'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
when you were young - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: when you were young (/showthread.php?tid=765)

- Kate - 01-13-2008


TOXIC For anyone, let’s meet the loveable puppyyyy! Big Grin There doesn’t have to be a point to this thread. I just want Toxic to meet as many Inferni people as possible, so I guess they can just have a little chat or something.

TOXICIt was finally time for Toxic to get out and about without the aide of his parents. So with his head held high, the little pup ventured out of the family cave, destined to spend the day exploring. The morning was disheartening, however; bitterly cold and overcast, it was threatening precipitation. It made the little pup think twice before venturing out, but curiosity overcame his wariness. His destination was the beach because he had heard Naxolone talking about it to Asphyxia in passing a little while ago. The waves, sand, and the Inferni house sounded very exciting! It was hard for Toxic to convince his parents: the beach could be dangerous, they said, pups could drown in the water, or another coyote could hurt the little pup in the open area. He didn’t care, he said, he just wanted to go exploring for a little bit.

TOXIC Toxic had found the beach after getting directions from his parents. His little white paws were hiding his grey muzzle while the rest of his greyscale body lay prostrate against the sand. There was a crab about 4 feet in front of him, and he honestly thought that crouching like this would make his attack a ‘surprise’. His ruby red eyes were fierce with concentration, every ounce of him focused on that silly crusteacean that seemed to dance tauntingly in front of the pup. Toxic was stuck, though: what was the best form of attack? The crab seemed indifferent to his predicament and was slowly inching away. The pup had a flush of homesickness (though he was only half a mile at most from home) and wished his dad was here to teach him to pounce correctly. Mice were the only animals Toxic could catch but this crab was much bigger. He would supplicate anyone to help him at this moment… The pup just wanted to make his parents proud that he could catch something.

- Empusa Lykoi - 01-14-2008


Me! Big Grin

secretly falling apart

Ever since Faolin had shown her about cooked food, Empusa had been eating it that way. It just seemed to taste better that way, nice and warm...especially in the winter time. Half of the time the food that she ate was stuff that they dug out of their caches in the ground, places where they had stored old carcasses for wintertime, when they knew that food would be more scarce. So something nice and warm was welcomed. The last time she'd eaten had been the time that she had come upon Gabriel and his deer--she'd sat around long enough for him to get annoyed with her, and give her some of it. That seemed have worked out for her, her ability to be annoying.

The seven-month-old shivered a little as the cold wind went through her coat, her soft undercoat only protecting her a little bit against it. Sometimes she wished that she had the long fur that her mother'd had...that would be wonderful in the winter. Or to have a black pelt, one that would absorb the sunlight...how great that would be.

Empusa was fairly bored this morning, and was planning on going out to Clouded Tears to see if she could find Beppe. He was fun to play with--and maybe she would get to meet his mother. He'd said that he came here with her. For now, though, she was hungry. She'd have to eat if she was going to go all the way out to Clouded Tears.

The red eyed youth didn't see the other youngster until she crested a nearby sand dune, and even when she did see Toxic she dismissed his presence. He blended in so well with the gray sand that she didn't even see him-that is, until she came quite a bit closer. By that time she was too close to avoid him, and grudgingly stopped, watching him.

"Vot are you doing?"


- Jesile Mogotsi - 01-15-2008

I thought this was rather perfect, since I was supposed to be starting threads for both of you ages ago. We can just throw them all together! :3[html]

This morning brought more clouds and he found himself missing the blue sky which had shown itself a few days ago but slipped back again into the gray. Of course, he realized that if all he had were blue skies, he would like to have more of the gray, and so he had developed a foundation of understanding of the nature of beings and the constant pursuit of satisfaction that never was achieved. Jesile didn't really mind though, because he knew that it would not stay this way forever. Walking along the beach so many mornings, afternoons and nights had taught him a thing or two about the changing tides ― the literal and the metaphorical. He had come to love the sea, the sand, the wind, the rain, the snow...everything. And he had continued to walk the beach, even this morning, until he came upon a glimmer of potential excitement.

There was a younger boy (fiddling with some sort of creature with a shell), and also a girl who seemed to be about the same age as himself (questioning the other boy). Without a second thought, he approached the pair, and as he did he noticed that the question was a crab.
"Careful," he advised, trotting for a few strides in order to cover more ground more quickly. He had never had the unfortunate experience of crab claws latched onto him, but they had snapped at him one day not long after he had met Faolin and agreed to staying in Inferni. Ever since then, those claws had not looked at all inviting. He grinned a little though, and stepped toward the crab a little further, then looked to the girl and then back to the boy. Perhaps he would successfully pounce it, and if not, he was there, as was the female, to help in case it was needed.


- Kate - 02-15-2008


TOXICJKFL;SDAFJKLSDF; i never ever ever ever eeeeever have people wait this long! I'm so sorry. I did family things then i had exams...and ahhhhh i just forgot about this >_>;;;;;; <3333 maybe we can make up for lost time by having a short post thread? Or we can all just have a thread later >_>;;; anything... sorry guys.

TOXICThe little bugger was getting impatient. This crab seemed bored, and Toxic was honestly just waiting 'til the crab would start to run off before pouncing, right when it got exciting. However, it just seemed that the crab was having a staring contest with him, dancing in front of the puppy because he knew that the little one couldn't do anything. Toxic hadn't noticed the two creatures watching him until one of them had said “Vot are you doing?” but he ignored that until a second had said “Careful,” because the puppy got curious as to who the voices belonged to. Toxic quickly turned around, and while his back was turned, the crustacean jumped with a plop! into the waves. The pup turned back when he heard that, and saw nothing but sand. He snarled in annoyance, and kicked the sand, frustrated.

TOXIC"Are you serious?! Come back!" he cried, staring at the murky water, whose sand was just settling. It was immensely frustrating, wasting all that energy for nothing. "Why did he go away?" Toxic asked the two coyotes that he blamed for the crab's escape. Toxic didn't know either of them, but they definitely belonged to Inferni, he could smell that. They seemed nice enough, but in this place his parents had taught him that appearances meant nothing.

- Empusa Lykoi - 02-17-2008


It's okayyy Big GrinBig Grin

Her narrow muzzle turned toward the person that the voice belonged to, behind her, and blinked. She hadn't even heard him approach! She was surprised about this...usually nobody was quiet enough to sneak up on her. A bit set off by this, she turned her red gaze back to the littler of the two, the one next to the crab. But as soon as she looked back the crab was gone--it had jumped off into the ocean.

"I think zat he was afraid of us. Maybe it was ze addition to ze group..." She mumbled, looking back at Jesile. "It is just as well. We can find another one--zey are all over zis beach"
