'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Pay attention to the small things - Printable Version

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- Dawali Amara - 07-02-2009

Word Count: 326

The blonde girl which stood there on the path along with the old male had changed in such a short period of time, and Dawali found himself amazed. The last time he had seen her was when her "uncle Ho" had been wanting to join their ranks, and then the pack hunt, but he'd not properly spent time with the child since that morning when a simple fire had been a magical thing. Her language had been charming, and it had improved immensely since then. They had met here by chance today, but it was a good day as any to meet, and the male had some things he wanted to say to the girl anyway.

The red wolf smiled down at the lightly colored girl, who very soon would be considered an adult by age, at least, if not by mentality. It struck him, then, that he might always look at this person and remember the child whose mind was innocent and pure, and perhaps overly naive. The fact that Brennt had manged to push away her lovableness and still hurt her was beyond him. His heart tightened for a second, as he was both in pain and sentimental at the same time, simply by looking at one of the creatures that justified his horrible, horrible act. Perhaps there would come a time when he managed to accept it, but now and for some time ahead he knew that he would not be able to see himself as the same. He had blood on his hands, and even if it had been justified he had still taken a life. Looking at the child he knew that it had been for the sake of everyone else, and that thought eased his suffering.

"So what have you been up to lately, young miss? Any grand adventures?"

His voice spoke lightly, but the usual strength and subdued "boom" in his voice was present in the background as usual.

By James!

- Noir Aston - 07-11-2009

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/l ... banner.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
(700+) Sorri for ventetid. Og Dawali e den første ulven utenom Noir som Kinigisdi vise seg for.

Despite the fact that Noir had tasted reality a few times in her life, she had been able to keep her unique innocent and childlike soul intact despite her growing age. Her siblings mainly found hunting as the new way of entertainment, while Noir lagged behind. The brightly hued girl had not at all attempted to learn how to hunt. She just could not find a singular molecule in her body that was willing to go through and kill another being, no matter the cause. It saddened her, because she did of course understand that it was necessary in order for a wolf to survive. Despite this knowledge, Noir Aston did not wish to hunt. At all.. With uncle Ho, she tried to learn to fish again. So far the girl hadn’t been lucky catching one with her bum. She was starting to wonder if uncle Ho had only been lucky when he had caught that fish with his bum a few months ago. Fish was not a cute animal, so it was okay to kill it, and the girl certainly enjoyed the different taste. Perhaps she could fish in order to make herself useful in the food area. She could not lean on her fellow pack members forever. It was not a nice thing to do.

She wondered if Dawali was angry at her for running away from the hunt, but he had not yet said anything about it. The Kinigisdi bird had not had any problems with telling her exactly what was wrong with her thinking. Noir found this whole thing with the strange bluebird quite depressing. Actually, she quite loved birds. The talking bluebird was the first bird that had let her come up close to investigate it. It had also sung for her, and that song of the bluebird was one of Noir’s favourite songs. It was just that it was something off about it all and Noir was far from certain of how to handle it. Birds did not talk into someone’s heads, and Baby Duck only seemed to be aware of the bird every now and then, but not always. Her family had not seemed to see it at all, though Noir had never asked them if they did when the small bird jumped around them. As if Kinigisdi was not really there. Was Noir’s brain imagining talking birds? The girl did not like the thought of being more of a nutcase more than she had to.

Noir beamed up at the man that was one of her two definite father figures. Oh, she had a lot to tell him! ”You saw Baby Duck and I found the baby all alone and Asha said that I was its mother and that I did not need to have milk in my belly because duck babies do not drink milk and Baby Duck is special because he is gray and not yellow and his neck is starting to get really long and weird.” Yes, this was correct. She found it very odd. Perhaps it would grow so long that Baby Duck could not walk without dragging his head along the floor with him. Or maybe it would just fall off. She hoped not. Things without heads usually died. ”Oh, and Claudius and I met a big giant monster thing called a cow and it stomped on Baby Duck and almost killed him that’s why Baby Duck has lots of clothes on him so that he can heal better!” Yes, it had been a cow. It had been very scary and obviously dangerous. ”Cow was superbig and lots of fur and had two things sticking out of its head, looking a bit like those things some man deers have.”

Yes, he had missed out on a lot lately in Noir’s life! ”And I have found a friend that said her name is Cambreeah and she really liked butterflies just like me and uncle Ho is teaching me how to fish with my bum because I like fish.” Yes. Perhaps she would get better and manage to catch some fish soon. Oh, and;; ”and there is a bird that is following me all the time. I like birds but it is weird.” Noir wanted to talk about the weird bird that always seemed to be around her, but she did not want to mention that she imagined hearing a voice, because Dawali might think that she was stupid in her head, and she really did not want that. As if on cue, the bluebird’s form appeared from the sky and elegantly settled on the ground in front of the two Aniwayans, although slightly closer to Noir than to the leader. The bird’s gaze turned to Dawali accompanied by a curt nod. Noir only stared at it as she always did, wondering if it would be stupid and make sounds inside her head again. She would not let it. "Go away bird!" the girl said loudly while she flattened her ears. Her gaze went to Dawali, wondering if he could see it.


- Dawali Amara - 07-27-2009

Sorry for at eg e treig osv
- og btw spirit guides kan ikkje snakka i hodene te folk, bare senda bilder og impressions som må tolkast. Så liksom, voice in head = nope.
Word Count: 408

Dawali's deep voice made short sounds, rapidly following each other. No one could make him chuckle as the young girl before him. Her voice could distinguish her in a large group of children, he was certain, and even though it changed as constantly as the rest of her did while growing older, it was still slightly squeaky and almost too pitched for his own liking. Still, it was charming in its own way, and when words poured out of the child, accompanied by a strong beam on her face, he could not help himself. He was completely charmed by the personality that was Noir Aston. His face beamed back at the girl, whom he considered as close to himself as one of his own daughters, as he listened to her tales of recent events. In every way, the girl was different than others, and some of her speech problems still shone through, especially when she was eager. The girl had yet to shift, and thus as he listened, the male got down to place one knee on the ground, standing in a half crouch. His chuckles and nods decorated the silences, when she stopped her flood of words to breathe every now and then.

The man let her talk until he thought she was finished, and then his hand reached out to ruffle the mass of blond hair between her ears. "Sounds like you've been very busy making new friends!" Her description of the cow was entertaining in itself, despite how her beloved Baby Duck had been hurt by it. The smile on his face lingered, and just then as he opened his mouth to speak again he noticed a small bluebird on the path between the two, nodding its head to him. He hadn't immediately realized she'd spoken about a spirit guide until he saw it - she had served him so many tales at once that it made his head dizzy. When Noir's ears flattened and she verbally abused the bird as best she possibly could (he doubted there was enough meanness in her to even produce something more hurtful than the blunt expression she just served), he chuckled again as he nodded a greeting back to the small bird. The girl had no idea how well her spirit guide's form complemented her. "Hehe, I don't think you can make it go away, Noir. You've found your spirit guide! Haven't anyone told you what they are?"

By James!

- Noir Aston - 07-30-2009

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/l ... banner.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
(300+) JAVEL DÅ!

The girl liked the way the adult always seemed to respond to what she had to say. He made it sound like it actually was worth listening to (which it was of course, but not everyone seemed to think that!). Her tail wagged happily, slapping the man’s leg every now and then. When he reached down and ruffled her blond hair on top of her head, the girl mewled happily and shone up at him like the miniature sun she was. She was so happy about her new friends. It was not until recently that she had come in contact with people from other packs and places, and it was so much fun! Especially Cambreeah that had played butterfly together with her! The young girl’s thoughts drifted back to that day, and her tail increased its pace at those delightful memories. Noir would have to meet the butterfly puppy again soon, because they had to be best friends or something. Noir’s only current best friend was Uncle Ho, but he did not count because he was an adult and her uncle.

The puppy’s ears flickered at the man’s words, and for a moment or two a confused look took hold of her face. So she could not chase the bird away. Spirit guide? That could not be right, because spirit guides were useful things. Now when the girl thought about it, she could not reject the understanding from spreading. Her tail quieted down in its merry movements as the girl thought. It had to be right, but why had not the bird just revealed what it was? Golden eyes stared disapprovingly down at the brilliantly coloured bird, not happy that she had not managed to figure this out on her own. "Why did you not say so!” the girl said accusingly to the bird, expecting it to answer. Her focus then drifted back to the adult next to her. "I know what spirit guides are but it did not tell me so there!” the girl said, eager to blame the bird for her ignorance.


- Dawali Amara - 07-31-2009

Crappy post by meee lalala

Again he chuckled, and ruffled her hair. The bluebird was a beautiful form to take, and it was practical as well. He knew the joys of having a bird guide, it was very mobile and practical. He believed he'd met those with water-creatures for spirit guides, and it would have to be frustrating to always find an ocean or lake to contact them. And land-creatures could move slowly on their legs, depending on form. That could be good though, he remembered his uncle, not of the blood but by marrying his sister, had had a tortoise. It had been good for him, because he lacked a leg, and could only move slowly anyway. They complemented each other, and so did Noir and her bluebird. They were both tender little things. Sitting down in a lotus position now, the male smiled at the girl with the so fascinating take on the world. "But did it tell you its name? Because you know, normal bluebirds can't speak like us."

Quite many of the AniWaya tribe had been able to vaguely communicate with animals that did not speak high speech, using simple messages and gesticulations. He'd never really decided whether he considered it a training of the animal, or an actual language, but it worked so-so. He had no doubts that this bird spoke normally though.

By James!

- Noir Aston - 08-20-2009

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/l ... banner.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Noir did not get it. As he ruffled her hair, she stared blankly at the little bird. Slowly, she tilted her face towards the leader. So he did not laugh at her. She felt quite silly for not recognizing the odd bird as her spiritual guide. There had to be some kind of misunderstanding though, because she thought that spirit guides and their persons were supposed to be good friends and get along well with each other. She did not truly realize that the bird had been nothing but kind to her, and that it was Noir’s stubborn nature that was the main issue between her and Kinigisdi. She saw the bird’s guidance as something more, as if the bird tried to boss her around. As mentioned before, Noir was stubborn. She was a very kind creature, though too spoiled in many ways.

”Kinigisdi?” the girl said uncertainly. The name sounded odd to her. Noir would probably have named it Bluey or something silly and plain. Now when they were over on this subject, the girl hesitated, then looked around Dawali’s legs and up at him. ”Dawali where is yours spirit guide?” Maybe he did not have any? Maybe it had died. Noir’s lips shut tight together when she considered that possibility. What if she made him sad by reminding him of his dead spirit guide?


- Dawali Amara - 08-27-2009

Word Count: 379

Her face remained blank as she thought about his words, and his chuckle went on to continue inside him. She was quite loveable, in her confusion. Her voice rang with uncertainty as she spoke the bird's name, and without doubt that name was the name of a spirit guide. Of course, he'd already established that it was a spirit guide, but voicing its name sort of... sealed the contract. Verified its existence beyond doubt. His eyes flickered to the bird, wanting to see if it did anything - any reaction could give him clues about its demeanor - not commenting on the name. But, as most spirit guide names it rang comfortably on the tongue. Somehow the name of this one fit it's form very well, though he couldn't pinpoint why he thought so.

When the child questioned him about Gvihita, he smiled again. His spirit guide wasn't as open of social as other guides were, but her headstrong and stubborn personality was not really unusual among her kind either. Her form mirrored that perfectly - her personality and wit was ever as strong and sharp as the talons and beak of an eagle. In fact, AniWayans considered the eagle a very special animal. It was hard to catch, and it was as keen as any predator, but so graceful when it soared across the skies. Many regarded it as the king of birds, and it was often the symbol of the Chief. Who knew, perhaps Gvihita had known of his future rank. She sure did fit him right now, though. "My guide is an eagle, a bird like yours. Her name is Gvihita, but she isn't here right now, I think." Pausing, he waited to see whether she appeared in response to his words. Sometimes she lurked around without him knowing. When nothing happened, he continued. "She comes and goes as she pleases, but she helps me out when I need it."

As if to strengthen his conclusion on her demeanor, he moments later noticed the familiar sensation of talons in his shoulder. Now, the powerful bird sat there, and had she been able to, Dawali would have sworn she smirked at him, as cocky as ever. He'd assumed she'd appear - she seemed to appreciate the young.

By James!

- Noir Aston - 08-27-2009

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/l ... banner.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Noir could not remember ever having seen this eagle he talked about. She had never seen one up really close. Were they pretty? Almost all birds and animals she saw were pretty; especially Oceane’s spirit animal because it was a super cute cat and its fur looked super pretty and was probably super soft too. Noir cringed with jealousy, but at least Kinigisdi made pretty song sounds sometimes when the girl asked it to sing. The little bluebird was not always annoying, especially not now when Noir better understood exactly what it was. It was of course obvious now when the leader had pointed this out to her, so she was a little bit embarrassed. She wanted to seem smart to Dawali, but she rarely did. It was hard growing up, and even though Noir always had looked forward to growing up so that she could be big and have two legs to walk on instead of four, she missed being merely a child. Everyone seemed to want to give her more responsibility (or attempt to) nowadays, but she just wanted to play and look at flowers. Things were harder and wanted to be more complicated nowadays. She was not sure if she liked it.

Did Dawali’s spirit guide help him? Would Kinigisdi help her? Noir’s brows furrowed in thought, thinking back when she had been poked to go home to the injured Baby Duck the day when the blue bird appeared. Perhaps it was cool to have one, not only for looks, but also for help. Noir looked at her little spirit guide and the bird broke into a brilliant line of music before it took off and sat down on top of her head. The feet of the tiny creature kind of tickled and felt weird on top of her head, and the girl broke into a little giggle, finally accepting her little companion. It was a bit cute! When the girl’s golden eyes turned back to her leader there was a big mean looking bird on his shoulder. The girl gasped and her eyes widened in wonder. Was that Gvihitaad that he had talked about? It was not so cute, but it looked pretty too. It was an odd bird, but it was cool to see it up close. ”Oh!” the girl breathed before she remembered how to close her ‘o’ shaped mouth. ”Hello Gvittaaa, so nice to meet you! You look a bit scary, I hope you don’t wants to eat my blue bird guide thing!” the girl said, wondering if it wanted to eat Kinigisdi.


- Dawali Amara - 08-28-2009


The bluebird sang and flew up to sit on the girl's head, causing her to giggle. Dawali was quite convinced that in time the young Sedali might learn to appreciate her spirit guide as greatly as he did his. Gvihita was certainly every bit of a mysterious creature, and being so she also reminded him of his spiritual obligations. He should never forget them, and he would never forget them, unless she left his side. Though, he knew that she would not, and that was a comfort big enough to carry him through this life and greet death - when it came - with his arms open. That was, if it ended in old age, and not violence. No victim of violence died a peaceful death.

Smiling as he watched the girl whose age was a fifth of his own, he chuckled when her face changed rapidly, eyes growing big as saucers when they landed on Gvihita. His own eyes looked from the bird to Noir and back again, smiling with half his mouth. The girl's logic and ability to jump to disturbing conclusions were perhaps not quite normal, but at the very least entertaining. Gvihita said nothing in return - he hadn't expected her to - but stretched her mighty wings, showing off her impressive span of over 75 inches - nearly two metres. Smiling at her, fondly, he defied Noir's assumptions. "She doesn't really speak to others, but she'll not eat Kinigisdi. Spirit Guides don't have to eat food."

By James!

- Noir Aston - 09-06-2009

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/l ... banner.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
The bird said nothing in return, which was rude. Suddenly the large bird stretched its wings. Whoa, it was super duper big, and Noir gasped in awe. Her face turned upwards in a silly attempt to look at Kinigisdi, and the bluebird took off and away towards the brilliantly blue sky. Well, Noir was positive that the Dawali spirit guide bird was super much larger than Kinigisdi. The wings were so pretty, and Noir just had to venture closer, forgetting about Kinigisdi and Dawali. ”Wow, Ghitta, you are super pretty, I wish I could have had a pretty spirit guide like you, I mean, of course I like Kinigisdi and she is very pretty, but I really like you too. Can’t you talk? Can you sing like my spirit guide? Because Kinigisdi sings a lot and it is very pretty but I can’t remember hearing a bird like you sing before, is it pretty? I think all birds sing.” It was weird that Spirit Guides did not eat food. How could bodies work without food? ”Why don’t they eat food? They have real bodies and all real things need to eat or else they die. And why are they different shapes and what happens if it dies, what happens with Kinigisdi if I die, how old are they and why doesn’t Gvitta talk?”


- Dawali Amara - 09-12-2009

Word Count: 417

His grin stayed as Noir very nearly assaulted the great eagle with a river of words. Not saying anything he simply looked at the bird with a greatly amused glint in his eyes, savoring the moment. Really, even if she liked children, her patience would thin from this. She liked admiration, but not the kind that was offered to her by the child. Aesthetics and the like was not in the least interesting to the powerful female spirit - no, she valued respect or fear. If Noir had called her powerful or intimidating, she would have bristled her furs in pride, but now Dawali was certain that if she had been able to, her face would have formed a frown. Not only did the little female (as Gvihita had called Noir before, when speaking with Dawali) talk about 'being pretty', she also questioned the bird's silence. At the thought of singing (the thought itself was simply ludicrous to her), Gvihita was so offended that she spread those wings once more, and now she flew from Dawali's shoulder with a vicious shriek, a flurry of indignation and feathers and bruised pride. Really, a singing eagle? Dawali chuckled now, and realized he had something now that he could always annoy the great bird with. His eyes shifted to the 'little female' again when another river of words was directed at himself.

The questions she asked were of the philosophical kind, really. These beings of the spiritual world - they only stepped into Noir's and Dawali's world because of the obligation of guidance. They masked themselves to look alike other creatures of this place, and to behave and feel and smell like parts of the earth that the wolves knew - but they were not. They did not sleep or eat, although strangely enough Gvihita enjoyed hunting fiercely. Perhaps, somewhere along the line, when the spirits had remained in their earthen forms long enough, some of an animal's instincts rubbed off on them. Truth be told, he didn't know, and if you asked them they did not answer. It was not their place to know these things, the wolves of the earth. "Well, Noir, they're not like us at all. They look like they fit in here, and you can touch them just like anything else, but they're from somewhere else. And where they come from they don't need food or sleep. They're just disguising themselves so they can fit into our world. They never die, either, isn't that neat?"

By James!