded, but what really caught his interest was the tool belt tied around his waste, so similar to his own back at home. The Chief Sergeant set out across the street, the usual friendly grin sneaking its way to his features. “Quite a bit of noise you’re making there, huh?” he called out in a friendly tone, hoping the stranger would hear him over the sound of his task.

- Henratha Gyrkin - 07-12-2009

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... t/rath.jpg); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:9px; padding-left:50px; padding-right:50px; padding-bottom:306px;">

IC: The siding around the window cracked and splintered under the blows of Rath's chizel. He would have this window and its frame extricated in no time if he kept up his current pace. However, this was not to be as he heard the sound of a voice behind him. His white tufted ears perked in curiosity as he deftly returned his chizel and hammer to his belt while turning to see who had addressed him. Had he woken this male up? The timid male allowed himself to smile in a friendly manner, his gooseberry green gaze looking away from the strange male in an almost embarrassed manner. If he had indeed awakened this male from some sort of slumber, this would be the second time. First he had awoken Tokyo chance within Dahlia de Mai, and now, outside the packlands he had potentially awoken yet another person. Was his work really so noisy?

___ "I'm sorry if I disturbed you. I was just trying to get this window out of the wall. I didn't think anyone else was around," the shaggy male confessed, his tenor voice cracking slightly in embarrassment. "My name's Henratha Gyrkin, you can call me Rath if you want. I'm from Dahlia de Mai." There, now the male knew who he was, and where he was from. The conversation might go better if the stranger knew his name, or at least Rath thought so. The socially reclusive male still hadn't managed to improve his social skills at all. He constantly found himself trying to remember what his mother had taught him to say and how to be polite to strangers and stuff. This caused him a great deal of trouble and contributed greatly to his shyness. He was always afraid that he would forget something and as such was constantly having to watch what he said so that he didn't mess up. It was very difficult for him. However, this male did not seem irritated with him as Tokyo had when he had first met her. Perhaps Rath had not woken him up or inconvenienced him in some way. That would be a relief.


- Ehno Marino - 07-13-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v26/K ... rnotxt.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
The stranger heard him, abruptly stopping in his task to turn his attention to Ehno’s approaching form. The Chief Sergeant’s eyes hovered briefly over the tool belt as he slipped the tools into their designated spots. He returned the stranger’s friendly smile, and wondered for a moment about his averted gaze. Had he perhaps disturbed the man in his work? But as he proceeded to introduce himself, Ehno could detect no other signs that he had bothered the other Luperci. He claimed to be from Dahlia de Mai. Ehno recalled then that the Dahlian territory stretched out toward the city, so it was unsurprising that he might meet one of its members around this area.

“Didn’t disturb me at all,” he said with a smile and a shake of his head. “Nice to meet you, Rath. I’m Ehno Marino of Crimson Dreams,” came his accented introduction. The Italian man stepped a little closer, peering curiously at the cracked window frame Rath had previously been working on. “What do need that window for, if you don’t mind my asking?” His amber gaze drifted toward his new acquaintance as he spoke. The Dahlian wolf must have had some idea in mind for the window he was in the process of seizing. The tool belt at his waist told Ehno that this man was no stranger to projects of building or repairing. It was exciting to find someone who took on tasks similar to his relatively new hobby.

- Henratha Gyrkin - 07-17-2009

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... t/rath.jpg); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:9px; padding-left:50px; padding-right:50px; padding-bottom:306px;">

IC: Rath loosed a small sigh of relief when Ehno assured him that his work had not disturbed him. That was comforting. Turning his gooseberry green eyes towards the male, the timid woodworker managed to smile and nod before responding to the male's introduction. "Nice to meet you too, Ehno. I must say, that I've never heard of Crimson Dreams. Although, that doesn't mean much since I rarely venture very far from the Dahlia packlands." Now that the introductions were done, Ehno asked Rath what his reason for removing the window was.

___ "I'm building a greenhouse for one of my packmates, and I need big windows for the walls. It's easier than having to use a whole bunch of smaller windows. This whole window would take up a sizable portion of one wall. I'll use the smaller windows to fill in the spaces," he explained, using his hands as he spoke in an attempt to show how he would use the large window as the center of the wall, and then if he needed he would put smaller windows around it to fill in any spots in the framework of the greenhouse. The more small windows he had to use, the more small woodframes he had to make in the wall, and that would make the wall weaker structurally. To go into all the details at the moment would produce a tedious and boring conversation, so Rath simply avoided them. Every time he had tried to explain carpentry to another individual, most of them had simply looked at him with confusion. It was hard for the male to simplify his terms when talking about such a complex subject as construction. He didn't even want to think how hard it would be to explain how he made the instruments he so loved. That, in many ways, made building this greenhouse look like a walk in the park. So, with his explanation finished, the reddish brown, shaggy luperci turned to Ehno with an expectant look as if awaiting more questions. He liked talking about his work, so he certainly would not mind if Ehno wanted him to clarify anything he had said.

- Ehno Marino - 07-21-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v26/K ... rnotxt.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Sorry for the delay and the funky reply! D: 300+

Ehno was always happy to meet new faces, especially those who were not from the same pack. It wasn’t often that the male met a stranger outside the pack lands, so he was happy to find that his new acquaintance appeared to be a friendly guy. To him, meeting new wolves was like another sort of adventure. Just as there were many ways to begin an adventure, there were plenty of ways a new friendship could begin. Striking up a conversation out of the blue was probably Ehno’s favorite method. If the person was amiable, it would always turn out well. “Crimson Dreams is out west. The pack surrounds a lake, so it’s pretty easy to find if you ever decide to venture out that way.” He pointed his thumb in its general direction. “Dahlia’s nearby here isn’t it?” he asked conversationally. The chocolate hued male knew that the pack lay somewhere north of the human city, but he had never actually ventured there himself.

The Chief Sergeant listened and watched as Rath explained his greenhouse project with both words and hand motions. The explanation was fairly simple, but it was still detailed enough for Ehno to form a picture of this glass wall in his mind. “Sounds like you know what you’re doing. Is this a project you’ve just started up?” He was curious to learn a bit more about it and perhaps learn how far along he’d gotten so far. After a moment, he added, “I’ve recently started a bit of woodworking myself, though nothing as big as building a greenhouse. Don’t suppose you have any tips for a beginner like me?” A light-hearted laugh followed his words. The tool belt and the extensive project he described told Ehno that this Rath fellow was certainly no stranger to construction.

- Henratha Gyrkin - 07-28-2009

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... t/rath.jpg); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:9px; padding-left:50px; padding-right:50px; padding-bottom:306px;">
OOC: I am so sorry for the delay in all of this. I've been really slow lately and it's driving me crazy. I'm usually so prompt and quick with my responses that I feel bad whenever it takes me more than a day to reply. Curse my slowness!!

IC: Rath smiled as Ehno took a genuine interest in his work. If there was one thing that Rath liked, it was talking about his hobby and if someone was interested in it, he would likely like them as well. The ruddy hued male rested his hands on his toolbelt, a rather odd pose to look at, but it was comfortable nonetheless. His white-tufted ears were perked in interest as Ehno indicated which direction Crimson Dreams was in as well as inquired as to the proximity of Dahlia de Mai. "It's relatively closeby. I'd venture to say that we're a short walk away from one of the borders. That's why I chose to look through this area for windows. It's close to home, so I won't have to carry my findings too far," the tenor voice boomed for a moment before Rath unleashed a light-hearted laugh, envisioning himself having to carry several large panes of glass back through Wolfville, to the construction site near Colibri's house. That would have been an interesting experience, and an amusing one to watch.

___ Rath's laugh was short, as he was quickly drawn back into the conversation by Ehno's next inquiry. "No, not really. I've been working on it for about four months now, gradually gathering building materials and finding the proper tools. That's a long story that I won't bore you with. I also spent a lot of time planning it out. I've never built a greenhouse before, so it took a great deal of thought on my part about how to build one in a structurally sound, yet aesthetically appealing manner. I'm relatively pleased with how it is turning out so far," he nodded in accordance with his own words, in an attempt to emphasize his feelings. Then, Rath heard Ehno mention that he too had taken up woodworking. How wonderful! Rath was quite impressed with this male's choice of hobbies. However, when asked for advice, Rath's enthusiasm faded momentarily. He hadn't ever given advice to anyone before. He was no real expert in his profession. He only practiced what had been taught to him his whole life, short as it had been up to this point. However, he would do his best not to disappoint the budding woodwright. "Well, first things first, know your tools. Make sure you are familiar with how they feel in your hands so that you can maneuver them in just the way you want them. It takes time, but with practice it saves you from making mistakes later on. Umm...start with small projects first and then work up to bigger ones so that you can develop your own personal style. I find that the smaller objects are easier to express oneself with than the larger pieces. The first thing I ever made was a small flute about this big," Rath held up his hands about six inches apart, indicating how small the instrument had been. "Just take your time. Don't try to rush something just to get it done. Enjoy every minute of your work, because you are putting a piece of yourself into everything you make. It's your...invisible seal, I guess you could say. If you don't want to make anything that you wouldn't want your name on then take your time to make sure you make something your proud of. I...I think that's all I can think of in the way of advice. I hope somewhere in there you heard something that sounded at least somewhat inspiring," the shaggy luperci chuckled, scratching his head nervously. He wasn't sure if some of the stuff he had said made any sense, but he had tried. Hopefully Ehno would at least appreciate the effort.


- Ehno Marino - 07-31-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v26/K ... rnotxt.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
No worries! I've had that happen to me before, so I know how you feel. 500+

Ehno listened as Rath explained that one of the Dahlian borders was indeed relatively close by before continuing to mention his reasons for gathering supplies in this particular area. “Ahh, smart decision,” he said with a nod. The Marino male eyed the large window for a moment. “I definitely wouldn’t want to carry that too far.” Ehno could just imagine himself carting something as large as this window all the way to Crimson Dreams. With his luck, he would end up dropping it somewhere along the way and be left with its shattered and useless remains. He found himself suddenly wishing that Halifax wasn’t so far from his own pack. It would at least make his routine trips out here a little quicker that way.

Rath went on then to describe his greenhouse project in more detail. The Marino’s ears perked up in interest, picturing this greenhouse once more in his mind. He imagined how it would look throughout the months as it was worked on little by little, slowly being built up from nothing. The greenhouse he pictured in his mind was quaint and unfinished, missing the windows that would make it complete. Ehno wondered just how far from reality the little greenhouse he pictured was. He had only seen a few examples of them in the past and each one was different from the next. “I think it’s good to take your time with a project that big. Wouldn’t want to mess anything up and have to start from scratch, right?” he said with a slight chuckle. He hoped the rest of the construction went smoothly for the Dahlian wolf.

The Italian man gave Rath his full attention as he began to offer some advice on their common hobby. Ehno had originally taken up this hobby as a fun little way to pass the time when he was around the manor. The more he worked on little projects, the more he came to love the new pastime, and before he knew it he had set aside a room in the mansion for his tasks. Part of him wanted to take on a larger project in the future, so he was eager to get any advice he could from someone who had experience with these sorts of tasks. He liked the way Rath described the ‘invisible seal’ of the carpenter that was a part of each project. He found himself chuckling along with the shaggy wolf when his speech came to an end. “Thanks. I think it was helpful. Very informative.” Ehno nodded to emphasize his words, a genuinely grateful smile gracing his lips. “I’ve worked on a number of small projects before… a small model of the mansion back home and some toys for one of the pups. Been thinking of starting something bigger, though I’m not sure what.” He laughed. “I think I should take your advice and get a little more familiar with my tools first.” It probably didn’t help that he always managed to bring a new one or two home with him when he visited the city, but he just couldn’t resist.

- Henratha Gyrkin - 08-03-2009

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... t/rath.jpg); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:9px; padding-left:50px; padding-right:50px; padding-bottom:306px;">
OOC: Out of character stuff goes hurr.

IC: Rath smiled as Ehno thanked him for his advice. At least he had gotten something out of that rambling speech that Rath had given. Rath hadn't even been sure he had understood half the stuff he had said. It had just come out like water flowing from a faucet. He listened as Ehno described some of the projects he had worked on, his ears perked in interest at the mention of toys. He made toys? That sounded fun. There were certainly numerous possibilities. Perhaps he would have to make some toys for Catalyst and her siblings that she had mentioned. Surely they would enjoy that.

___ "Yes, try and get them to where they feel like extensions of your hand," he commented on Ehno's statement that he would need to familiarize himself with his tools. The normally timid Dahlian was really beginning to enjoy this Italian wolf. He was certainly friendly and quite comfortable in conversation, something Rath admired. "Pardon my asking, Ehno, but do you mind if I work while we talk? I'm not sure when it will start raining again and I'd at least like to get this window out before then. That way, if worse comes to worst I can leave the window in a safe place here and come back later to carry it back home. Carrying anything around in the rain, is difficult. However, I find that glass is particularly troublesome to carry when it's wet. It gets so slippery that it's almost like it tries to jump out of your hands," Rath chuckled, his gooseberry hued gaze focusing on the male. He did not wish to be rude in anyway. In fact, he hoped that this conversation would continue for awhile. The ruddy hued male was simply wired to want to complete a task when he set his mind to it. He would drive himself crazy if he couldn't at least partially complete a task during a given day. Hopefully Ehno would understand.


- Ehno Marino - 08-13-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v26/K ... rnotxt.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Now it's my turn to be delayed. T_T So sorry! 300+

Making the tool an extension of his hand. It was an interesting way to look at it, one Ehno had never considered before. He couldn’t imagine why; now that it had been pointed out to him, it seemed like a fairly obvious way to look at things. Previously, Ehno always saw each tool as something different, some object to bend to his will. Rath’s suggestion seemed more passive, but also more useful. If he could become that familiar with each tool, he could easily work his way through his projects. And the only way to reach that point of comfort with his tools was to practice. As cliché as it sounds, practice did make perfect.

Rath expressed that he wanted to continue his work, and with the weather being how it was the past week or two, Ehno couldn’t blame him. “Hey, don’t let me stop you from doing what you came out here to do.” The Marino was always up for a good conversation, but it wouldn’t do to rudely let his love of the spoken word get in the way of the other’s task. His golden gaze drifted to the cloud-veiled sky for a moment and he wondered how long it would be until the rain poured down once again. He returned his attention to the Dahlian male, an idea coming to mind. “I could always help you out, if you’d like?” He didn’t know if Rath preferred to work alone, but it couldn’t hurt to offer. “At least let me help you carry that back,” he suggested. It was a big window and it was likely going to be difficult to drag that thing all the way home. It probably wasn’t the smartest idea to offer is assistance with his wounded shoulder and all, but Ehno couldn’t keep from asking anyway.