But you're so far away

Word Count: 000 I lurve me a halo thread. yummy.

In Character

He had never gotten a response from his friend, Halo Lykoi about her tattoo. He figured that it was a big decision to her, and he understood fully if she was to say no to the ordeal, simply because others had their ticks, and while a new tattoo wasn't a big deal for Cotl, it was for someone whom was not into the needle. Business was cold as the snow that would fall, and then melt, then rain. Cotl was sick of it all ready. He didn't like all of this rain. It made riding more dangerous and it helped cover scents and stuff. The daring male had ridden Maschine still, even after the horse had abandoned him in the battle he had now weeks behind them. The horse wasn't used to combat, and it was only natural for him to flee. He didn't blame the horse.

Cotl had yawned lightly as he had slowly walked Maschine to the barn-shed, the rain pouring on the two males' heads and bodies before they had entered the shed. Cotl patted his horse, whom nickered lightly at him. The canine let out a "nyeh" noise escape his maw, the tourette's talking before the rust male had turned and walked out of the shed, closing the door behind him. He bolted off towards the door of the mansion, and quickly opened and got in the door and shut it. The drenched male had shivered as he had entered the cold mansion. The male figured that neither Marik, nor Cassius had cared that it was freezing in the mansion. The male sneezed before he had ascended up the stairs really quick-like. He needed his flag before he would start a fire, and he needed a lighter that wasn't wet as well. He was quick to run up to his room, grabbing a piece of paper, a lighter, and his german flag that he used as a blanket and he went back downstairs.

He was quick to walk into the living room and to the pile of wood that he kept in the corner of the room for the fireplace, and he had grabbed a few pieces before walking over to the fireplace and dropping them in there. He then took the lighter to the paper, and lit it and quickly put the piece of paper between the two logs. If you were as good as Cotl, you would be able to easily set fire to anything. He finally noticed that he wasn't the only one in the living room. NYEH! the male let the sound come from his maw before he turned his wet head to his friend, Halo Lykoi. He didn't know she was here, much less about to doze off into a sleep. If anything, she would be woken up by his loud vocal adjustments. Hey girlie. Haven't seen ya' in a few days.-FICK- how have you been? the male pushed his long black hair from his eyes as he looked to her and gave a small nod before he tended to the fire for a minute longer, making sure it was fully lit and ready to warm up the mansion a bit. Once he had done that, he had gone over and sat on the couch that was across from the chair she was sitting on. It's fucking cold in here. How can ya just sit there like that? he asked, his throat clearing before he wrapped himself up in his flag-blanket.

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