A little birdy told me...
Yay for getting computer back! It took them long enough.

The boy didn't see that there was anything strange at all about him. He didn't realize that anyone could see anything off about him. But then again he couldn't understand why he was being confused for a boy when he was clearly a girl. But certainly his mommy wouldn't make that mistake. How could she? Mommies just knew that sort of thing. But certainly the note included Lotus's growing insistence that he was a girl and perhaps along with that a trip to the medicine woman was in order. Certainly it had to be some curable condition. And if it wasn't? Then it just had to be lived with. Others in the area would just have to get the memo. Though right now it could probably be passed off for a silly child's game. Something that would be hoped to grown out of. Like imaginary friends. Not that Lotus had any of those.

How could he not be excited? He had found who he had been told was his mother. So of course he was excited. He was glad that his long journey had come to a close. He had finally been reunited with his supposed family. "She said Mommy was really dark and pretty with pretty green eyes." In other words looking nothing like the pup whom had grey eyes and was mostly white except for the single black streak. Not that the pup knew anything about genetics. How could he? He was little more than three months old. He hadn't even gotten that shifting bug yet though it was sure to come soon. Instead he was just gullible enough to believe what he was told, so long as he wasn't being told that he was a boy. That was the one thing that he hadn't budged on yet. "No, she just brought me here to be with you. She said you found a good home where no one is sick and sent for me." He explained the simple things that he had been told along the way. He didn't know the full details of things but being a pup why should he know everything? Most of it was adult issues anyways.

How could he be scared of his Mommy? His Mommy loved him and so he loved his Mommy. Why should physical appearances matter? And to show such things didn't he reached up to try to lick happily at Ember's face when she had knelt down to get close to him. If it was even possible his tail wagged even more. He really was quite the gleeful little thing, even if a bit on the gullible side. But why would adults lie to him? It didn't make any sense at all. Especially about his Mommy. So of course he didn't mind the note being taken. It had Ember's name on it anyways so it was meant for her eyes.

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