It's all up in the air

She should have simply let it go, Mati could see her mistake now. It was written on Cambria’s face. How she couldn’t have just let it a turn to something a bit more pleasant and much less perplexing was just another question that Mati found no answer to. But it wasn’t unpleasant. Mati knew the meaning of pain, knew true fear and understood actual discomfort. This was different. It had the same tinges of insecurities that she felt while around Ares, but Cambria was not the male that sent those uncontrollable thoughts, who had confessed his deep heartfelt feelings and then up and left just as their romance was budding. It was like the words had a life of their own, her confidence crumbling and feeling much smaller then she actually was. How she was feeling was no business of Mati’s, they were not sisters they were not related in any kind, just friends and Mati felt as if she had stepped over the line.

An apology was about to escape, to cover up the question just as she had used it to cover up her other hushed and unleashed words Cambria spoke. Mati stole a glance at her face, noticing her eyes were locked to the table they stood beside. If she wasn’t uncomfortable before, then Mati was positive that she was now. Her nature pushed her to try to bring comfort to her friend, the words she spoke brought forth in hesitation and broken. The Church fey was almost too wrapped up in watching Cambi once more that she almost missed the words that were spoken. But how could she? The blood rushed to her face yet again, and Mati felt her cheeks burn. It was a confession, and yet Mati could not completely understand its meaning. She had almost expected Cambi to like her, in a simple way that she might also like sunshine and butterflies. They were friends, if they didn’t like it each other then they couldn’t have that relationship. There was almost a break of relief, a pause that made the hush of her face go away and the tension in her shoulders melt.

Her fingers played with a piece of paper, the feelings that had risen in her while sitting beside Rikka were unable to be held back. Her breath was hastened, her heart threatening to break from its cage inside her chest. Why? Why was this her reaction to a word as simple and innocent as like? She would not allow herself to wish it was not just a might and that it was more, would not believe that what she was beginning to felt was bordering on panic, was edging towards how she felt towards Ares. And then she would not allow herself to move away, or run as she had in the past. “Oh.” She answered only a moment after hearing what she had said (though it might have felt like hours), the pure chaos that raged inside her mind staying as hidden as she could keep it. And then her true reaction… she smiled. How she smiled, and how the jumbled emotions could allow it was a mystery, as mystifying as Cambria was becoming for the older female. But she did, and with it the light came back to her eyes. Violet orbs looked at the other’s face, her heat racing at a speed that it had never reached, in a moment of panic or joy. She smiled so wide that lips parted and a thin seam of white showed.



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