'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Time to say goodbye - Printable Version

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- Deuce Rhiannon - 02-01-2008

Don't feel you have to match my length. LOL 568 words

She'd been in and out of her mind this last few months. Now, she was almost stark mad. Almost. She clung to the image of a knife, a knife she hadn't seen in over a year. Voices taunted her. Erik spoke just a no good whore, Leilani, that's all you'll ever be. Good for nothing. I kept you in this world, and I can take you out! And then Shadow would speak, his voice softer, but full of hurt and confusion. Why, mom? Why did you let me die? Why didn't you love me? She shook her head. If she could just find that damn knife, she'd bury it and the voices would go away.
She moved deeper into forbidden territory. Inferni, the place where she'd found her son's body. And then, there it was, looming over the land. Syemv. It had been home once. She imagined she could still see Phasma, laying there on the porch. And there was Soran, staring out a window. Rurik, Akumu, Apollyon. So many old friends, gone. She stood, staring, then realized she was close to where Erik was buried. His voice seemed loudest now, most grating. Was his spirit attached to his grave, or the blade used to murder him? She didn't know, knew only one way to find out. She had to find it.
She approached the house slowly. She was deep into Inferni now, and even in her madness, she knew this was dangerous. But she had to find it, had to bury it once and for all. Why had she kept it? She didn't know, only knew it had been lost in the attack on Syemv. Aremys. Whoever they'd been at one time. She climbed the steps, opened the door. The house was musty, and reeked of coyote, but in her mind she could see Noah and Lucifer standing at the top of the steps. As Noah's body fell past her, she mounted the steps, one at a time. Her room was just down this hall. She'd had a perfect view of the forest from here. It was the same room she'd first met Soran in. She could still see the look on the lady's face when they first spoke. She could still see Akumu forcibly breaking them apart. So long ago.
She appraoched the bookshelves. Empty. her books, her herbs, that blade. But there -was that the scent of Shadow? Faint, but unmistakable. her boy. she knew he hadn't really died. He was a clever boy. She smiled as she followed the scent. Down the stairs, out the door. A wandering, meandering path. he was here somewhere. His scent terminated suddenly, as sudden as she'd picked it up. She blinked, looked around, dazed. A small graveyard. And there, the hilt protruding from a snowdrift. was that?
yes. it was the letter opener she'd stabbed Erik with. His voice echoed clearly from it, berating her and calling her useless. She picked it up, held it in her hands, her bi-colored eyes vacant and unseeing. She could feel his spirit trapped inside of it. Yes...it had to be buried. but with the rest of his body. She turned, began walking. her movements were slow, un-coordinated, like a zombie. She didn't feel the snow drifting down yet again.

Credit to Misery!


- Gabriel de le Poer - 02-27-2008


indent The scent of wolf was everywhere. It didn’t matter that this stranger was a part of Jaded Shadows—they had violated the one rule that Gabriel would not tolerate. Trespassing into his land, no, into his home was an unforgivable sin. Resonant in his throat the growl grew, vibrating deep in his chest. It was nearly a tangible thing, this hate he felt. It was enough to drive the blood to his skull and made his heart race. Viciously, he tore through the house, four legs thundering on the wooden floor as he followed the fresh scent out of the door. Despite his nearly blind-rage, he did not trip or stagger through the cold sand.
indent Then he saw her. A white female walking in the snow, carrying a blade. She looked half-mad. Snarling, the hybrid tore over and skidded to a halt in front of her, head low and eyes burning. Get out, he said thickly, unwilling to consider any reason outside of the one he saw; a knife, a danger.


- Deuce Rhiannon - 02-27-2008

Something moved and Deuce halted her jerky movements. She stared uncomprehendingly at the hybrid in front of her, blinking her bi-colored eyes owlishly. Then she realized what it was. he wanted her to leave these lands. The lands that used to belong to Syemv. The lands her former mate was buried in. She frowned, confused and a little lost in her psychosis.
I can't yet....I have to bury it.... Her voice was soft, ethereal. She herself was a lost child, a ghost of sorts. Her hand tightened on the blade. She didn't feel the blade bite into her skin, didn't feel the slight trickle of blood where the cut began to widen as she continued to tighten her grip.
Her eyes went wild as she realized this male wanted to take the blade from her, the ornate letter opener that had taken Erik's life. You can't have it! I have to b-bury it! Her voice was shrill, frightened, angry. The voice of someone convinced that they were right and the world was out to get them.
Erik's voice had stilled at the first sight of the coyote hybrid, but now it began again, mocking and berating, chiding and demanding. her eyes were going unfocused again as she lost herself to listening to his words.

Credit to Misery!

- Gabriel de le Poer - 02-27-2008


indent There would be no more warnings. He had given her an option, a chance, and had she been wiser she might have taken it. Gabriel continued to growl, snow falling onto his body, aware only of her. If she turned and left, he would have followed her out. What she did however, was sway on her feet and babble incoherently. He couldn’t hear much anymore—just the vibration in his chest and throat.
indentThe scent of blood hit him like a tidal wave, but it was her words that drove him forward. She was mad, she was hysterical, and she was a danger. Gabriel’s body lowered just slightly as he tensed for an attack. Her eyes turned cloudy and he saw his opportunity. Without hesitation, he threw himself at her, body flying through the air to connect with her frame. Vaguely, he was aware of his front paws working, slamming down on her hands to try and get rid of the knife. Thought had become restricted to motion—his hind legs were pistons, kicking wildly to hit whatever they could, his teeth were mechanical, snapping and reaching for the throat.


- Deuce Rhiannon - 02-27-2008

She yelped as the male slammed into her, her legs trying to backpedal away. But he was on top of her, her arms flailed uselessly, the blade of the letteropener clutched in her hand. She could taste blood, and her mind couldn't decide if it was the night Erik raped her, the night she and Lucifer fought, or the present. Fnally, it mercifully gave up trying to make sense of everything and just reacted.
She dropped the blade, howling loudly, claws slashing at anything she could reach. His attacks were more effective than hers. She had several wounds, some of which would scar over when everything was said and done. She began trying to get away, while not letting the blade out of her sight. She would have that blade when she left these lands, or she would die trying.

Credit to Misery!

- Gabriel de le Poer - 02-29-2008


indent He wasn’t sure if they fell to the ground, though he thought they might have. Each snap of his teeth connected with something, giving his face a fine spray of bright red as if a mask. Around his lips a froth of pinkish-red foam glistened, and his tail was high, brush-bottled. This was instinct and training, using his weight to keep her down. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her hands come up, and felt as they slammed into his side, but he leapt away fast enough to avoid deep damage.
indent She began to scramble towards the blade, and interpreting that as a threat, Gabriel snarled and dove at her leg. His teeth clamped down with the intent to break, and he shook his head sharply, as a dog might. A beast of pure muscle, Gabriel began to drag her back. He’d drag her to the sea and drown her if that was what it took.


- Lucifer - 03-01-2008


Yeah shitty post sorry guys.

indent How he loved the sandy lands, these where the beaches where he was raised for a sort amount of time in his life. The male had picked up on the sent of his mate, now he knew she was losing her mind slowly but never in a million years had he thought that she would go as far as she done. Kicking the sand up he watch it spray all over, he sighed. Only to hear the sound of her yelp come to him, he knew it wasn't good. She wasn't one to scream out in pain, the male felt his heart jump at that very second. Taking off running his eyes laid upon the sight of a stupid coyote and his mate, in a battle, and by the looks of it that coyote had the upper hand.

indent "STOP" he hoped it would work, he was a hunter not a fighter, nor that skilled at it. He didn't want to leave these lands with out her, not dead but alive. She was no use to him dead. The male blue eyes where glued at the matter at hand, he wasn't sure if he was ready to learn to fight."I don't wish to break the peace treaty with Jaded Shadows and Inferni. Please stop the fighting."


- Deuce Rhiannon - 03-02-2008

Lucifer barked a command, and Deuce froze. What was he doing here? And then the coyote shook his head and she heard something snap at the same time she saw a silver light flash in her head. She screamed, pushing with all her might to get the hybrid off of her.

She twisted, grabbing at the ground, her bi-colored eyes frantic and terrified. She keened loudly, not forgetting the blade even in her agony. Her eyes were fixated on the blade, on Erik goading th hybrid onwards. nononononononono!!!! Her voice was one thick, frightened wail.

- Gabriel de le Poer - 03-02-2008


indent They didn’t know who he was, because if they had then perhaps they would have understood that “treaty” was not as solid as they thought. There was one simple rule—stay out and we’ll do the same. He had never crossed their border and now he would have to, to deal with the aftermath of this. To tell Fatin to let them know there were no second chances with Inferni. Several yards away, the blue-eyed man was speaking quickly, above the frantic whine of the female. Gabriel let go of the female as she began to struggle, though he remained stiff legged and ready for an attack.
indent “Just turn around,” he growled, pacing forward. “Don't involve yourself.” Head low, Gabriel half-circled behind the female, like a grounded bird of prey waiting for an opening.


- Lucifer - 03-03-2008


WC: 525. Forgive me for the rambling.

indent The male knew that she had been ill, maybe not physically but more so in her head. He was scared, he wasn't sure how she had gotten to this point, though he wasn't ready to throw up his hands, and give in the fight and walk away, he was close but not yet. The black male didn't move towards the coyote, or his mate, he feared that he would attack her again. He wanted to get her out alive. The male shook his head, not a chance he was going to just "turn away" and not worry about what was going on, he wasn't happy with her, but she was still his mate, Noah would smack him into next week if he did something like that.

indent"No sorry I can't let you kill my mate. Even if she came into your lands with out an invite." Though it wasn't the first time she had came into these lands, the last time she found her only son dead, a mass of twisted bones, deformed and ugly. It was the last time she saw her son. "Let me take her, and we will leave. I'll talk to Tayui about our trespassing. Please, let me take her back to the pack." The male wasn't ready to jump into a fight, he was trying to keep his cool, though for all his hate for them he wasn't being to bad. He didn't think they where stupid, or any thing like that, just a major lack of respect.

indentLucifer took a step back, trying to give the coyote the room to leave her, the shifted male was ready to run over and take her up, and take her back to there den. He would give her the game of question and answers on the way back to the pack. Tayui and Fatin needed to know what was going on with her, to watch her closely to make sure that she wasn't going out trying to start a war that she could bring danger to the whole pack. Lucifer loved having a mate, but he had a love for the pack that he sadly healed over having a mate. Lucifer lowed his body down to one knee placed upon the ground, placing his right elbow upon his knee then his left hand upon the wrist of his right arm. His place colored eyes not upon the attacker. He looked over her body for fresh cuts that the horrid male could have placed upon her.

indentOdd feeling that he had, he hadn't felt this way about her in a long time. The seconds slowly passed as the male stayed where he was, he wasn't going to move till the male gave his word or left the area what ever happened first, he wanted her out, he wanted her out then he wanted to yell at her. Was she that ill that she wasn't able to process a thought that deep? Lucifer knew they where in a pickle, he wasn't going to leave with out her, and the male wasn't going to let her leave here alive by the looks of it.


- Deuce Rhiannon - 03-04-2008

Gabriel released her. For a moment, she laid there too stunned to realize, then she sprang forward, scooping up the knife and hurtling towards Lucifer. her leg hurt badly; she'd look at it later, and realize it'd been fractured. For the moment, she was reduced to crawling on all fours, scrambling frantically for the freedom and saety lucifer represented.

She cowered behind the male, frightened eyes locked on the hybrid, quivering, more scared than she'd ever been in her life. Please, she whimpered, Let me go home....

- Gabriel de le Poer - 03-04-2008


I'll close this now. :]
indent The snarl on his face turned to a sneer, and Gabriel snorted through his nose. “If either of you step a foot in my land again I’ll kill you both. Now get out.” He stopped walking and stood still. He would watch them until they left, unwilling to trust them to obey his order. They were wolves, and wolves were stupid. That much, he knew for certain. Once they did leave, a bedraggled mass of blood and fur, he waited a few moments and trailed them before finally satisfied, turning back towards the sea.
