'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
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- Haruhi Misaki - 01-26-2010

Word Count: 276


A day had passed since she was accepted. She was still without a home and the drizzle the sky offered reminded her of that fact. In her regular tiny form, in which she chose to travel long or with speed, she reached the place Anselm spoke of. This would be the place she would search of a den. Though, she was interested in the Mansion. She never saw one before. She only heard of it from her only friend. He was the only friend that was no more. He had passed on and left only one piece of him behind. It was the jewelry that was attached to her tail. It was tightly, but comfortably, placed on the base of it; like a hair tie on a pony-tail. She loved the vintage design it had. It would forever remain for the rest of her existence. Someday, perhaps soon, she would make a trip to explore the mansion. She doubts she would ever make her home there, though. She was use to natural homes such as caves.

She eyed the area with her sharp golden eyes as her black dipped paws became still. There were many dens she could see but some may be claimed. First, she would choose an area she would like her opening to be facing. Something pleasant would be nice. She carried a bag of her personal belongings that was strapped on her back as she walked some more. Every now and then she flicked her black-tipped tail for no reason. The sky was obviously hidden by clouds as it continued to drizzle. Maybe she should find one soon, the weather may worsen.


- China Rose Lykoi - 01-26-2010

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— Sorry for the long-ish post! ^^;

The dark-furred hippy child found herself stranded under a roiling grey cloud etched with black shadow, and she could do little more than respond to it with the tight tipping of her ears back to her skull. In the middle of Occasus Promontorium there was little shelter to be had for the puppy, and immediately this fact registered in her mind with alarming urgency. Her eyes could only begin to evince the sudden panic that welled in her chest and faded quickly afterward. An inexplicable attack, one of several that sometimes overcame the youth; but a glance to the sky brought her back to the cause.

It was a little-known fact, in this region, China Rose's absolute fear of thunderstorms. Not that it made any sense even to her. Mother Nature did not throw storms at them to punish them; she was merely temperamental on those days, or so those of Juniper Peace liked to believe. Unfortunately, China didn't buy that simply write-off of thunderstorms. There was just something about lightning forking through the air that was dangerous, something about the terrible boom of thunder that scared her heart into utter submission. She backed away from the rock she had previously been standing near before turning and all-out running. The rain that fell hadn't escalated to that point yet (who knew yet whether it would or not), but the Lykoi knew the signs.

Dark clouds meant storms.

She didn't slow when she reached one of the tell-tale entrances to the network of dens and caverns known only as The Caves to Inferni residents. She herself had no name for the dank place she dove into; she didn't much care, she decided. It was shelter that would protect her from the turbulent skies and that was all she could possibly ask for. Huddling in the darkness of the cave she had found, the girl edged forward slowly and cautiously until she came upon a point where the tunnels forked, and she selected the left passage. And when she came once more to an opening, China Rose became intrigued.

Not because the tunnel had opened once more to the air, but because directly beyond that entrance-way stood a member, or presumably a member for she had managed to get that far into the territory. Strapped to the russet-and-brown animal's back was a pack which the hippy child assumed was filled with personal belongings scavenged and received as gifts. From her low position, the red-masked hybrid could not make out Haruhi's keen eye colour, but she was more or less dismissive of that anyway. What made her so curious was the way the other strolled so pleasantly and without a care in the world through the drizzle. Didn't she know the danger of a coming storm?

China's voice rose above the slightest wind as she called out to the female, hoping to spark a bit of common sense into the other: Hello? You need to come inside!

word count: 503

- Haruhi Misaki - 01-29-2010

No worries! I enjoyed the read Big Grin and sorry for the little wait ^^; Thanks for joining me <3
Word Count: 325


The weather seems to be getting worse. The sky was darkening with heavy clouds and the rain was not letting up. She was getting soaked and despite appearances, she was not enjoying it. She needed to find a home, which was her reason for being out in this mess. Though, she didn't know just how bad the weather would actually get. She figured it would just rain harder. It never came to mind that this storm would bring thunder.

She wondered if there was a better and faster way of doing this. She didn't know how much longer she could stay out in this. It would be bad to catch a cold or something. Plus, the sound of loud thunder was very unpleasant. They always made her jump and kept her up at night if ever a storm was occurring that time. It wasn't long before she started hearing them. The first one started low, giving her a warning. She needed to quicken her search. Suddenly, a loud explosion irrupted in the sky. It startled her as she stopped in mid step. Instinctively, she looked to the sky. This is bad, real bad. She thought to herself. As she continued to walk, frantically scanning the area, it wasn't long before she heard a voice. It seemed to have come from one of the caves nearby. It was a female, urging her to come inside. She was right; this was not the time to be out walking in this storm. She nodded at her invitation and quickly moved inside. Just before entering, she shook her fur free of access water. It would have been rude to do it inside. Turning to the female, who looked younger than herself, she spoke. "Thank you miss for allowing me coverage. My name is Haruhi, Haruhi Misaki." Though her face lacked emotion, she was grateful of the girl's act. Her golden stare was locked onto the girl's stunning blue eyes.
