It's all up in the air

The silence stretched on, though it wasn't as uncomfortable as it had been moments before. Unfortunately the longer it went the more it began to slip back into that shadowy territory. First Mati's eyes fell, and then her smile slowly melted from her features. Cambria felt her chest tighten uncomfortably as the feeling of panic started to close in around her again. Beyond hope, at first it had seemed like Mati might be feeling the same things. She had looked happy after Cambria's admission. That light had flickered though, like a candle being blown out. Once again ears folded back against her head and she tentatively took a step backwards; the flight instinct crawling up her spine. She didn't allow herself to run yet though. Even if it had appeared and vanished with the blink of an eye, there had been hope there, hadn't there? If there were even an inch of a chance she needed to stay, no matter how scared she was.

That hope grew momentarily stronger as Mati tried to speak, but her voice tapered off after that single word, that single letter. Cambria waited, waited to see if more would come but none did. Struggling to find her own voice again she looked imploringly at the older woman. "...Y-Yes?" she coaxed, hoping that the Church fey would find the words in her that she so desperately wanted to hear. That hope couldn't be hidden in her oceanic eyes, and neither could the fear of being turned away.


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