'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
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- Asariel - 07-23-2009


Clouds loomed heavily overhead, threatening to spill their tears as a heavy wind blew through the packlands, trees blowing and leaning under the element's force. A young woman, a luperci, meandered through the tall grass. She wasn't really doing anything in particular, just wandering. Thinking to herself. Sorting out her thoughts. She'd had a slightly eventful (if you wish to call it as such) day the other day, what with Ty and Lysander. A fling had sprouted between herself and Ty, though as to why she wasn't fully sure. She figured it was perhaps because she was trying to figure things out for herself. She didn't fully understand everything that was happening right now, all the strange feelings she was experiencing.

But that's life, isn't it?

Asariel walked over to the treeline, sitting herself down and leaning against one of the large trunks. She leaned her head back and let her blue and green eyes flutter closed as she listened to the sound of the wilderness around her. She was frustrated, she just couldn't get the last couple of days out of her head. What to do, what to do...


- Anya - 07-25-2009

Anya stood, not really seeing anything. She let the wind run through her fur. Thoughts ran through her head as quickly as the wind through her fur. Scents registered in her mind, stashed away for later analysis.

Anya opened her eyes, and turned her head as she heard someone approaching. The grass covered her form, dark grey though she was, and she waited patiently for the female to come nearer. No stalking this time, just a simple greeting would hopefully suffice.

"Hello. How are you on this fine day?"

- Asariel - 07-25-2009


Asariel jumped and bolted upright at the sound of a voice, a female's. She stared in the direction, staring at the silver gray woman in front of her. She blinked rapidly, trying to fight off the feelings of sleep that had started to take her over. She stretched, then offered the gray lady a smile. "Oh, hello there. I'm alright actually, I was just starting to catch up on some sleep." She pushed herself away from the tree trunk and mentally shook herself to wake up. Oh, she hated feeling muddled. It just made her feel stupid.

"What's your name? Mine's Asariel." Asariel was always very open and mostly very honest. That was always part of her character; now...usually she was very outgoing as well, but things can change. They can always, always change. Asariel hated change in all honesty.

But some things you have to take with a grain of salt.


- Anya - 07-25-2009

Anya smiled lightly at the shock that crossed the other woman's face. "I'm Anya. Came here a few weeks ago. I am deeply sorry for interrupting your sleep."

Anya squinted against the sun peeking through the clouds. The female standing in front of her was graceful, sure of herself. Her eyes lit up even with the cloud cover, and Anya admired the multiple colors that reflected out of those depths.

- Asariel - 08-01-2009


Sorry I haven't posted sooner, I needed to give my muse a break. ^^'

The wolfess offered Anya a smile as she blinked the sleep from her eyes, shaking her fur and letting the cool air nip through her. She woke almost immediately, and everything became clear instead of blurry with half lidded eyes. She yawned once more and stood up, walking a few steps here and there. "Sorry," she apologized, "Just trying to wake myself up. And that's okay, I wasn't really sleeping anyway..just kind of dozing, you know?" The woman stopped in front of Anya and smiled again. "So, you're new here eh? When did you join the pack? I've been here for almost six months."

Asariel kind of hated small talk. It was pointless, talking about what they hated about the weather or how long they'd been in Phoenix Valley. What was the point, really? There was nothing they could do to change the weather and there was no reason to talk about how long they'd been in a pack. They were all equal as packmates, no matter what their rank boasted. She thought about all the members she'd met: Ty, Rendall, Jefferson(though briefly) DaVinci, Honoré...Lysander. She frowned. There he was, in her head again.

This was all beginning to get very frustrating.


- Anya - 08-03-2009

Anya was a watcher. That was just what she did. She liked to watch people and try to guess what their lives were like, what they were thinking, etc. So it was no surprise taht she was adept at judging as to when someone's mind was in turmoil.

"I came here about a month to two months ago. It really is a nice place to live, all peaceful and such...You look like something is bothering you...Maybe that's just me though."

Although Anya did not know Asariel very well, she wanted to help the female. But only if the female would allow her to help.

- Asariel - 08-04-2009


Asariel stretched once more and shook any tracing remains of sleep from herself. Her ears pricked forward as she heard the other wolfess' voice; something about coming here a couple months ago. Asariel tried to suppress a sigh. Meeting people involved having to tell the same story all the time. Your name, where you came from, why you came from there, information about your family, etcetera etcetera. It was always the same old same old, and it did indeed get very boring.

However, Asariel pasted on a brave face and opened her mouth to speak. "Well, where did you come from? I came from California." As Anya mentioned something being wrong, Asariel immediately became flustered. It wasn't right to just dump all her problems on someone she just met; someone she didn't know and fully trust. But, the Luperci knew she needed to vent a bit, keeping it all locked up just couldn't be healthy. "Oh, it's nothing important really. Just thinking about a man that I met a little while ago. Just can't seem to get him out of my head," she said all of this with a slight smile, though she wasn't too thrilled about sharing her issues. Oh well, suck it up princess.
