It's all up in the air


The tension in the room was palpable and Cambria didn't know how much more she could take. For a second admitting her feelings had seemed like it had been a good thing and now it seemed all wrong. Well, not wrong, but she didn't think she could handle stripping her heart so naked to only find that it wasn't wanted. Her emotional state had always been fragile and that fragility had only increased since her accidental inhaling of the drugs. It didn't help that she was still coming to grips with her life altering realization and the knowledge that her uncle had had pups with the woman who had hurt her. She shouldn't have done this. She shouldn't have said it. The risk of Mati not feeling the same was too great and she was too liable to break and crumble into tiny pieces. She wanted to take it back, to say that she didn't know why she had said that and it wasn't true. Such a feeble lie couldn't cover up such a resounding truth though. Even if she managed the words her nonverbal language wouldn't be able to follow course. What had she done?

Finally Mati looked back up to her and the pressure in her chest grew. It was amazing that she didn't bolt at that exact moment, but she needed to hear whatever the older fey had to say, be it good or ill. Cambi prayed that it was good, for if it weren't she was certain it might break her. Breath was baited, waiting for her sentence to be handed down. The words that came weren't exactly what she had hoped to hear, but they were far from being bad either. An unsure yet hopeful smile slowly molded her lips, some of the fear evaporating. "R-Really?" Mati really thought she was beautiful? The girl's spirit wanted to soar on the breeze that that compliment gave her, and yet there was still so much that wasn't certain and she couldn't let her hopes carry her away.


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