It's all up in the air

Maybe it was best if Cambria just left. The air in her room was becoming thick, almost unable to pass through her lungs. If the other female went then maybe it would all just go away, the feelings would leave with her and Mati wouldn’t need to think of it again. It was all too much, the beat of her heart, the pouring emotion that ran thick between them. Is this how she felt? Mati wondered, thoughts of running from the situation still lingering in the back of her mind. Was this the feeling that she should have had with Ares, would that have kept him around? But nothing this intensely had ever ran through her veins. They had just been painting, a few weeks ago sitting and talking about Enzo and Ambrose. And Mati found it hard to let her eyes take in the face of the other female.

It was time to give up, time to run and not look back. The door was not far away, relief from the confusion just paw steps away. Mati felt the sudden urge to cry, but held back all tears. It was too much, flooding her system and overloading it. She breathed, concentrating on each intake and exhale, and as she focused she felt her chest relax. There was no true panic, not in her body. Her mind froze, her thought stopped and Mati honed in on her heart. It beat, quickly but the pounding was gone. Her stomach fluttered, but the knot had disappeared. Her hands did not shake, her mouth not dry. Cambi’s voice broke the silence, and Mati looked to find that there was fear there. It was laced in her sweet scent, it was like fresh air-dried linens, how oddly random and so seemingly comforting.

She needed to go, the racing thoughts needed to leave with her. Violet eyes watched her face, and her mind pushed the words through to her mouth. Please go. But at the same moment a leap of faith, a confession, the truth that had not been seeable until Cambria had unearthed it, sounded. “I think you’re beautiful.”, her heart spoke.



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