It's all up in the air

Oh snap :o 300+

Surprisingly, it hadn't bothered her in the least to have Mati stare at her to create a painting. From the moment she had been asked she had wanted to do it and hadn't given it a second thought. If she really considered it though if it had been someone else wanting to do it she might not have been so eager. The girl was incredibly self conscious, as was well known, and for her to feel comfortable letting the other fey in a sense examine her so closely spoke volumes of her level of comfort. Not only of that, but of the feelings that were budding and beginning to make themselves known to the young wolf. After her experience with Lolita in the city and her talk with Anu she had been fairly confident in the fact that she was attracted to other women and not men. Still, she had figured that it would be a long time before she could find anyone to possibly like or be with. After all, she knew almost everyone in Crimson Dreams and no one had peaked her interest before. That all appeared to be changing now, however.

Cambria hoped that letting Mati know that she wasn't upset or uncomfortable would help steer the conversation back into calmer waters for the both of them. It wasn't that she minded things as they were so much, but her emotions were flying wild ahead of her and the girl was running to catch up with them. There was another pause as the older female seemed to consider things and she waited quietly. She understood how important those silent contemplations could be and didn't want to shake Mati out of her train of thought. When the question was posed, however, she couldn't help but feel a bit exposed. Her ears folded back slightly and her gaze moved to the table as it was now her turn to try and figure out what to say. What was it that she was feeling? Cambi had an idea, but admitting it so suddenly wasn't expected. She was still trying to figure out if that's what it indeed was herself, but something in her gut told her it was true. Part of her wanted to hide that truth, sweep it under the rug and not take the risk. Before she could stop herself though the halting words came from her lips. "Well...I think...I think that I might..." a longer pause, her heart racing, "like you."

It was out now, there was no taking it back. Amazed at her own forwardness Cambria's gaze stayed on the table, too afraid of what kind of reaction she might see on Mati's face. She had no idea if she felt the same. She didn't even know if Mati liked other girls. It had felt good, admitting that, and yet a startling sense of panic was also closing in around her, ready to take hold if things went bad.


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