A little birdy told me...
Sorry it took so long, implemented a new system at work and it just adds on even more stress.

Well now Ember didn't need pups of her own. Certainly should would have her hands full with this one alone. It could be considered sort of like training for when Ember had her own litter. that was if Ember decided to have her own after having to deal with Lotus. It wasn't that he was bad per say, just that he was curious and that led him into being into everything. So no doubt the pup would prove to be a handful but hopefully it wouldn't cause Ember to have bad feelings towards all pups. After all she was getting him later in life. After he had already developed a set pattern that would be hard to break.

"Mommy is a leader?" The words were spoken with a tilt of his head. He hadn't been informed of that much. Wow, his Mommy was important. He hadn't been told that much. What did that make him? He wasn't certain but wasn't too concerned with it. His Mommy was extra special and that was enough for him. With her position she would know right when anyone got sick and if they would have to move again. At least these were the scenarios that his young mind was coming up with. His Mommy was already a hero in his mind by going on ahead and scouting out a place for them but to find out that she was a leader too? That was mind blowing.

The pup laughed and shook his head. "I'm a big girl Mommy, I can walk on my own." And so there was a prime example of his delusions. Though it honestly wasn't something that he could help. His physical appearance just didn't match up with the one in his head. Or well, it mostly did except for a single aspect. It wasn't like he was overly large right now and he didn't really seem as if he would get massive either. Which would probably be a good thing. If he remained on the small side it would be easier for his delusions to be entertained by those around him. "Hey Mommy, when do I get to walk like you do? Will you teach me?" There was already the thought in his mind that he wanted to be just like his Mommy but finding out she was leader nearly planted it firmly there. He wanted to be special and important to. He wanted to make his Mommy proud of him.

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