'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
like oil and water - Printable Version

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- Rikka de le Poer - 11-25-2009

Character Name: Rikka de le Poer

Character Birthdate (including year): August 31, 2005

Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: luperci

Species: coyote/wolf/dog hybrid

Gender: female

A secondary form of contact: xdraconislupus


She couldn’t believe she was back. Of course this had been her destination for weeks, but now that she was here it seemed so surreal. A barrage of familiar and unfamiliar scents assaulted her nose; the one that stuck out to her the most was the smell of her mother. She had expected to smell it after a stranger she had met on the way had told her Kaena was alive and well. A part of the hybrid was surprised to find the woman still living and breathing. How old would she be now? Rikka wasn’t sure; at this point she had trouble remembering how many years it had even been since she had last set eyes on her. All she knew was that she had changed a lot since then and could only assume the same could be said of her dam.

One thing that apparently had not changed, however, was Inferni. The tall mixed blood femme stood at the pikes with her arms crossed unsatisfactorily across her chest. A sad frown creased her muzzle as she looked up at the multitude of skulls that adorned the borders and she found herself second-guessing her choice to return. She wouldn’t fit in here, she never had. Rikka had never held hate in her heart and especially now it went against everything she believed in. Perhaps she should have never left the Haight commune. Perhaps that was where she really was meant to be, despite having no blood family there. Once again the two halves of herself were fighting each other; one part of her desperately wanted to be around her kin but the other was disgusted by the ideals of the clan. It had been a constant battle throughout her life and she didn’t think it would ever be resolved.

She huffed a sigh, closing her golden eyes. At the very least she would wait and see her mother and deliver the note that had been given to her to pass on. She did want to see Kaena, that she couldn’t deny for a moment, but what she would do beyond that was wholly uncertain.


- Kaena Lykoi - 11-25-2009

http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/kae/kae_columbus.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

    The coyote woman paced forward anxiously, heading for the borders to do a loop around. She still hadn't ventured very far from Inferni as of late; the most recent excursions she'd taken outside of the territory had been to the sandy, isolated beach where she still hadn't been left alone, and to the Dampwoods, where she was fortunate enough to have met Naniko's new children. They were already large enough to be two months old, and Kaena was glad she had gotten to see them while they were still small enough to be considered puppies.

    Her encounters with others as of late had been rather helpful to the hybrid woman, though comfort was fleeting. They drew her attention momentarily, but once they were over and she was left alone again with her own thoughts the shame and anger began to churn up again, boiling to a rotten and thick stew that congealed in her chest and threatened to spill out at any moment. The silvery woman could not stand to be alone with her own thoughts anymore, so she moved, heading for the perimeter of Inferni's territory in the hopes that an occupied mind would save her.

    The silver-furred hybrid was already halfway through the trek when a familiar scent caused her to freeze in her tracks. It wafted easily over the breeze to her charcoal nose, an impossibility brought to her by the wind. Rikka? Kaena started forward again, her pace far more purposeful with the scent of her child in her nose. Trotting quickly through the forest, the hybrid woman found herself gazing on the pale-furred child she had not expected to see here, astonishment and pleasure on her scarred features as she approached the girl. "Rikka," she said warmly, the coal tip of her tail wavering behind her.


- Rikka de le Poer - 11-25-2009


With her eyes closed she tried to calm the torrent of opposing thoughts and feelings racing through her. What had she expected really? For Inferni and her family to have changed and turned into some loving, happy place? She almost laughed at the very thought. So why was she so surprised that things hadn't changed? Rikka wanted to be with her family, but what was the cost? She had been happy in The Haight. There people had felt the same way she had, they had loved her for who she was. Not that her family didn't, some did, but still others mistrusted her for simply not harboring the hatred that they did. This was the only place she had ever been where not hating something had been a negative quality instead of a positive. She wouldn't change who she was for them, but would they accept her as she was? It was a question that the woman honestly could not answer.

The longer she stood here by herself the greater the urge to just leave became. To pass her urges off as a temporary foolishness that coming back had solved. Unfortunately she knew that wasn't the case. As soon as she put any distance between herself and the clan she would be overridden with guilt at not sticking around. Inferni held her blood, whether or not she agreed with them they were family, and part of her would not let her abandon that. She sighed again, opening her eyes only to met again with the grisly sight. Fingers ran through her metallic hued hair, hoping someone would show up soon to at least distract her from the skulls whose empty eyes seemed to bore into her soul.

She only had to wait but a second though, and she heard movement and gaze moved to take in the image of her mother. The breath caught in her chest. Once again, something expected surprised her more than it rightfully should have. The Lykoi matron really didn't look that different. A new scar or two, but that was to be expected. Rikka turned to face her mother, taking a few steps closer a little hesitantly. "Hello mother," she said, a soft smile lighting her face. Her own tail waved lightly, but she suddenly felt lost as to where they were supposed to go from here. For the first time in years she needed her mother's guidance.


- Kaena Lykoi - 11-26-2009

    The silver-furred woman had not expected to see Rikka return anytime soon. The younger canine had always seemed at odds with Inferni, and her presence here was a surprise to Kaena. Certainly, the hybrid matron did not think that the girl was returning to join up—this was just a visit, a popping by to say hello to them all. Kae had already decided that; Rikka had not returned to Inferni the last time she had returned, back before the fire and when the coyote clan was in a different place. Kae remembered that much. Their last meeting had been tense, stretched thin with a strange sort of tension that should not have existed between mother and daughter.

    Kaena's history with her female children was not the best, to be certain—Maeryn was dead, Corona had gone away to Chimera when she was young, and Kaena had missed the golden-furred girl's reign as Inferni's subleader when she'd been away. Ikatha had been killed when she was still young, and Ahemait was now in another land, raising her own branch of the Lykoi family. The hybrid matron was glad for that. Her family was expanding in totally unforeseen ways, but still. Kaena missed the presence of her closest daughter. Perhaps that was because Ahemait had been raised like Razekiel and Samael, almost exclusively by Kaena and Molochai, kept close to the heart. Rachias had reason to hate Kaena; the silvery woman had left her when she was young. Their last meeting was somewhere between love and hate, tense with unspoken issues, buried anger and regret on either side. Eris was the black mark, the traitor. All in all, Kaena's sons were generally closer with her than her daughters, for some reason—but in any case, the hybrid woman was quite ready to embrace the tawny-furred woman with the proper amount of love she'd missed in the interim between their last meeting

    The smile was strange on her scarred face; it felt like using muscles that had atrophied somewhat, but it was certainly genuine. The younger canine greeted Kaena with a beloved word, and her daughter stepped forward, inching toward Kaena with just the slightest hesitation. The hybrid shook her head at that and drew closer to the tawny-furred canine. "It's good to see you," the coyote said, drawing forward herself to nuzzle the side of the silvery-furred hybrid's muzzle.


- Rikka de le Poer - 11-26-2009


Being there, standing in front of her mother, transported her back to childhood. It was an odd sensation that the woman had never really felt before. She felt the urge to make the hybrid before her proud. Though Rikka knew she could never be the type of child that Kaena Lykoi really wanted. She didn't hate wolves. She wasn't a fighter. She never had been and she knew she never would be. It made her feel all the more foolish for coming back while at the same time being around her dam filled the hole in her that had been crying out for attention. Part of her was surprised to be greeted with the warmth in which she was. It was one thing about her mother that had always confused her. No one would question the fact that Kaena loathed wolves, and yet many of her children had wolf blood. Rikka and all of her full siblings were half wolf, and she didn't hate them. She obviously hadn't hated Ahren either, at least not at the start. Right now she didn't want to get into a debate though, she was just happy that her mother was happy to see her.

The rest of the distance between mother and daughter was quickly closed by the elder fey and a thrill went through Rikka as she was nuzzled. She leaned into the loving contact and the smile on her face grew. Of all the welcomes she had expected, this had not been one of them. "It's good to see you too. I've you missed you...missed being around my family." As hesitant as she was about returning the words were true. The golden female swallowed nervously. "So much so I...well I thought I might come back but..." She fiddled with the strap of her canvas bag, her gaze leaving her mother's in slight embarrassment. "I don't know. I know I've never really fit in." While she never would compromise her beliefs, there were times when she wished that she was different. At least then she wouldn't be so conflicted.


- Kaena Lykoi - 11-26-2009

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x242 ... table2.png); background-color:#000000; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">
    The silvery hybrid was pleasantly surprised to find Rikka here, and shocked even more at the hesitant words escaping her child's mouth. Rikka wanted to come back? Kaena knew the silvery-furred canine was never indoctrinated with proper Lykoi doctrine; she did not hate wolves as much as some of her siblings. Then again, she had not been witness to Baneesh's death like Gabriel had, she had not been attacked by a vengeful wolf on Inferni's very borders like Ahemait and Razekiel. Still, Kaena couldn't hold that against her. The hybrid's children were scattered to the wind, and every one that returned was a blessing. Rikka was one of the ones Kaena did not expect to see very often, and this was an unexpected pleasantry for the silvery canid.

     Drawing back some, the hybrid reached out to touch the other woman's fur, brushing it to the side and marveling at how she appeared to be now—fully adult, her hair draped over half of her face and cut very short and straight. She appeared quite beautiful to Kaena, and her scent was a strange, foreign spice the hybrid could not identify. Smiling once more, Kae's hand dropped to her side. "Rikka, you know you are welcome here if you wish to stay," the coyote said softly. "I would like it very much if you lived with us, though," the hybrid said, absolute truth. "Some of your siblings are still here. Gabriel, Samael, Razekiel. Your full-blood niece Halo, through Vitium. Anselm is Gabriel's cousin on the other side of your family," the hybrid added. She wouldn't forget Anselm—in a way, the red-eyed man was Kae's family, as well. The silvery Centurion was was eager to share news of the family and learn anything Rikka might have to tell her—did she have children of her own? Where had she been these many months?


- Rikka de le Poer - 11-26-2009


It was true, she had not experienced the horrors that some of her family had. Yet even if she had, she doubted that she would have hated all wolves. Rikka could understand hating an individual, but not an entire species. There were just as many good wolves as there were good coyotes. There were also bad coyotes (some of her family could even be counted among their numbers). Hatred had never been the thing she had been unable to comprehend, it had been the fact that it was applied to an entire race instead of the few individuals that deserved it. Her own father was a wolf and she did not hate him. That was one thing she had loved about the commune that had been so different than things here. Wolves, coyotes, and dogs had all lived together in perfect harmony. There was no hatred, no discord. It was the exact opposite of Inferni, which only increased her hesitance.

The fey allowed her mother to touch her freely. She felt that one golden eye, the same as her two, look over her and take her in. Was that approval she saw there? Could it possibly be? Rikka had always been under the impression that she would never be something Kaena could be proud or approving of. The notion that she could have been wrong was startling, but in a welcome way. The surprises continued as her mother said that she was not only welcome to stay here, but that she wanted her to. "You would?" she blurted out before she could even think over it. This is not what she had expected, not in the least. As the Lykoi matron listed off the various family that lived here now her head reeled and she felt her heart want to soar, and yet there was still something that needed to be put on the table.

"There's something you need to know. I still don't hate and I will not fight for Inferni, or for anyone. I'm a pacifist, I don't believe in violence. Not unless it's for defense." Her words were not argumentative, but they were strong for they were not something that she would bend on. Would her mother be so welcoming knowing that? She didn't know, but it wasn't something she could left unsaid. Kaena needed to know where her daughter was coming from. Rikka wasn't about to become anyone's solider.


- Kaena Lykoi - 11-26-2009

http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/kae/kae_rain.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:bottom center; border:1px solid #FFFFFF; text-align:justify;">     "Of course," she replied. The coyote smiled at her daughter and nodded slowly, emphasizing the prior statement. Rikka was flesh and blood; there was no separating her from the family no matter her beliefs. Kae knew Rikka was not a hater, but the hybrid no longer required that. Some of her children were fighters, others were lovers—she had to square that with herself, and in the end the silvery Centurion found it made no difference to her either way what her children believed about the world. All that mattered was the bond that existed between them.

    The coyote listened to the tawny-furred woman. This was not new knowledge to the Centurion, though Rikka had implied such things before. The coyote offered half of a shrug. "There are other ways you can serve Inferni if you'll have us," the coyote said with a grin. The clan was not all barbed wire and bared fangs; even if Rikka did not wish to wage war for Inferni, the hybrid had stated her willingness to engage in battle for purposes of defense, so there was that, anyway. "You really want to come back?" the hybrid pressed, hoping the answer was yes. She wanted Rikka here very much.

    Once more the silver-furred Centurion wondered at her luck; first Razekiel had come back to her after disappearing for so long, and now here was Rikka once more. The de le Poer child had come back once prior to Kaena's knowledge, but she had not been with Inferni then, she had preferred to remain as a loner. It was not as if Kaena had never expected to see Rikka again, but she had not thought that the woman would join up with the coyotes once more. It was quite the welcome surprise, and the hybrid woman was glad.


- Rikka de le Poer - 11-26-2009

I love seeing Kae's rainbow of tables Big Grin 300+

This was more than Rikka had hoped or expected. Especially when she had actually made it here and seen the skulls. Those fears were quickly disapating though with how openly her mother was welcoming her. She smiled back, seeing that she was correct in her thoughts of Kaena changing. Of course there were things about her that would never change, but the fact that she was so willing to accept Rikka as she was spoke volumes to her. Even if the other members weren't so open-minded it wouldn't really matter. She knew not all would be so willing to take her for what she was, but knowing that her mother did was enough for her.

If...she would have them? This was blowing her mind and momentarily she wondered if she had ingested one of her farewell gifts from the commune and forgotten about it and that this was all just one, big hallucination. But no, if that were the case the colors would all be more brilliant and the sensations magnified tenfold. The de le Poer woman was quite sober at the moment, but definitely amazed. It was all so overwhelming that her true nature began to shine through and she threw her arms around her mother, taking her into a tight hug. She hadn't thought that she would be accepted for who she was and so had toned down her usually bright and touchy-feely mannerisms, but now they felt like the only appropriate response.

"I do, yes." Time would only tell if she could be content here, but she knew now that she definitely wanted to give it a shot. "I never thought that you'd take me as me. Thank you, mother. Thank you so much." Rikka was truly happy right now and was so glad that she had decided to come back.


- Kaena Lykoi - 11-26-2009

http://sleepyglow.net/rp/kae/endoftheworld.jpg); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:243px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; padding-bottom:10px;">
Homg. XD I have way, way, way too many. >_>

    The hug took Kaena by surprise, but the Optime woman leaned into it immediately, enjoying the warmth and closeness offered. She snapped up any good affection and attention she could get these days, and the thin coyote clung to her daughter for a long minute, still smelling that intoxicating foreign spice all over her fur. Kaena could not identify it; at once it smelled natural and manufactured. It was alluring, to say the least.

    The silver-furred woman found herself smiling still as the golden-furred hybrid expressed her wish to stay in the clan once again, and continued speaking. The coyote knew their relationship was rocky at best, but then again, so was Kaena's relationship with many of her children. She could not reject them for their pasts, excepting the two traitors to the blood. Vitium and Andre both had violated their very clan, and what they had done was unforgivable.

    Kaena hoped Rikka would be able to turn a blind eye to some of what went on in Inferni, but on the whole it was a calmer place than it had been. They did not strike out at the other packs without cause, and as much as Kaena would have liked to hunt down Haku Soul and tear his heart from his chest, there would be none of that so long as there was a semblance of peace between the two groups. The Lykoi woman could not incite a riot on her own, no matter what he'd done to her. After all, it was her fault.

    "Always, no matter what," the hybrid said fondly, reaching forward again to give the tawny-furred girl another, shorter hug, though it was still a tight embrace. "I don't suppose you know your way around here...?" the ashen canine asked, not knowing if Rikka had spent any time in this incarnation of Inferni, or if she only recalled the old coast.


- Rikka de le Poer - 11-26-2009

nah! XD 300+

Rikka was pleased that her mother leaned into the embrace. She knew the family was hardly one for all that much physical attention, but it seemed at least where Kaena was concerned, she would have to get used to receiving it from her. Her time in the commune had almost effectively broken down any personal space bubbles that had existed. Everyone in The Haight had always been hugging or walking around with the arms slung around each other's shoulders or laying side by side in the grass. Everything there had been love and peace, and while she knew that in Inferni things would be nothing like that, at least she could still express herself in that way to her mother. Perhaps if she were lucky there would be others that wouldn't be so averse to it either.

Things had not always been great between them, no, but Rikka was more than willing to forgive and forget. Grudges, for the most part, were petty things and had no place in her life. Kaena was willing to accept her now and she wanted to return that kindness. Perhaps now they could be closer. She wanted to know more about the woman who had given her life, for she felt that she knew very little. Now could be the start of their new relationship and they could leave the old one behind.

Her heart fluttered happily in her chest as the confirmation of her acceptance was once again uttered by the older hybrid. She had started off tense and nervous, but now that melted away and she felt relaxed. It was a good thing to feel and she knew that her decision to leave The Haight hadn't been in vain. "That means so much to me," she said, her face bright with a smile. "No, I don't. I've never been inside the new lands." She'd been on the outskirts before once, but never to the inner territories.


- Kaena Lykoi - 11-26-2009

This one is the first one I made on coming back and I still like it. GREEEEEN. <3

mall-caps;">In Character

    Kaena could not imagine driving any of her children away—save the bad ones, anyway. There were only two alive she wouldn't welcome back into Inferni—Vitium and Eris. The latter might still be accepted by her kin, and there was nothing Kaena could do, should Gabriel choose to accept her. Kae doubted Gabriel would do that, though. He knew what danger traitorous blood could be, most certainly. Vitium had proved that early on, and Andrezej had reinforced the lesson.

    The hybrid thought they had much to discuss, and being here with the metallic-furred hybrid was helping her mind, certainly. Real happiness flooded through her now without restraight, lifting the fog from her mind. However momentary it was, Kaena was caught up in it, and she did not wish for it to end so she could return to skulking around the borders. "You're my kid," the hybrid said with a grin which mirrored that of Rikka's, if a bit more twisted on account of the scar tissue lacing the elder coyote's visage. "Let's take a walk. We got a lot to talk about, I'm sure," the coyote said, stepping backwards and gesturing for the woman to step over the invisible line separating neutral territory from Inferni territory.

    Kaena didn't know where to start herself; so much had happened since the last time she had seen Rikka. The hybrid did not know if the woman even knew of her younger siblings—certainly Rikka didn't know Kaena had disappeared? The hybrid had no idea that Rikka had been here to visit just once prior to this return now. "We'll head for the caves. That's where most of us live... maybe you'll stake out one of them? Or there's the mansion if you're more comfortable," the coyote said, hoping perhaps Rikka might take up residence in the central hub of Inferni. Either way, she was here—that was all that mattered. "Tell me, where have you been? What have you done?" the hybrid questioned, eager to soak up anything her daughter had to tell her.


- Kaena Lykoi - 11-26-2009

Welcome to 'Souls!

Hey, welcome to 'Souls. You've just joined the craziest bunch of wolf roleplayers on the vast internet. If you haven't done so already, you should check out the rp guide for detailed information about our werewolves and other general role playing information.

Now that you're accepted, you need to do two things:
___1. Make your first IC post within five days.
___2. Update your profile with a bit of background information on your character.

You can also start saving up points toward titles and icons and cool stuff. Check out the Open Threads and Thread Requests forum for people looking to roleplay. You can post random out of character chat in the OOC Garbage with us, too.

- Rikka de le Poer - 11-26-2009

ish a purty table, it is! *nods* 300+

In her best hopes for her return to her home she hadn't imagine it to go so smoothly and she wasn't about to take it for granted. She knew that if anyone other than Kaena had greeted her things would not have gone anywhere near the same. Even if that might have given her a more accurate picture as to how the rest of the clan was going to react to her, she was glad things had turned out this way. It had given herself and her mother a chance to reconnect and put the demons of the past behind them. Such a thing was a wonderful gift and the woman was going to cherish it as such. Her tail swayed happily from side to side as she adjusted the pack that hung from her shoulder. "That sounds good! Yes, I'm sure we do." Both of the females were very ignorant to the way things had been for each for a long while. Rikka eagerly followed her mother over the invisible boundary, interested to see what was different about these new lands.

"Oh, I think the caves sound wonderful. Being out in Mother Nature is always better than being cooped up in some artificial house. Besides, it'd be nice to be closer to everyone." She hadn't always been, but after living in the commune she had become a very social creature and was the happiest when she was surrounded with others. Company was something that the de le Poer never turned down. "Oh wow, I've been all over the place really. I did a lot of wandering, but eventually I came upon this place that I stayed for a while, where I just came from actually. It was a hippie commune, called The Haight. Wolves, coyotes, dogs, and hybrids of all kinds lived there together in harmony. Everyone there believes in peace and love and serenity. I really liked it there. They gave me another name, Sunflower. They taught me a lot, it's a place that really opens your mind." She knew such a place would probably sound crazy to Kaena, but she couldn't help but gush a little over the place that had really helped shape her into who she was today.

"What about you? Anything new with the clan? Last time I was here I saw Corona, but she's not around anymore?" At least she hadn't been mentioned in that list of relatives. It was too bad, she would have liked to see her sister.


- Kaena Lykoi - 11-26-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... enaban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
You maed this! Big Grin

    It seemed only natural to spend some time together after so long apart, and the hybrid woman was glad to take this opportunity to learn what had been going on in her daughter's life. Rikka expressed enthusiasm at the idea, which only made Kae feel better. She needed this sort of attention and mutual doting; it felt good to reconnect with family and it was certainly keeping her mind from spiraling back to the dank hole Haku had ripped into her. The werewolf walked forward slowly, keeping pace with the tawny-furred woman beside her, leading her steadily deeper into Inferni territory. Rikka spoke, and Kae's good ear rotated to catch the sounds of her voice, listening with interest as she glanced at the woman now and again.

    Kaena was still quite amazed at how old Rikka was now; she certainly didn't look old, but she was clearly an adult, several times larger than her small puppy self. Kaena could still remember when the girl was young, a tiny and furry thing nestled next to her siblings. She dearly missed having small children around; the coyote woman was a far sight different than the canine who had considered her first (well, first somewhat intended)pregnancy a complete burden and high on the list of the terrible things that had happened to her. Now, she would not have traded her children for the world. Kae was glad to hear Rikka planned on living in the caves; the center of Inferni was the hub of activity, after all, and they all liked to be around that area.

    "There's plenty of them, and the area sits up against the inlet. Pretty at sunset," the hybrid commented, listening on as Rikka informed the hybrid woman of her travels. She laughed her raspy laugh, a very foreign sound for Kaena as of late. "You'll get along with Razekiel pretty well, I think," the hybrid offered. "I've been to such a place. Less of the commune vibe but the same principal—they were mostly hybrids, though." Kae recalled her time spent among the Malai Ratree quite fondly, though she still thought they were a rather strange bunch.

    The ashen-furred hybrid shook her scarred head. "I've been back since the beginning of the summer. Corona was gone by the time I got back," the hybrid said sadly. She missed her other daughter, even if the pair was rather distant. "I don't know if you remember Razekiel and Samael's father, Astaroth? He kidnapped Eris, one of my youngest, and I chased him down. She left me after that. Wandered, like you did, and came back, just the same," the coyote said simply. So many of their stories were the same. Home had been a beacon calling her back the whole time, however, and it was her lack of geographical knowledge that had kept her away in the later months of her hiatus.

Table thanks to Erin!

- Rikka de le Poer - 11-26-2009

I dids! Big Grin I'm proud of that table! Also I'm assuming that she's either met/knows of Astaroth, correct me if I'm wrong. 500+

Already she found herself feeling at home in the clan. In the back of her mind she knew that might change when she ran into more of the members, but she wasn't worried about that right now. This reunion was going so well that she couldn't be bothered to worry over details anymore. Besides, it was always better to focus on the good instead of the bad. It could drive a person crazy if they only ever thought about the negatives. Rikka was an upbeat individual and so found herself content more often than not. She felt bad for people who couldn't live that way. No matter how dark it got the sun was always hiding just behind the horizon, ready to bath the world in new light. She felt that new light shine done upon her now, a blessing on the new journey in life that she was just starting.

The woman was also surprised to see how good her mother looked. It wasn't like she had been expecting to find her all decrepit and weak, Kaena Lykoi would never be that, but still she hadn't really expected her to look like she did. Honestly it didn't seem like she had aged at all from the last time they had set eyes on one another. It was a kind reassurance though, it didn't seem that she would be losing her mother anytime soon for any reason. Rikka was oblivious to her father's death, but if she had known of it it would have made her cherish Kaena even more. No matter how rocky the relations had got, she had always treasured her parents.

"That sounds beautiful! Just my idea of a good place to live." There were few things that could compare to a room with a view. If she had been able to dictate where she would have hoped the living quarters of the clan were situated she doubted she could have picked a better place. "Really? Why's that?" She couldn't speak for members of the family she didn't know, but honestly she hadn't expected that any of her siblings or half-siblings would become all that close. Especially not one from Astaroth. Rikka was very surprised to hear that Kaena had been to a similar place. "Yeah? I didn't know that. Too bad this place can't be more like those. I'm not naive though, as much as I'd love for everything to peaceful I know it will never happen." By "this place" she hadn't meant just Inferni, but the whole of 'Souls lands.

The fact that Kaena had left Inferni at all came as a shock to her and her face clearly showed this fact. "I had no idea that you had been gone for so long. I never would have imagined. So, are you the Aquila again, or does someone else lead?" The metallic toned femme had just assumed the matron was still in charge. The story of her absence was a sad one though. "That's awful, what both of them did. I don't understand how some can be so cruel," she said, frowning. "I wouldn't have left you." She knew nothing of this Eris, but she was a daughter of the silvered hybrid as well and she owed the woman her life. To leave her after she had chased after her was disgraceful.


- Kaena Lykoi - 11-27-2009

And this one. :O <3 Yeah, I'd think so. Someone would've mentioned half-sibs. XD

    There was something lovely in walking along in the waste with her daughter, some connection the hybrid had missed. The coyote woman had many children, and she missed all of them to some extent. Just a few—like Vitium—were remembered in a far less positive light than the rest, but the coyote cherished the memory of most of them, and this return and even settling with Inferni was unexpected. The silver-furred hybrid and her daughter had certainly had their difficulties and disagreements before, and though perhaps this was the "honeymoon" period of good times, Kaena could not help but enjoy it. Times had been too dark lately.

    The coyote offered half a smile at the woman's comment, shrugging a shoulder. "It got old," she said. It was true—perhaps it was simply the city vibe that had driven her away. They were a relatively civilized bunch living up in Oregon, and she had felt almost suffocated by the amount of canines living in such a small space. "Dunno where he ended up, but he's spun a similar train. 'Mother Earth and Father Ocean' and all of that," the hybrid said, although not as derisively as she might have in the past. Those concepts in particular had enticed her; she had never considered the elements of the earth itself as godly or personified before.

    "Someday, when our blood's too mixed to tell who's who anymore," the hybrid replied staunchly, shrugging. Either that or the wolves stopped attacking them—the latter was far less likely to happen, in Kaena's opinion. Still, she wanted to avoid those subjects with her child for now. No doubt they'd unearth old issues and arguments, and for right now Kaena simply wished to bask in the glow of ehr daughter's presence. The woman's words brought an almost bitter smile to the hybrid's face.

    "I shouldn't have left, but maybe it's for the best," the hybrid said, leading into Rikka's next question. "Gabriel leads us, but I am his Centurion. Came full circle," the hybrid said with a grin, referring to her first term as the clan's subleader. "Astaroth paid for his crimes, and Eris hasn't been back since," the hybrid said, shrugging half of a shoulder and looking away from the tawny-furred woman at the first sentence, knowing it might evoke her comment. Vengeance was a perfectly good excuse for violence in the hybrid's mind, but she was no fool. It wouldn't have taken a genuis to realize such a concept might be abhorrent to her pacifist daughter.


- Rikka de le Poer - 11-27-2009

yesh! Big Grin hahaha okay, good to know XD <3 500+

It felt almost...peaceful walking through Inferni with her mother. Yet another unexpected and yet pleasant surprise. Rikka knew that Kaena was probably feeling her own share of pleasant surprises. She was probably one of the last of her children that she would have expected to return her. Her issues with the clan and how it operated were hardly a secret and neither had her own inability to deal with it all. It was impossible to say yet if things would be different this time around, but Rikka really did want to try and make it work. She was willing to make some concessions and hopefully the other members of the clan would be willing to do so as well. If there was a mutual understanding and respect this time it might all really work.

It wasn't shocking that Kaena would have tired of such a life. It really wasn't her vibe. The fact that she had even given a try though was something that the woman could respect. Originally she wouldn't have thought her mother the type to even try living in such a place, and the fact that she had was something. Though if she had known that this particular place had been in a city Rikka would have understood one of the reasons it got old. She was a child of nature, and such a way of living would have gotten on her nerves as well. The Haight had been in wide open spaces. At time they used tents for shelter and there were a few stray buildings, but for the most part they had relied on whatever Mother Nature provided them. "That so, huh? Can't say I expected anyone else in the family to take up similar ideals," she said with a slight chuckle. The metallic furred daughter had always been the black sheep of the family and was surprised she might not be the only one.

Maybe a day like that would come, but Rikka somehow doubted even that. No matter how mixed blood got, prejudices would remain on both sides of the divide. Some of her siblings were just as severe as their mother in beliefs and they were over half wolf as well. She was more than willing to leave that subject behind though. She also didn't want to get into old disagreements and bad feelings. Right now she was too focused on keeping this nice moment intact. It was wonderful and she didn't want to lose it so quickly.

It was odd to think that Kaena was no longer the head honcho around here. It had been that way for so long. The de le Poer could easily see her brother in the place of the clan's alpha though. "I guess it did. How is Gabriel? I don't know if he'll be quite so happy to see me." True, the siblings had left things on a better note than they had started at, but their relationship had never been smooth. Much rockier than her relationship with Kaena. Thinking of her brother in the lead made all her hesitations and worries come rushing back full force and she looked somewhat shyly at the ground. Rikka took her mother's meaning as to what had happened to Astaroth and she wasn't surprised. Of course she had a problem with it, but she kept her mouth shut. Preaching over past actions wouldn't get either of them anywhere and she supposed that the kidnapping of a child was a better reason than many for inciting violence.


- Kaena Lykoi - 11-27-2009

http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/kae/kae_fall.jpg); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:240px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; padding-bottom:10px;">

    The coyote woman did not know the specifics of where Razekiel had gone, but it had changed him immensely. He was a precocious, quiet child who generally preferred to remain closest to his mother, soaking up everything she had to tell him. He had been raised just the same as Samael, but the latter of the two had remained true to his indoctrination of Lykoi principles. The hybrid woman did not think less of Razekiel for this, but she did find herself wondering if her children hated her for what she was.

    Violence was a part of Kaena, bequeathed to her by her mother and continued by her stepmother and half-brother. Aside from Andre, violence was all she had known in her young life. "Some of us chose to carve our own way," the hybrid woman responded, offering a slow smile. She couldn't hate her children for what they became, unless they rejected her and Inferni entirely and denounced it as Vitium had. Then again, Ahren's litter was far more wolfish than Kaena's other children, and it was only natural they would struggle with their hybrid heritage more than the others. The coyote woman was familiar with that inner dialogue; it had taken her quite a long time to come to grips with her hybrid blood.

    "Gabriel worries too much," the hybrid said with a laugh, though this was said in all fondness. "Suppose it's natural, though. Leadership isn't an easy thing," the coyote said, recalling her own time spent as Aquila. The pressure of the clan weighing down on one's shoulders could certainly be intense. "I'm sure he'll like to see you, though." Kaena was sure of that; she had no knowledge of Gabriel's interactions with most of his siblings. She knew he considered Vitium a traitor, he'd killed Andre... but Rikka was his whole-blood sister, not some halfling devil spawned by Astaroth. How could he reject her?


- Rikka de le Poer - 11-27-2009


If she had known the extent of abuse her mother suffered in her childhood than she would have been better able to understand why the woman was who she was. It was a foreign concept to her though, she might not have had the greatest childhood, but it had been far from bad. To know that Kaena was able to be as loving, at least towards her family, as she was considering what she had been through was quite amazing. Rikka knew there was a lot about her mother that she didn't know, and so it was easier for her to take what she viewed as faults in stride. The hybrid was a complex person and she had never viewed her as a bad person, there were simply things that she herself did not agree with.

She nodded her head. They were very true words, though Rikka thought they all chose whatever path they would take. Whether it was following in the steps of their parents and grandparents or striking out of their own. "Yes, but where we come from is always important." At least it was to her. It was a connection that she could not really justify or explain considering how different she was from a lot of the family, but it was there and Rikka knew it would never go away. No matter how estranged she became her family would always matter to her in some way. That was why she had come back. No matter how happy she had been in the commune, she had wanted to be around her kin.

"Yeah, seems that worrying kind of comes with the job. I wouldn't want to be a leader, that's for sure. I'm much happier just laying back and going with the flow, ya know?" The woman was not leader material and she had no desire to put the weight of the world on her shoulders. She admired those who did have the strength and tenacity to lead, but it had never been an aspiration of her's. Living a happy, calm life was all she really wanted. "I hope you're right. We didn't always get along the best, but maybe things will be different now that we're both older." Time changed almost everything, even if it was only in a minuscule way.

"Any kids running around these days?" Rikka loved kids, even if she didn't have any of her own.
