'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Hold onto chance - Printable Version

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- Faler Cerber - 08-28-2009

'Jefferson and one other PV member'

Laying still Faler couldn't bring herself to move anymore, breathing seemed so hard now as her tanned body just lowered itself to the ground with a rough thud. Dark colored liquid slowly pooled at one side were the large deep gashes ripped down her ribs, the same deep crimson seemed to cover her tan coat as it dripped onto the ground. A whine passed through her lips as her glazed bi-color eyes stared forward into nothingness, most of her vision was reduced to a thin tunnel while the egdes were black and blurry. While this might be it for her then, even if she wanted to smile she couldn't. Images of the dark colored demon crawled into her thoughts, Faler didn't cry or fight it but a feeling of sickness settled in her gut. The sun was up now and the night was gone with all the events that had happened. A painful cough shaked her lungs as another whine left her, this is as far she could go. Behind her there was a trail of blood here and there then she drug herself for a yard or so, so will the coyotes come to finish her? Blinking she tryed to get back to her home, she had grown to that pack an Faler has accepted what will happen to her."T-this is w-what I get f-for helping s-someone" Voice low and broken up as she spoke to herself.


- Jefferson Soul - 09-08-2009

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... famans.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

you never sent me the link for this. I found it by chance. :I

Blood. He found it by accident, but rarely was blood itself such a thing. The stench had been like a mist in the air, detected from some distance and followed quickly when the hints of Phoenix Valley lingered within the reeking clouds. The fur on his neck immediately stood at end; the leader was protective of his members. The concept of one of his underlings lying in a pool of blood, dead or alone so far from home, was both terrifying and enraging for the one-eyed beast. He himself was two-legged at the time, though the cyclops judged by the patterns of blood splatter that its owner was unshifted. This was hardly any relief; Jefferson hastened to follow the brief trail, only recognizing the scent as Faler just seconds before arriving upon her collapsed form. All reservations and fears that Geneva had been the one injured immediately dispersed, only to be replaced with worries for the pack member he still knew nothing about.

"Faler!" Jefferson dropped down at her side quickly, single eye scanning her slashed and wary body and frowning at what he saw. "Fuck, Faler. What the hell happened to you? Can you talk?" He didn't dare move her quite yet.


- Faler Cerber - 09-15-2009

i thought i sent it sorry i fail T-T'

Blinking seemed like it took so much longer then it had before, hiding her bi-colored eyes behind the darkness of her lids. The darkness was oddly nice as her still body burned from her wounds with each sad breath, inside the darkness everything was cooler and slowly becoming cold against the burning of the blood that was dripping from her broken body. Letting a slow and very weak sigh the tan female lay still aside from breathing as her lids slowly rose to show her dull eyes, the brightness of the bi-colored eyes had faded to a lower shade as weakness gripped her. Faler was no fool to death, she did after all kill her family. Not all of them..just her father and brother.

A small whine fought it's way past her teeth, the burning and freezing was making her stomach turn under her crimson stained coat. Looking forward her eyes still worked which made her almost want to laugh, all the edges were blurry and dark while everything else seemed slightly unfocused. Her ears reacted first making herself go in the defense, turning her head an neck the most she could her lips pulled back while a rough snarled ripped from her throat. The scent took longer, a faint trail of blood flowed from her nose before falling over her lips, blood was all she could smell until that familiar scent pulled it's way through. ..um Jefferson.. Relaxing her head lowered back down with a small whine. He wasn't someone she expected to see, anyone."my throat's fine.." Her voice was rough and messy from the blood in unseen placed, though the gashes through her ribs made sounds as air passed inside. Luckily her lung wasn't broken into. "Some..Some asshole. Maybe i'm just seeing things...my luck isn't that great for a rescue. " pausing Faler took a breath before coughing.


- Jefferson Soul - 09-20-2009

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... famans.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Some asshole. Any creature that could leave another for dead was an asshole in Jefferson's book, even if he himself was one for doing the same countless times before his memory was righted. However, there was no time for musing and contemplating such things; the girl was bleeding from some source he was not sure of, not to mention the idiot had hardly any real experience in the healing arts or medicine. When it came to his own pain, the jackass was all set -- he would grit his teeth, grumble, and endure it. When it came to the pain of others, the cyclops was useless. The most he'd done for Iskata, after all, was carry her to safety where she could be tended to by Deuce. Would she have died without his rescue? The brute had never thought about it.

They were far from any packlands and Phoenix Valley itself lacked a instituted healer, however. "Too late, you're rescued. Where does it hurt?" He didn't dare touch her until he knew which places to avoid. He breathed in deep and exhaled slowly; Jefferson hated these dire situations. Why couldn't everyone just get along? Funny, he rarely had thoughts like that.


- Faler Cerber - 09-24-2009

sorry for wait, i'm working on my activety with her ^^

Bi-colored eyes moved with slow interest at her leader, how strange are they, theses weird two legged beast with three forms. The thought alone almost rose a growl from her weak throat, Faler was aware that Jefferson was not an enemy- Two legged or not. Breathing in a slow rough pant the sweet scent of their home filled her lungs, that was the scent she had become as used to and oddly it was a comfort. “it feels..like everywhere..” pausing the tanned females body let a painful shiver move her wounded body ,whining out a low growl of pain before opening her eyelids. “hind right leg..is b-broken. Some ribs...might be as well” The taste in her mouth made her stomach turn, the strong metal an salt taste that was on her tongue.

Faler didn’t feel like speaking of the wounds of her attack, her rape, she didn’t like pity. “that’s…bout it o-other than the small ones.” Her smooth voice was clear but tired as her eyes turned back to the one eyed male. She would surely bleed out if the clotting hadn’t started yet, Jefferson’s concern confused her slightly at her core. Only once Faler worried over another like this, which was the death of her children. “Coal…” Blinking was feeling harder as she fought the sleep her body was so hungrily demanding, Faler wanted to stay awake. To make sure that her lungs breathed, heart beat, and eyes could see if she willed them to. “he smelled like coal an ash” her weak voice was a growl mixed as her tired eyes fought, looking at Jefferson before glancing away. She was such a sad thing.
