'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
I've been to hell - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: I've been to hell (/showthread.php?tid=8075)

- Seven - 10-04-2009

OOC: 1. Character Name: Seventy-Two(Seven)
2. Character Birthdate (including year): May 19th, 2007
3. Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Canis lupus lycaon
4. Gender: Male
5. Your e-mail: ajuskauskas@gmail.com
6. A secondary form of contact (AIM, MSN, Y!M): Skype: djpomidoras
7. How did you learn/hear about 'Souls?: From another wolf RP site(Paragon)

IC: The calming sounds of the Ocean were the first sounds Seven heard after regaining consciousness. He was a sorry sight - a dark, scrawny wolf, lying on the wet sand unconscious. The male felt somewhat good. The soft sand had a nice feel, the soothing sounds of waves crashing upon rocks. This felt like heaven, although Seven was pretty sure that his place was in hell. He knew that betraying his master like that wasn't something to be praised.

He was afraid. Afraid to open his eyes and see burning pits full of tormented souls. He was afraid that this symphony of the waves would turn into a loud scream of agony. But most of all he was afraid of the prospect of being back home. The young wolf was afraid that his master had survived. He was awaiting his punishment.

Seven slowly opened one eyelid, then the other. It took him a few seconds to adapt to the bright sunlight. This was nothing like his island. This was nothing like hell either. Was this some sort of purgatory? A soft, sandy beach? No structures whatsoever. This piece of land seemed to be uninhabited. The ebony wolf stood up slowly. His joints popped into their respective places quite painfully. He felt woozy, his legs were shaking, but, to his surprise, he didn't have a scratch on him... Aside from his old scars, that is.

The canid took a few difficult steps until his feet regained part of their old strenght. Although there was no-one around, his nose caught a weak scent of Luperci. It seemed that someone does actually live here. But Seven had never come across other territories. What was the right thing to do again? No one ever taught him how to behave around packlands. Should I just go find someone? Or maybe I should howl? he mumbled to himself.

- Naniko D'Angelo - 10-04-2009

ooc: Hi!! Welcome to Souls Big Grin

The stress seemed to melt away the longer she stayed outside. Naniko had been worrying for months. Worrying about whether her litter of pups would be born well and alive...about whether her childrens' father would come from Crimson Dreams to join her in Phoenix Valley...about what her last litter would think of these new siblings. A good friend of hers was currently babysitting the little ones, giving the new mother time to go out for a nice run and stretch her legs. As she ran, those thoughts came to her less and less. She became more focused on what she was doing and didn't have time to think about her little day-to-day tragedies.

She had chosen to shift and stood tall in her optime form, two feet propelling her forward through the dense forests of the valley. Nani hadn't been able to run like this in ages...since before she had discovered that she was pregnant. She hadn't run like this since the night that she had fled Crimson Dreams.

So focused on her running was this wolf that she did not notice the subtle, then stronger scent in the air...the scent that meant that there was a stranger just inside of their packlands. She raced in between trees and over logs, paws slipping up a little more as soil became sand and as she neared the beach area. The sight of another creature made her stop in her tracks, sand flying out in front of her as she came to a quick halt. Now that she was standing still she could smell how blatantly odd his scent seemed against the underlying smells of Phoenix Valley. The snow-white wolf bristled slightly, unsure, but spoke before she did anything else. "Who are you?"

- Seven - 10-04-2009

OOC: Hallelujah!

IC: Seven was deep in thought. So deep, that he didn't notice the incoming figure. A Luperci. A noble. It was a bit too late when he reacted. She had already spoken and the black wolf raised his head in reaction. His expression suddenly turned from confused to horrified. The young male almost ran off before his mind signaled him to halt. Seventy-Two lowered his head in a respectful, yet timid manner. He felt vulnerable as if he was a small pup in front of a crazed killer.

A few moments of silence followed. The female asked a question and he knew that he had to answer. But there was this thick, rubbery substance stuck inside his throat, choking the poor guy from the inside. He tried to swallow it, but was left gasping for air. Slowly, he raised his eyes, locking on the view of the female. She was tall, quite the beauty in her Optime form. Her pelt was pure white, not a spot on it. Seven didn't dare to look her in the eyes. He was pretty sure they were beautiful as well. Instead, he focused on his feet scratching the sand.

Come on, the lady asked you a question. Answer it already! Seven tried finding the courage to speak. He had to dig deep but finally dug up the natural bits and pieces of the emotion that he had left. My Lady, he bowed so low that his nose touched the sand. I am a humble servant. My master was lost at sea, but I was spared for some reason. The explanaition was pretty clear to him. I mean, everyone knows that his red tattoo means he's a hunter and that his master is clearly a noble Luperci. Little pups know that, right?

- Naniko D'Angelo - 10-04-2009

ooc: I do have to go to work at 2 (it's 1:12 right now here), but if you'll be on later tonight we can keep going just as quickly :3

He had actually washed up on the shore? How often did something like that happen? Now intrigued, she examined him more closely. He did look a little worse for the wear, worse than most loners when they came to ask for admittance into the valley. Was that what he wanted? She would at least offer him somewhere to stay while he got back on his feet.

She wondered about the things that he had said, jade eyes observing his behavior and stance. His submissive nature and the words that he had said made her even more interested. Servant? The tall white luperci had never heard of such a thing before. She had been born not too far away from these lands and had lived in this area for all of her life. He had set out from wherever he'd come from on a boat, originally...so did that mean that he was from Europe, like Ehno? She knew the names of the continents and the rivers and such on each one of them...but not much about the actual culture of many of the places. Human culture, perhaps. But not luperci culture.

"I suppose I may sound a bit foolish...uneducated, even...but I've not heard such a word before. You served someone? A master? We have leaders here, and I suppose I would say that I serve them...is that what you mean?" She questioned. "Come with me. I have some food stored in one of the barns...and you can explain as we walk. I am right in assuming that you're looking for a place to stay?"

- Seven - 10-04-2009

OOC: That is too bad. You see, I happen to be European, meaning it's 10 PM here.

IC: What kind of sick place is this? Was the first thought that came to Seven's mind. He was used to the order on his home island. He couldn't believe that Luperci could serve themselves. Sure, there were some more noble than others, but still, it was more of a respectful relationship. Right now the male couldn't realise that this territory would become heaven for him.

He raised his head slowly, unsure whether this was a test by some omnipotent being to determine his place in the underworld or just a strange new land with strange new customs. For a moment, he glanced into her green eyes. The ebony wolf quickly turned away in embarrassment. He took a few steps closer. Seven's heart pounded somewhere between his back legs and his toes. The invitation seemed honest enough for him to believe her.

I do not know if we speak of the same thing, My Lady. You speak of leaders... Leaders are ones that have done something to earn your trust. Masters don't give you a choice. If any nobleman would've heard him right now, he would surely be dead by now. But some age old instinct of freedom started to show. I can not express how grateful I am, My Lady, you are most kind. I... I appreciate the food, but I don't know if I can accept your accomodation. You live in a cottage, right? I can just dig a den. He prefered the cold, earthy feel of a den, rather than the strange wooden floors of Lupercian houses.

- Naniko D'Angelo - 10-05-2009


She didn't quite understand what he meant about not having a choice. Wolves who joined a pack were free to come and go as they wished, to serve for as long as they wanted to before moving on and going somewhere else. She had never really felt right as a loner, needing the close-knit companionship that a pack could offer her. A bunch of wolves all working toward the common goal of supporting each other in life.

"Not a cottage, then?" She echoed, nodding toward the barn area. They had large flocks of sheep and grazing cattle, and they would go through the animal fields before they reached the barn that she stored her food inside. She had been a herder and caretaker of the animals, and had left food there just in case.

"Sounds good to me. But in order to offer you a place here, I must ask you a few questions. Not hard ones...just ones about yourself" She walked a bit slower so that she could take another look at him while she spoke, wanting to see his expressions. "What kinds of skills did you use when you were a servant? I mean to say...what sorts of things do you have to offer our pack?"

- Seven - 10-05-2009

Seven kept his head down during the whole walk. It seemed longer than it really was. This territory, so different, so beautiful, was so similar to his home. But there was something else that made it seem so... Foreign. Only now had he noticed that this coastline was marked. Although Seven had never been part of one, the ebony wolf knew that these were packlands. Packs... Packs of Luperci? How could these Optime be so primitive?

She asked him a question... What's with all the questions? All he wanted to do was get some food and some rest. Just one day in these lands and he would be off. Off to where? Where can I go? Master is dead... Probably. I might be miles away from home... I'll have to live here. Where exactly is here? The young male finally cleared his head a little and pushed away his instincts that had been in charge for the last twenty minutes or so. Just ask, My Lady, and I will answer... Although I'm afraid there's not much that I can say about myself.

What can I offer? I... I'm not sure if this is an invitation to join your pack or not... the wolf started slowly, keeping his head down and his voice soft. I used to be a hunter, part sentinel. A chaser, to be exact. I separated a weaker animal from the group and herded it into the ambush. I was also responsible for smaller prey and guard duties when there was enough food. He paused for a moment. Seven tried to find the right words to respond. I... I guess that's it... That's all I can offer.

A moment of silence crept upon the duo as they approached the barn. The male started feeling his body waking up: his muscles started tightening again from the walk, his stomach growled painfully, begging for food. Food... Food was just ahead. Seven's mind got filled with the images of delicious treats - the one's his master enjoyed so much. Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks. A sudden rush of guilt kept him from going onward. I... I'm sorry, but I don't know if I intend to join this pack. I mean, half an hour ago I was lying unconscious on the beach and now I'm here... Where is here?

- Naniko D'Angelo - 10-05-2009


What he was saying did not make complete sense to her, but she was beginning to get used to it. He didn't look too good...why wouldn't he want to join with them, even if it was only for a short while? She thought that he would need the support of a pack to get back on his feet, and had assumed that what he was looking for was a home. Her ears went back a little, discouraged, and she quieted. Perhaps it was not good to be so open and friendly. But she had always been that way and could not easily change her ways.

"This is Phoenix Valley. You were lost at sea, you say? From what lands do you originate?" She asked, continuing to walk. Maybe he would stay here for a short while, long enough to get back on his feet, then build a boat to go back to wherever he had come from.

- Seven - 10-06-2009

She was clearly trying to determine Seven's sanity level. If not for his fur, he would have blushed for sure. It was difficult for him to even make a normal sentence, so how was he supposed to decide whether or not to join this pack. Should I reject? Or maybe just go with the flow? Are they really so... Friendly? Maybe there are other wolves here? Phoenix Valley... Only a particle of a second was needed for all of these thoughts to creep upon his mind. But how much time was needed to asess them all and make a decision. How much time did he have?

Pheonix Valley... He mused, although loudly enough for his companion to hear. Not exactly "lands". I come from an island, although I can't quite recall it's name. I remember that it was named after a Saint. Well, atleast, that's how the humans named it back in the day. The Luperci decided to keep the name. Seven explained a little bit about his island. I actually have no idea where it is. I know it's somewhere in the ocean... Somewhere quite far, if I'm not mistaken. A soft sigh escaped his lips. True, he was a servant, but home was still dear to him. A lost, far away place, lodged forever in his memories.

His musings were interrupted by a loud rumble of his stomach. The dark male smiled sheepishly at the Luperci female. So, um, I guess I don't have much of a choice. That is, if I can be of any use to your pack. He stood up on all fours and bowed once again. Well, guess I'm staying here... For now.

- Naniko D'Angelo - 10-07-2009


Naniko was not the leader here, and could not accept him into the pack. She could question him and try to make sure that he didn't have any other motives, like troublemaking or spying, but the real decision went to Geneva in the end. This guy seemed pretty confused about things, but he had just managed to survive something that most wolves would have died from. Being in the ocean. If it had been her, she probably would have been the same. Maybe even worse. She realized now that she didn't know one vital thing about him, something that she ought to know before she called Geneva to make sure that it was alright that he stayed. (For however long that would be)

"What's your name? Before, you just said that you were a servant when I asked. I'm Naniko." Maybe she was getting rusty at this, this scouting. It was good that she had found him at the borders, though, she supposed...so that she could get in some practice. She knew that it would be difficult to get back up on her feet, especially if her pups' father didn't stay in the Valley with her, but this was supposed to be a rather simple process. He had answered her questions and she nodded along as she walked. "I've got to call for a leader, to accept you if they choose....if you're certain about staying for a little while. Even if you're just staying to recover and then leaving I should probably ask Geneva." She lifted her head slightly, letting out a call for the silver wolfess.

- Seven - 10-07-2009


ooc: Yay!

Obviously he had made the decision, but whether or not he would be accepted would depend on the locals. Seventy-Two was pretty sure that Naniko had the right to accept him into the pack. He thought that she was just deciding on it. Weighing the ups and downs. Testing him somehow maybe? Having nothing else to do rather than sit here and smile sheepishly, the dark did some thinking himself. Impression so far... Well, I did look like some crazy wolf with my sudden emotions. I doubt "nearly drowning" would be a legitimate excuse. And I'm pretty sure all my talks didn't make too much sense either. It wasn't the best of positions, but Seven's pessimistic approach on life made him miss all of the little positive details.

My... My name? Erm... I don't really have a name. My number is Seventy-Two, he twitched to the side a bit to better show his tattoo, so I guess you can call me Seven for short... The male felt awkward. All of the Luperci had nice names, some even hard to understand. His name was a number, part or a mere order. Out of the small group of young wolves that were meant to be hunters he got number Seventy-Two. Just as easily he could've gotten any other number close to his - Sixty-Eight, Seventy-Five...

A howl emitted from Naniko's direction. So she wasn't just testing him. Turns out she had no right to accept him. Seven felt even more awkward, but he was sure that he would quickly learn the structure of the Phoenix Valley pack. I wonder what's this Geneva like... Further more, is she a Luperci? Are there any other wolves around here? Maybe I should ask Naniko? The dark male pondered. He had nearly forgot about this issue. Naniko... Before Geneva comes, could you tell me... Are there any other non-Luperci like me here?

- Geneva Stockholm - 10-08-2009

http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/S ... ranges.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:300px; border:1px #000000 solid; font-size: 10px; line-height: 12px;">
Naniko had raised a call for her near the borders. The woman, in lupus form, had been tending to matters further north at the borders. It did not take her long for the light-gray colored woman to reach Naniko. The call did not sound urgent, and so she took her time. If Naniko had called her only a few weeks before, Geneva would have bolted after her faster than the speed of light. Only a few weeks ago, Naniko had been heavy with child, and despite the fact that neither woman could claim shared blood, Geneva felt as though Naniko was part of her family. Her own bloodkin were scattered among the four winds.

As she moved toward Naniko's location at a brisk yet relaxed pace, she allowed her mind to wander. It had been several days, perhaps weeks, since she had seen Jefferson. She did not know how to interpret his silence and absence from her life. Geneva was a grown woman and realized and appreciated that the one-eyed Patriarch had a need for his own space, but it still stung a little. The last time they had spoken and truly seen each other for more than a minute at a time, Geneva had asked him to divulge how he truly felt about her. She could not make herself regret that decision, because she had a thirst for the truth. She needed to know the contents of his heart and his thoughts before she blundered and made mistakes around him. She knew her own feelings - and the choices that she had made - regarding him. When she had said there was no one else, she had meant it.

When Geneva had lost Jordan and then Shea, it had taken all her strength to drag herself from a deep pit of despair and move on toward the light. Nearly a year later, she had survived that critical heartbreak. And she had found that the fragmented pieces of her heart could be made whole once more. First, Anu had showed her that she still had the propensity to love, despite the way she had tried to hide herself from the world. It had taken months and months, but she had finally found some core of strength inside her that still existed.

If Jefferson decided to take back his words, she would live with it and accept it. His heart was not within the realm of her control, and she did not want control over him. She had been drawn to him, almost inevitably, and although she felt as though she had lacked control during those first few times they had spoken, she had grown in strength each time. She might not be able to help the way she felt for him, or how her feelings had grown, but she had the courage now to move forward with or without having her love returned. Geneva knew that Jefferson was in conflict over his feelings, whatever they truly were. Jeffferson himself was a creature of conflict. She remembered the first time she had met him, here at these borders. He had been so full of rage, and had seemed to be fighting with himself. She had to fight for every inch she got from him, but she loved him enough to continue the fight. But she knew better than to waste that energy if he didn't want her.

The ivory colored Naniko came into her sight, and her thoughts cleared, making room for the present. The sub-leader did not have a sense of smell to rely on, and so she had to be more present within a situation in order to make the best choices. Her lime green eyes studied Naniko's form. She seemed confident, relaxed, all things that were not out of place. Then her gaze washed over the form of a dark-furred stranger. This male would be the reason that Naniko had called for her. The slight wolfess approached quietly, but stopped as the male spoke once more. He seemed passive enough, not a threat to her pack member. She was satisfied with Naniko's assessment of the male, and trusted the woman. She had been the leader of her previous back and Geneva knew that she had a good judge of character.

"I guess I have arrived a bit early," the woman said dryly with a wry smile. Her voice was whisper soft, as it always was. Geneva did not cut the figure of the traditional leader. She was small-boned and frail, and had never grown to be any larger than a yearling. Although she was undersized, her lime colored eyes were sharp and full of intelligence. "My name is Geneva Stockholm," she said, introducing herself to the newcomer as she strode to stand easily and relaxed at Nani's side. "And yes, there are other non-luperci in these lands, although none dwell within this pack presently." She paused to think for a moment. "My brother-in-law, Hendrix, who now lives here, is a luperci, but he was not born that way. It is not a requirement to reside here." The woman focused on the dark male. "What can we help you with?" The man looked weary.


- Seven - 10-09-2009



The male felt tense. He didn't know anything about living in a pack, nor did he understand the criteria one had to meet in order to be accepted. Furthermore, although Naniko was very nice to him, Seven was afraid that Geneva would not spare him just because he has a sad story to tell. Luperci... God, if you're up there, please let Geneva be a non-Luperci. He prayed. Maybe he should've prayed harder...

The leader came faster than expected. Phoenix Valley suddenly seemed a lot smaller. My lady... Seven nearly fell over while trying to bow. He smiled sheepishly, slowly raising his head to get a look at her. She was... A wolf?! What a happy day this was for the dark-haired male. She introduced herself a bit dryly, mechanically even. Obviously this female was used to talking to strangers... A real diplomat. Good looking, too, although that wasn't really on his mind right now.

So she's not really a wolf... Just in her wolf form. I thought that the wolf form was only a myth... Needless to say Seven felt crushed. Although what Geneva said next made him raise his head suddenly, his eyes widening. The ebony male felt his heart stopping slowly. How could one turn into a Luperci? Is it some sort of disease? You... you can... Oh my God... you can turn a simple wolf into a... a Luperci? He swallowed his shock painfully. How can you help me? I guess I would like to join Phoenix Valley...

- Geneva Stockholm - 10-11-2009

Welcome to 'Souls!

Hey, welcome to 'Souls. You've just joined the craziest bunch of wolf roleplayers on the vast internet. If you haven't done so already, you should check out the rp guide for detailed information about our werewolves and other general role playing information.

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___1. Make your first IC post within five days.
___2. Update your profile with a bit of background information on your character.

You can also start saving up points toward titles and icons and cool stuff. Check out the Open Threads and Thread Requests forum for people looking to roleplay. You can post random out of character chat in the OOC Garbage with us, too.