You know I'd do anything for you

wc:413 // your posts are so pretty! even lesbian sex is poetic! <3

lost into the weight of gravity

Kisses blossomed against her muzzle, her partner's arm cradled her tenderly into the embrace. Encouraged by Anu's wordless articulation, Colibri grasped the breast more firmly; her thumb brushed against the nub of Anu's nipple, beneath the soft fur of her chest. She wanted to hear that voice again, that longing timbre a haunting melody. Oh, her voice was so sweet, and that faint moan sent a shiver down her spine!

This love, or lust, or whatever was coursing wildly through her, it was the most powerful sensation she had ever felt. The energy, the tension, the need for more! She could feel her own pulse, or was it Anu's? thudding in her ears, tingling in her fingertips, racing with the frenzied pitch of a hummingbird's wings.

Anu's hand found its way to the source of her heat, running her finger tantalizingly against the sensitive outer rim before sinking within. "Ah- Anu-!" she gasped, her back arching reflexively. Her free hand gripped the mattress edge, claws sinking deep into the fabric to try and keep herself rooted. A flush rose scarlet beneath the pale fur of her cheeks, immediately heightened to a new intensity.

This was nothing like her previous encounter - this was all warmth and softness and being so very close to the one she loved, and finally being able to express what she had questioned and suppressed for so long. Anu needn't have worried; bad memories were the farthest thing from Coli's mind at the moment. It was becoming impossible to process any thoughts at all, as her uninitiated body was experiencing everything tenfold.

Coli buried her face against the curve of Anu's slender neck, kissing frantically down her clavicle to her sternum. A thick whine escaped her throat as Anu gently doubled her fingers, the tightness eased somewhat by her moist excitement. She found herself moving her hips, edging eagerly against Anu's hand, in a desperation she had never realized she was harboring until now. This was the first time anyone had pleasured her so. In her weak and timid adult life, she had locked away an integral part of herself, of being a grown and mature woman. Had Anu seen that she would never grow unless she could find someone to show her how? Or was it simply symbiosis, a mutual craving for affection and the touch of another? It didn't matter now. All that mattered were the two females, sandy-grey and earthen-brown, hopelessly and passionately together as one.


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