You're my destination of choice [private]

She wasn't sure what kinds of ties Jefferson had with other packs, if any. And did those ties actually mean anything? She knew where Kansas and his mate were, at the very least...but Firefly was iffy. She didn't know if the woman was even around any more, as she hadn't smelled her anywhere...but maybe she was sticking to neutral territories or sticking around a pack Ember was unfamiliar with.

"That's interesting to know. The other leader of AniWaya, Dawali, has some family...but I guess their tribe was split up. There were more old tribesmembers back when I first joined. I dunno where the rest are. Somewhere far away I think. Are you close to your brother in Dahlia? Both Firefly and I used to live in that pack, once upon a time." She said.


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