'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Leave out all the rest - Printable Version

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- Haruhi Misaki - 01-31-2010

Word Count: 369
Hover for translation.


So it was another day of rain. Rain, rain, rain, that was all it did lately. It was driving her crazy. It was the one thing she hated. It was like the world wanted to torture her. "雨..." She sighed in displeasure. This time she was smart. In her Optime form, she carried an umbrella. This way, she wouldn't be drenched and dirty someone's towel again; if someone chose to be so kind to do so. There was nothing much of this umbrella. It was a simple plain blue shield from the rain. If only she had thought of this before. Well, she did. It was just that, she worried if it would thunder. She was terrified of them and was paranoid in holding one during such a storm. She couldn't wait until the day it stopped raining.

Haruhi walked with no destination in mind. She eventually entered a forest with small trails. She figured walking along on wouldn't be so bad. It may lead her to someplace. Within the forest, it didn't rain so hard. It was thanks to the trees that acted as natural umbrellas. Though, it was a faulty umbrella since it doesn't stop the rain completely. This was why, for the moment, she kept the umbrella above her head.

She walked the trail for a while. She was beginning to feel that this trail led to nowhere. She kept going, though, due to the fact she thought she was just being impatient. Her golden eyes scanned left and right, taking in the scenery. Her face, in its normal state, showed nothing. No one could tell if she was interested in the beauty of the place or not. Haruhi was such a broken coyote. Eventually, she came to a standstill. Bored of walking, she stared ahead for a short moment. She then slowly raised her free black hand and reached out with her palm up. She felt rain drops but it wasn't hard. She leaned the umbrella back so it was resting on her shoulder as she looked up. Her hand was still raised, feeling the falling liquid. She squinted when the rain drops landed near her eyes. "停止雨が降っ..." She breathed, uselessly pleading the sky.


- Sonja Russo - 01-31-2010


Word Count: 1164 You know well enough you don't have to match. I just rambled! moar moar moar!

When Sonja woke up this morning, it was barely raining. She had peaked out the window, pushing the curtains back and letting the light soak in through the dusty windows. The rays cascaded over the best, resting on her beautiful husband and it was enough to wake him. He seemed a little grumpy from being woken up in such a way but the woman did not want to waste the day. They had much more work to do for the house in hopes that it would be done soon. There were holes to patch in order to conserve the warmth for the rest of the winter. She had no idea how long something like this lasted in these areas but she was not sure it could be much different. Winter was winter was winter. If it was cold, wet, and snowy here, it was the same everywhere. Sonja was often times in her own little world with little consideration of what went on around her. She had not yet come to learn that the world did not quite revolve around her. And with Raskolnikov hanging her things she wanted, treating her like a queen when she needed, it was not going to change any time soon.

The woman managed to convince her husband to find and cut up more firewood. They were running painfully low and if a storm managed to come in, she did not want to freeze her tail off. Sonja was up and downstairs within the next few minutes stuffing the heat stove with firewood. She was considerate when she put the wood in, knowing the both of them would be gone for a little while and did not want to waste their current resources. And the fact no one would be home would not be a very safe thing to do. But she knew she did not want the house to cool down and lose its current heat should the fire be out completely. With the embers and a light fire going, it would be able to heat the rest of the house with the Amish's way of filtering the heat throughout the entire structure. It was very convenient and the wolves in Italy had something similar but was a little more makeshift and less constructed with the appropriate skill.

She decided to hunt this morning, go deep into the wounds behind the village and try to find something for her to skin and cook later in the day. The two of them had eaten early the morning before and her stomach had a light rumbling to it. She did not eat every day, nor did her husband, because they did not have the need. Their breakfast the day before had been light, a small rabbit he had run across, and she was going to do the same this evening. If they kept up light meals every other day, it would make things easier on them should they need to go a little longer before eating. Sonja shifted to her unnatural form of lupus on her way into the forest, trotting along before the rain became too heavy. She felt strange in this form, having hunting before with weapons and did not often find herself in this form when she lived in Italy. Here, she had yet to come across weapons that would help her hunt in a two legged form.

The Italian was rather skilled, at least, being quick on her feet and learning to hunt before the age of learning to shift. She had to do something before she had been able to stand on two feet and this was one of the things that passed the time. Sonja found a rabbit in no time just as the rain started to drizzle above the trees. She was quick to find her place to start the hunt and on her feet in no time, swooping by and catching the rabbit before he had ten seconds to run away. The snow on the ground slowed him down and the slipperiness the rain caused did not help his agility at all. Her heavy feet had gone through the snowing, letting nothing slow her down before catching it beneath her strong jaws. The tawny animal hung limp in her jaws, blood seeping through and into her jaws. Sonja loved the taste of rabbit but something about rabbits in these parts made it all the more delectable. Perhaps it was catching it for herself, taking pride in starting her own life and family in these areas without the help of her own.

The timing of the catch matched up with that of the weather and it was then that the rain started to come down harder and even the branches over her head did little to help cover her. Her eyes squinted with the beating of water on her head and she pivoted back on her hind legs and took off at a speed she used similar to catching the rabbit. Her formerly delicate paws beat against the snow and ice dusted ground in the direction of her house, suddenly finding the path the broke the forest in two. It made running easier because she did not have to weave around trees this way and that in order to make it all the way to the other side. She could make the easy turns and curves of the well beaten path rather than dart around trees and avoid crashing into one that was too close to another she had been trying to get around. It was something she fought with when she was younger, learning to hunt and run. It was embarrassing to run into a tree and she imagined everyone did it and not just her so she could lighten the level of embarrassment she felt.

Sonja's paws started to slow down when a new scent infiltrated her nostrils past the blood and natural rabbit scent. The beating of her feet on the ground slowed and as she saw the figure in Optime form, Sonja started to shift in mid-run. All of her bones shifted, turned, and elongated to fit her much larger humanesque form. Her jaw did not lighten the grip of the rabbit and as she slowed down to a stop when her shift was complete, she shook out her body as the last bit of cracking occurred and she dropped the rabbit to land in her hands. Her dark fingers clung around the wound of the rabbit, holding it by the scruff, and approaching from behind the other smaller form. She looked strange and Sonja realized she was a coyote, a creature she had not seen very much of. Sonja barked a soft woof, lingering in the background should the strange animal not want to be bothered. The umbrella the other held did not phase her but she would never have used one. They were common in Europe when it rained but she had never had one for herself.

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- Haruhi Misaki - 01-31-2010

Word Count: 341


Haruhi normally didn't resort to umbrellas. When she wanted to travel far on a rainy day, she would take out her umbrella she had found during her travels. So today, since she was far from Inferni, she took out this plain umbrella to use. She stood there, feeling small drops on her hand and face. She wanted the sky to stop crying. She knew it was useless to plead the sky to stop but she did anyway. With this rain, she was constantly reminded of the sadness embedded in her heart. A frown formed on her face as she closed her golden eyes for a second.

She was minding her own business, wrapped up in her own small world, when she heard a soft bark from behind. Her eyes swiftly reappeared, her hand holding the umbrella tightened, and her shoulder flinched upward as a reaction. Though it was a soft greeting, it still startled her for she was a shy and nervous being around strangers. She slowly turned to see the owner of the bark. Her eyes fell upon a female in her Optime form. She was holding a rabbit that she must have killed for a meal. Well, that was actually obvious. Still, she noticed it and its smell. She didn't linger on it though, she focused on the girl's face. Whoever she was, she had such beautiful eyes; not like her plain eyes. Haruhi's face soon shifted to a rather nervous look. Her grasp on the umbrella never loosen. In fact, it had gotten a little tighter. The being before her was a full wolf and wasn't sure how they would react to her. She soon averted her eyes to the ground and stepped to the side. Perhaps she was in the way. So she offered the space to the female and traced circles on her thigh with a slim finger; a sign of fidgeting. It was quite clear that she was shy and the other would have to start a conversation if she wished to interact with her.


- Sonja Russo - 01-31-2010


Word Count: 511

Sonja had no problem meeting someone new, approaching anyone, or talking to them. The one thing that got into her way with meeting new wolves and other canines here in this new world was the language barrier between her and everyone else. She had actually met someone not too long ago that held her tongue and it revived her faith in the things she could do and the people she could meet. It gave her a little bit of excitement she had no place for and as she stood a few yards away from this woman, she smiled and held the rabbit close to her as she was acknowledge. She noticed the bit of nervousness and Sonja's smile faded slightly, realizing how she had come off with such a soft recognition of the other. She tried to keep it on her face so she looked friendly and she could live up to her title as such a nice wolf.

The other stepped back, out of her way as if she had been there, and her head shook slightly. "Hello," she called, her Italian accent think even with the one word. "My name is Sonja," she said with a flick of her tail and she took a few steps forward to close the distance. She read the other well enough and the woman did not get too close but it was enough to have a conversation (unfortunately in the rain) but they were not all that far from the inside of the village where her house was located. "Where you going?" she asked in a broken English, unsure if she was saying things the correct way and she decided to go ahead and explain the situation. "And uhm... I am not good with English," she said with another idle flick of her tail. It would have been a miracle should the other be able to speak Italian (or French, something she could at least dissect) but she knew it would be a long stretch. Sonja knew of the Italian speaking wolves in Crimson Dreams and she would have to make a special trip to visit and feel at home once more with people of her kind. She had yet to propose the idea to her mate but she doubted he would disagree with the idea of visiting.

She thought about inviting the other the rest of the way to her house but she seemed a little nervous and Sonja could not figure out why. The woman did not advance past the coyote with the umbrella and instead lingered, her feet feeling cold against the wet and snow covered ground. She was used to it having traveled the last few months in such conditions with the reassuring voice of her mate that they would have their new home soon. And he had delivered such a promise and she could not be happier (of course, she could have her family here that would raise that a few notches) and she was ready to get her life started with the Russian as they went along.

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- Haruhi Misaki - 01-31-2010

Word Count: 386


The girl appeared friendly enough, but she was still a nervous wreck. It was all thanks to her upbringing. Perhaps, in the future, this new life would have caused her to change. Time would only tell if such a thing happened. Maybe she wouldn't be so shy and more open. Maybe her face would express more emotion. Maybe a smile would be easy and common for her. Who knew? There was a possibility she would stay the same. Her occupied hand never loosened as the female greeted her. She immediately noticed her accent. Due to the fact that she hardly interacted with others, her accent was unfamiliar with her. So she became interested in it. Sonja. That was the name that she soon gave. She mentally repeated it and came to like it. It was best to offer her name. "I'm Haruhi." She watched as she closed the distance but she remained a little away. She was close enough for an easy conversation. If only it wasn't raining, than neither of them (especially her) wouldn't get wet.

Her question of her destination made her ears come to alert. She also mentioned that she wasn't good with English. It didn't bother her none, but she still kept her expressionless face. "Nowhere in particular. This trail goes on forever it seems." She said, continuing to draw circles on her thigh. "Um, what language do you speak?" She then asked. She really was intrigued in her voice and language. English was her second language, despite how she sounded. She lacked any accent so it was hard for others to automatically think she knows any other language. She wondered if anyone knew her language. It would be interesting to Haruhi if she ran into someone who spoke Japanese. She wouldn't be surprised if she was the only one in this area though.

She noticed that Sonja was getting more wet. She frowned at the fact. She felt it wasn't fair that she was shielded from the rain and the girl wasn't. She bit her lip as she outstretched her occupied hand to offer the umbrella. "Do you, um, want to use this? You're getting...wet." Her voice faded a bit at the end. She didn't mind getting a little wet. Besides, just because she was shy it didn't mean she wasn't polite.


- Sonja Russo - 01-31-2010


Word Count: 494

"It is nice to know you!" she said with eagerness. The other was still quiet and reserved but nonetheless pleasant. She was poilte and went as far as offering her umbrella. Her tail swished behind her and Sonja lifted her hand to object. "No, no, no, it is okay. I going back to house soon," she said and took a mental step back to try and translate the words Haruhi had for her. She narrowed her eyes in thought, twisting her lips in the process and tried to break it down. "House is up more... there is human city here," she said and smiled, nodding her head to indicate her direction. Sonja lifted her free hand and pointed in the direction she had been running and wondered if she could get the other moving in that direction.

When she was questioned about her language, something she managed to catch, Sonja smiled bright. "Italian. I was born in Italia. Mio marito ed io... my apologies..." she said, trailing off but she struggled to find the words. "My... mate? We come from Europa. He born in Russia," she said and nodded her head before she looked back to the umbrella the other had and decided to extend her hospitality. It would not take much to take care of the rabbit and in the meantime, they could dry off and warm up. The woman could hang around until the weather settled down and she could return home.

"Do you want... want come to house? It is dry," she informed and her ears twitched on her head, water splashing on her face from above. "Is not far. Just down road and it is there," she informed and nodded, hoping to have some company for a while. Raskolnikov did not seem to mind the company from before and hoped he would not mind the company she was potentially bringing home now. The other could kindly decline, of course, and be on her way to wherever she was going and Sonja would let her go in peace.

The Italian had pride in her house, even if it looked pretty rough for someone who had not seen it before. It was a mess when Raskolnikov and herself found it. The front door broken, dust everywhere, cabinets were off the hinges, and all the fabrics throughout the house had been eaten away at by bugs. But over the last few days, they had repairs a lot. The door, unfortunately, was still difficult to work but she did not mind. Sonja was strong for her size and able to hold her own against that damn door. The dark wolf get a polite smile on her features and hoped the other would say yes. Sonja wanted to explain now but she knew she had to wait. There would be no need for an explanation if the other declined and there would be plenty of time to say more if the other were to accept.

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- Haruhi Misaki - 03-08-2010

I absolutely LOVE that avatar! Big Grin
Word Count: 407

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... hiban2.jpg); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

      Sonja spoke with such eagerness that it nearly startled the shy girl. "I-It's nice to meet you to." She never had someone this happy to meet her. She always thought she was invisible in this world as well as a reject. Her family didn't want her and she barely had any friends. It was the reason behind her expressionless face and shyness. The dark female respectively declined the offer to take the umbrella. So, she brought the coverage closer to herself to use once more. It appeared as though she was thinking hard about something and Haruhi just watched; silent and patiently. However, the wait wasn't long and her accented voice flowed from her lips. She was headed to her house which was further up this long path. Her head and golden eyes followed the direction she pointed out. She found herself wondering what this human city looked like.

      Sonja's accent made her mind switch to her instead of lingering on the city. And so she questioned her about it. Italian, her accent was from Italian. She had never been there before. One could say she lived her life under a rock. She liked how the foreign language rolled off her tongue so smoothly. Though, she didn't understand why she apologized. "Um, no need to apologize." She said. She knew that a smile would be a nice gesture but it wasn't something she could do easily. So her face remained the same. It must be a major turn off but her attempt to form a fake smile would just make things worse. Her fake smiles never looked real and so she simply stopped trying. It was interesting to find she had a mate and that he was from Russia. Yet, another place she has never been to before. "Italy and Russia, must be nice places," she murmured.

      The teal blue eyed female offered her to come to her house. She thought about it and figured it would be a good idea to get out of the rain for a bit. Sonja should get out of it as well. Shyly, she nodded in confirmation. "Um, yes. Thank you," she said. Haruhi had walked far and it would be good to rest a bit. It would be bad to overdo it. Despite her appearance, she appreciated the kind offer. Sonja was very nice and generous. She found herself wondering if they would become friends; something she rarely thought about.
