Devil's Thunder

There was a distinct part of the yellow eyed male that did not favor the stranger. At times it was easy to know those he might enjoy spending time with, this was not one of them. Minos had know right away that he liked the coyote male that he had chased and played with in the forest, and he had not liked the small dark child that once lived among the pack. This one, his patchwork of lights and darks, he fire tinged eyes, it unsettled Mino in a way that his leader made him uneasy. Though there was always a sense of comfort, security, in the presence of the alpha. Even if Mino could not be saved by the wrath brought by the alpha himself, he could be calmed in knowing that he would be safe from the pain of the outside world, protected by his leader.

The other examined him, just as his own nose worked to break his molecular aura down. When he sat Minos felt a sigh of relief escape him, calmed by the more passive posture. The white male did the same, a follower by nature, but also turned his head away. A sideways glance caught the male as he spoke, a question and a honest one Minos supposed. Averting his gaze from the clearly more confident of the pair the alabaster creature spoke. "Minos" He wondered what the other was called, though he needed not know, nor could he promise to remember it.


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