It's all up in the air

Mati’s confidence was growing, slowly and at the smallest measurements at a time. She could not determine was it was that brought her mind from the panic that it had been in just minutes ago. Maybe it was that they were alone, and the feelings that she felt were mimicked in the eyes of the other female. How she felt was seen right in Cambria’s gaze, it was all here and Mati drew from it. She did not know that the other female’s understanding of all this was much clearer then her own, she did not know that another female had stepped into her life and shown her the emotional security and physical pleasures that could be shared with another female. But Mati grew in knowing that she was not alone, that what overwhelmed her, overtook Cambi as well.

But as normally more confident as she was Mati needed the guidance now. The small steps to true understanding were unknown and she couldn’t help but hesitate. The lines between them were so indeterminable, where it was drawn between friendship and something else was the haziest of all. But Mati watched the smile on her face grow, an embarrassed tinge held in it curve and in her averted gaze. She was on the verge of apologizing once more, for steeping over the line again. She couldn’t determine where it was, couldn’t see it and found that everything could be so easily misunderstood.

Her words were soft, and Mati wondered if they bordered on shame or insecurity. How Cambria felt that, Mati would never understand. Mati's own features were not beautiful, believing just as Cambria did and never looking in the mirror with pure pleasure. But she was larger then most, her color that of dried dirt, her waves and locks unruly at times and often misplaced. Mati found that she had never found more pleasure looking at another creature; it was what had started all of this wasn’t it? Her eyes had found something, had found color that it could not simply dissect and appreciate, and was captivated by it. Even the hues Cambria held were a mystery to her, deeper, brighter, more unique that anything she had experienced.

No, she would not lie and at the same moment Mati could not describe it or try to explain it.
“Once…” Mati began, finding that her voice flowing more clearly then before but some hesitation still sticking to her words.
“Once it’s done, you’ll see what I see.” her voice was lighter, but far from the casual tone she hoped for, still trying to return to that weightlessness and ease. The painting wasn’t finished, it wasn’t perfect. But when it was Cambria would to be able to see everything that Mati did, that was if she was even able to capture it. She found that Cambria’s beauty was something that was held deeper then her skin. Though the physical was more stunning then anything that Mati had found before, it were the feelings that Cambria brought forth that told of her true overpowering allure that Mati was drawn to.



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