when you boil it all down

ooc... WC 525

The girl had been lounging lazily in the snow beneath a cluster of trees when she heard the call. Her white ears perked and twitched as the howl echoed over the lands; it was an open invitation, she could tell. Her eyes widened and a grin tightened her muzzle. It was just about the only thing, aside from perhaps Jac wandering by, that could get her to put down her book. But put it down, she did! A hunt? A real, live hunt? How exciting!

Orin had never been on a hunt before, but had read many thrilling tales about great huntsmen and women. Niro usually gathered the food, or the siblings had bartered for it while they were journeying north to this place, and had never really lived in an area rich enough with well prey worthy of hunting. A barrage of images flashed through her mind as every story she had ever read danced through her consciousness at once, and she dropped the book with a soft thud onto the snow and quickly untied her sheepskin cloak and did something she rarely ever did…

The shift from her Optime form to her Lupus body had been smooth, but not as fast as she would have liked. She was still young and did not shift often enough to execute the change with the speed and grace that most of the other pack members likely could. Though once her transformation was complete, she bounded to her paws and shook out her fur. She stretched, testing the taut muscles of this form, though of course the body was not alien to her, her wolf form being first nature. Satisfied with her slender, petite wolf body, she tossed her head into the air and called back, letting out a howl to let her new pack know she wanted to join – there was also an undertone of hope, hope that she hadn’t taken too long.

She pranced forward towards the howl, her keen nose working as she searched for Vigilante and any of the Cour des Miracles fellows who may have joined him. It wasn’t long before a sprig of pink could be seen through the bushes, and soon Orin burst through the brush and jerked to a stop before Vigilante and Amaranth. Though she was considerably older than the pup, her brimming excitement nearly met the cub’s own. Her tail lashed to and fro, and the hackles along her spine stood on edge with anticipation.

She had not yet met Vigilante or the little female pup, and dipped her head in a respectful, albeit animated, greeting to both. By now, word of the siblings’ arrival in Cour des Miracles had probably spread, and the pink-dyed bits of fur on her neck and tail were unmistakable. “Hello! I’m Orin,” she surveyed Vigilante, and was concerned for a moment that she had chosen the wrong form. Though even in Secui she would not be much more powerful, her slim body built for speed and stealth rather than strength and brawn. She did not see nor scent a kill, but still could not help but ask, “Am I too late?”


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