
<3 jasper.

Acheron Peak was becoming one of his favorite places. He wasn't sure if it was the warmth that eminated from it, or the sporadic hot springs all up and down its sides. The sulfur took some getting used to, but after a few minutes he didn't even notice it. He made his way leisurably up the sloped earth, taking time to observe the territory around him. The sun was casting long shadows on the ground, and the sky was painted several impossible hues and shades. Looking over his shoulder, toward home, the sky was already dark and stars were beginning to shine. He wasn't tired yet, though. Perhaps after wandering the mountain he would do something else adventurous.
To the west, the direction he was headed, the sun still made the sky red and pink, as if it were on fire. The actual star was just behind the peak of the mountain, so he was able to walk without having to squint against the glare. As his eyes swept the uneven terrain, they caught sight of something—someone—sitting on the ledge of a questionable looking cliff. Veering off his course, he scrutinized the form until he recognized it as Jasper, the doleful boy he had met in October. A smile blooming on his face, he called out to him when he was a few yards away. "Jasper!"


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