It's all up in the air


She wished that she were better at hiding her emotions, for as she heard Mati issue a heavy sigh guilt clawed up into her chest to mix with all the other feelings that were swirling there. She didn't want Mati to feel bad at all and really Cambria wasn't feeling bad or upset. She wasn't sure what she felt exactly, but she was fairly confident that it wasn't in any way a bad feeling. It was just new and she did not know how to handle it, hence her awkward posture and actions. Her eyes shyly followed as the taller wolfess moved from her easel to a nearby table, taking in her every movement. The heat in her cheeks seemed to flare higher with each second that she watched the other fey, the fluttering in her stomach growing to a near fever pitch. Cambi licked her lips nervously as it took all her willpower to keep herself even as shakily together as she was in that moment. Was Mati feeling the same thing? There were so many feelings flying around in her own mind and heart that it was hard to pick up on anything that might be coming from her elder friend.

Cream-tipped ears flickered as Mati's voice once again broke the silent air. There was hesitance in it, which seemed odd. She had always remembered her being so confident that it was strange to see her shaken as she was now. Cambria was beginning to see that she wasn't the only one being effected by this all. Carefully and slowly she stood up from the chair and placed Enzo on the back of it, not wanting the dove to interfere or interrupt the conversation. From there she moved to the table that Mati stood at, though still giving the other a good amount of room. "I'm not uncomfortable. Not really." She was definitely something, but she didn't think it could be classified as uncomfortable. There was a shyness she felt, but it was different than her usual timidness around strangers. Mati was far from a stranger. Mustering a smile she looked over to Mati, hoping to reinforce her words with the expression.


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