'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Catch 22 - Printable Version

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- Rachias Tears de Ame - 01-03-2008

All welcome Big Grin

It had been a hard decision, chancing entering the lands of Inferni once again. Andre had threatened to kill her, attacked her, and she had no doubts that her brother would hold to his words. Hadn't the point of starting the fight been that she wouldn't let him push her around though? She'd fled the lands that day, run all the way back to Clouded Tears, and since then she hadn't been back to Inferni. After seeing Arkham, though, something had changed. She suddenly, once again, had the will to face him. Let him try and kill her, she'd decided, because she'd kill him if she had to. Of course, Rachias wasn't sure that she'd even be able to do such a thing, but if it came down to it there was really no other way.

Making her way quickly across the borders, Rachias made a beeline for the trees, knowing that it was less likely for her to be seen there. She did, of course, have things that she wanted to accomplish in Inferni. The first was finding the house, to check up on Faolin, and even maybe take a moment or two to see Gabriel. By now he'd have to have realized that she was gone and, because he hadn't come looking for her, he certainly had to know where she had gotten off two. It left two things open, he either hated her and didn't care to see her again, or he'd come to terms with her decision and had decided not to bother her over it. Either way, she hoped to find out when she got to the house.


- Jesile Mogotsi - 01-08-2008

I saw your scarcity notice, Amber, and I don't mind waiting until you're ready to reply, whenever that may be. <3

The boy was rather comfortable, having established himself to his content in this new place that he could now call home. He hadn't met anyone else but Faolin, though admittedly he was a touch tentative to do so. Ordinarily he was not shy, but in all honesty they belonged here more than he did, and he had a slight desire to make a good first impression. Faolin had noted one of them as "different", and still he did not grasp the extent of that word, but just the same, he did not want to get into any trouble or become a burden to anyone. Thus, exploring a little more on his own today certainly couldn't hurt anything or anyone, and his small paws delicately directed him toward the borders so that he couldinvestigate the things outside of the clan territory. He wanted to know it inside and out.

He probably looked foolish, gawking at the trees that way, fore legs splayed slightly and bobbing his head this way and that, trying and failing to catch a glimpse of the creature that had evidently darted for cover.
"Hel-lo?" he asked rather than stating it in a confident manner. He wasn't entirely certain what she? smelled like, only that there was a distinct coyote tinge to it. But it did not smell like Inferni, of that he was more or less certain. Hesitantly, he stepped forward a couple of strides, straightening himself out to look half-way proper. Large coyote ears flopped back on his head and then swiveled to face the front a few times before he was at all satisfied. Either the thing would remain still and silent, make an escape, or attack, and he sincerely hoped that it would not be the former, so close to the border.

- Rachias Tears de Ame - 01-22-2008

HAI! I r slow. D:

It was sad, quite honestly, how the girl had to sneak around Inferni in an attempt to avoid her older brother. Perhaps it was more sad that he wanted to hurt her at all but, really, it wasn't a new thing to the hybrid girl. They'd never really gotten along anyways. Rachias hadn't gotten all that far from the border before someone caught sight of her. She hadn't had any real practice with sneaking around and was wholly not very good at it. Her concern was that it might be her brother, but the sound of the voice and the uncertainty that lay in the words that were spoken easily indicated that it was not Andre.

Her steps slowed then, wide blue eyes rushing across the area adjacent to her as she turned her head. She spotted the coyote quickly, one that she was not familiar with, and seemed much less of a threat than her own brother. "Hi?" She spoke suddenly, poking her head out from behind the cover of debris and brush. The caramel and cream swirled girl was hesitant at first, sweeping her gaze in each direction in search of any evidence of her brother. Finally, satisfied that she was in the clear, she stepped out and moved a few feet toward the male, who seemed only slightly older than she. "Who're you?"

- Jesile Mogotsi - 01-25-2008

With ease, he righted himself, having established that the other creature was a hybrid around his age, and not something that would enjoy eating him. He smiled immediately, and stepped forward slightly too, ensuring that he did not appear to be a threat (but, then again, he was Jesile, and thus about as able to appear menacing as a butterfly). She was obviously hiding for a reason, however, he didn't ask, especially right away, because it was really none of his business. "Jesile Mogotsi. Who're you?" He was interested. The boy still had not met many who actually lived in Inferni, and this girl did not seem to live here, though she seemed like she belonged, even if she was hiding. It was all interesting.

- Rachias Tears de Ame - 01-28-2008


"Rachias." She answered, giving only her first name since hers was often a mouth full. The girl eased herself a bit closer through the sands, poking her nose toward him in a very blunt fashion in an attempt to get a better scent off him. "You said Mogotsi." She stated then, giving him a sideways look, almost a little confused. Gabe and Faolin were going to have babies, she knew, but she didn't suspect that they would grow up so fast, it just didn't make sense. "You know Faolin?" Suspicion laced her voice when she asked, wondering if this might be her brother's friend trying to trick her.


- Jesile Mogotsi - 01-28-2008

"She's my sister. Adopted sister." He tacked on the latter only to clarify, as the girl obviously knew who Faolin was and saying that she was simply his sister could be confusing (and Rachias showed it), since Faolin hadn't known anything about him until he'd stumbled upon their doorstep. "You don't live here, do you," he stated, letting the subject of his name drop, and his connection to those Rachias knew. It was irrelevant. His question would be irrelevant as well, but it was interesting, something he didn't know, and also something that was not his business. But if he couldn't ask her why she was hiding, he could ask this. "Did you?" She was either being sneaky for no reason or sneaky for a valid reason, and whether she had once lived here made all the difference.