flip a coin. (sophie)
OOC: sorry for lateness.

Naw; nobody's uncle here, he said. At least that I know of, Guess it's possible my folks had another litter while I was away, supposin' they're even still around the golden brute had spoken to the children. Sophia giggled lightly at the man's words. "You totzsky should be Uncle Anselm anyways!" the little girl spoke to the bigger male. She was the smallest one in the group at the moment, though he voice was more than big enough to make sure that it was know that she was there and talking. Guess it's a good hike far from here, basically at the base of that big mountain, the male went on to speak about where he had lived since Sophia had persisted to ask. The big mountain eh? Golden eyes glowed with a curiosity as he told them that it was a good hike. Sophia could go for a good hike. She knew it would be against the wishes of her father and mother, but you know...Rules were meant to be broken sometimes. Maybe if you are good mum will take you to visit Anselm. her father went on so speak, and golden eyes met the ones that she had stolen the hue from. "I'llz be extra good for mommy." Sophia spoke, smiling softly to her father before looking at Aro and his big mouth that was talking, talking, talking.

"Oh puh-lease Aro. You can barely hurt a bug." teased Sophia, a grin spread across her face as she had spoken the words that had teased her brother's "toughness". Jazper had told Aro to use the toughness to help people. Sophia had heard this come from her father since the moment they could hear. He stressed that they be nice to people instead of mean. Sophia had no objections to being nice. So how 'bout you two, eh? Keeping your parents busy? asked Anselm. Sophia giggled again. "We run circles around them all the time." she spoke, her tail wagging before she bounced off to run around Jazper really quick, and then moved back towards Anselm and did the same. "You see? Circles." the young girl spoke to the golden brute before she took her seat back in front of him and panted a little bit because of the running.



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