It's all up in the air

Eyes glanced down at the painting, she could not say it wasn’t coming along and looking at it and then to the girl that she was rendering Mati found that it wasn’t far off at all. The proportions were correct from even the changed pose she glanced to find Cambria in, having agreed to take a few minutes to rest her body. But as she looked over her once more, as well as the bird on her shoulder Mati saw that there was the sort of unease that she herself felt. Mati exhaled heavily, unhappy that she put her friend in this sort of situation. She couldn’t even determine why she had said that, and more deeply why she felt it was so very true. She moved from the easel and towards the table that she had most of her loose sketches and supplies on. Cambi spoke, and the question was not one that Mati could answer immediately.

The tall Earthen toned woman thought about it a moment, undecided whether or not she could even form the words to explain. Her face burned again, and her voice was on the verge of rattling. “I don’t know.” She spoke with honestly. Voice slowly tried to turn into something that might make it all seem like something to just shrug off. But Mati was far from successful and her tone was soft and fragile, “I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” the last syllables came with a defeated exhale. It was only right to be honest with her, for Mati could not bring herself to lie to her friend, and that was the only way to explain how she felt. She had been wrong, too intense and pushed by her need to make the painting perfect and to capture every ounce of loving character and each beautiful aspect. Mati was suddenly reminded of Rikka, how warm the air had become and how tangible her feelings had felt as if the coyote woman could simple reach out and manipulate them.


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