It's all up in the air

^^ 300+

When she wasn't letting her eyes become engrossed in one of the many paintings that adorned the room she snuck glances at the artist who was painting her. Each time she did there seemed to be a strange fluttering feel within her that she couldn't explain. So many things were still unknown to the young Marino but she couldn't help but question what that feeling was. It was unlike anything she had felt before. It seemed somehow connected to the anticipation that had built up to this very moment. It was puzzling, but still the answers evaded her. It was a little frustrating, but Cambria was far too happy to let it bring her mood down even a notch. Enzo fiddled with a strand of her dark chocolate hair, his beak gently teasing it. A light giggle bubbled up from her chest and her eyes closed momentarily, truly content at the moment.

When she could get past the feelings that seemed to tickle her whenever she looked at Mati she was amazed at how intent the older fey was. The way her hand moved the brush across the canvas seemed magical and she could see the same focus in the violet gaze that she felt when she was studying her medicine. From everything that was displayed in the room it was clear that Mati had a god given talent with art that Cambi could do nothing but marvel at. It was amazing how she could make images come to life with her paints. She hadn't seen much art and so could hardly compare the work she saw now to much else, but she was thoroughly impressed with the Church female's prowess. Surely such a thing could not be taught.

Most of the times she had looked over at Mati she had been focused completely on her work but this time their eyes locked and Cambria felt a bit of a thrill inside. Her eyes were so pretty. Similar to her cousin Conor's shade, and yet so very different. They were brighter, much like her paintings. Her teeth bit lightly at the inside of her lip as she dropped her gaze back down to her lap for a moment. Enzo shifted his weight from one foot to another and she looked back over to him, her smile returning in full force.


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