strained voices crying wolf when nobody can hear.
mall-caps;color:#ffffff;line-height:7px;font-size:10px;">Cut the strings, cut the strings..

_____He turned away from the stone, hand withdrawing quickly as though it'd been burned. His voice broke through the air, rising above the constant creaking of the trees with a single question. "Perhaps," she replied lightly, gold eyes lingering on the stranger. "Though I'd like to believe I control my own destiny." There were things in this world that couldn't be explained away by mere logic; coincidences that left behind a lingering question. They were all connected in some intricate way with a web spider-thin, touching each other in vague ways they didn't even realize. Faith was another matter. Kezia couldn't bring herself to be devoted to a belief that chained her to her knees, searching so hard for an afterlife she'd forget to live in this world at all. But she believed in things the logician would frown upon, casting aside as mere fantasy.
_____Rising to her feet, Kezia moved toward the pale-haired man, turning toward the stone to cast her gaze across it's surface. A moment passed before her vision shifted, again facing him. "Is it fate that brought me here?" she asked with the ghost of a smile, humor lingering beneath the surface of her voice. She was a wanderer. A rogue, and a lost soul who's only home was the dusty road beneath her feet. Strings could be plucked, gently tugging and luring the girl like a marionette toward a destiny unknown. But if fate was true and the gods real, they sure had a fucked up sense of morals for the lives they granted their children. Or perhaps they just liked to amuse themselves using mortals like pieces on a chess board, watching them fall and crumble beneath their careless fingers, laughing all the while.

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