'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Joining - Printable Version

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- Rio Marino - 12-18-2009

1. Character Name: Rio Marino
2. Character Birthdate (including year): September 22, 2009
3. Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Luperci
4. Gender: Female
5. Your e-mail: killibegs@gmail.com
6. A secondary form of contact (AIM, MSN, Y!M): AIM is shastycake
7. How did you learn/hear about 'Souls?: I play Kansas, too.
8. If joining OOCly, 3 examples of Role Play:

Quote:A wider variety of voices broke through the haze in her mind, lifting her even further into consciousness. After only a few moments, she heard hurried movement somewhere close to her... And then, a beautifully familiar scent filled her mind and made her feel as though things, from here, would be better. It was Lowell. A smile creased her lips, and she lifted her head to look for him. She didn't know why she was so eager to find him next to her. It was strange. His voice called softly for help, to which she was grateful past the point of his simple presence there nearby.

And help came to them. An unrecognizable wolf told her gently that she would be okay, and without even having to ask, began to lick the wound on her leg. It was definitely soothing. Thank you. She was distracted from her savior, and wonderfully so, because in however many proceeding minutes (River couldn't tell), Nikki was there. River could not remember ever feeling so relieved. This reunion of the twins felt more intense to the silver girl than any before, even when their separation was longer. N-nikki! You're breathing... she observed with the ghost of a grin. Her sister began to dig Lowell out. River was regretful that she couldn't do this for him.

Satiseva was nearby... River could hear her voice, but couldn't quite make out what she was saying among the slowly-calming chaos of the avalanche's aftermath. She focused instead on Lowell and her sister, the two wolves there who she cared for the most (not that she didn't care for the entire pack). The kind, quiet man continued to give her leg attention with undying persistence... And she tried to scoot herself closer to Lowell without interrupting this. She smelled blood,and the snow before the man was painted red with his own blood. He said her name. This struck a strange note with the DeMonte, leaving her speechless for just a second. Lowell... No, don't get up. I'm here. I wish I could help you, she said, trying her best to soothe him. If he tried to move around, he may rupture something else. He was hurt badly enough.

Now River was completely aware of her surroundings. The pain in her leg was extremely severe, but perhaps the help from hybrid who was lapping her leg so unwaveringly and selflessly was giving her hope enough to set aside her pain. He wanted a stick for her leg, which made sense, and was determined to find her one. She felt ridiculously helpless and looked wildly around as if the stick would pop up in front of her, but he had left, apparently to get one himself, or find someone who would. Honestly, she was baffled by his kindness. Nikki... are you okay? She looked directly at her twin, searching for maladies, all the while inching closer to Lowell until she could rest her head on the very end of his paw, not minding the blood strewn around them.

Quote: As usual, he felt more comfortable under the cover of dense clouds. It was as if Someone had chosen today to throw a blanket over him, to keep him safe and happy. That "someone" was unspecific; he had no name or image, but Kansas felt him at times, and he didn't understand why. Today, as he jogged quickly toward Rabbit Lake, he felt his presence more densely than was ordinary. It was scaring him just a little bit, and yet it felt wonderful. He was secure beneath the thick, dark clouds; protected by the chilly air. He was doing just fine.

A lot had been on his mind lately; his encounter with Naniko and her puppies was still messing with his head. He was worried about Savina. He didn't like being worried about her, a little because of the anxiety it caused him, but also because the very idea of her being unhappy and his subsequently not being able to help her was terrifying. Kansas reached the lake, but did not approach the water; instead, he reclined upon the browning grass, watching it sway beneath his paws. He lifted his nose to the crisp breeze and let it bathe him. His coat had become longer and paler in preparation for winter, and now it billowed about him like silk. Kansas tried to surrender, tried to fight off the worry in his mind. It was a daunting task.

Quote:The cold stare Kansas received seemed to heighten the chill of the atmosphere, and the pale boy shivered involuntarily. His lean shoulders hunched slightly, as though if he could make himself smaller, the other's irritation might be alleviated. But he followed the bright blue eyes to the CD player he still held in his hand, wrapped in headphones. Perhaps this thing would save his ass. He didn't need another Heath incident, where he didn't believe himself to be doing anything wrong until he was on the ground with his lip split. Kansas stood stock still as the mutt took his horse to a position where he could better be studied, and the Sadira could not help but feel like an insect under a microscope.

The boy let the other finish speaking, unable to keep himself from jumping with every profanity that exited the male's lips. He tried not to stare, but the hybrid did indeed seem strange. He didn't doubt now what he'd heard when he'd first come upon the stranger. "Uh," he repeated, glancing at the CD player again. He loved sharing his music with others, though this time he was a tad bit wary of it because Jazper had hated it so much. This was a different music group, but their music was harsher, if anything. Well, even if the brute hated the music, at least Kansas would avoid getting punching in the face for being discourteous. Odd, how he was much larger than the tawny hybrid and yet he was terrified of him. "Yeah, of course you can. But hey, er," he handed the player gingerly over, holding up the unraveled headphones in his other hand. He needed to ask this, because he couldn't understand why Cotl was cursing at him. "Have I offended you in some way? You press this button here to start it," Kansas pointed to the button with a little arrow.

- Geneva Stockholm - 12-19-2009

Welcome to 'Souls!

Hey, welcome to 'Souls. You've just joined the craziest bunch of wolf roleplayers on the vast internet. If you haven't done so already, you should check out the rp guide for detailed information about our werewolves and other general role playing information.

Now that you're accepted, you need to do two things:
___1. Make your first IC post within five days.
___2. Update your profile with a bit of background information on your character.

You can also start saving up points toward titles and icons and cool stuff. Check out the Open Threads and Thread Requests forum for people looking to roleplay. You can post random out of character chat in the OOC Garbage with us, too.