a saucerful of secrets
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/S ... itable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
it's okay :] 300+

###It was lucky that she had actually been awake this early or she might not have heard Princess knocking or calling for her. The woman could be a heavy sleeper and usually didn't get up quite this early. Perhaps the fates had foreseen that this meeting would occur and made her wake earlier than was her habit. Whatever had caused it though she was glad because she wouldn't have wanted Princess to think that she was ignoring her in any way. Savina wanted her pack members to be able to come and speak with her whenever they wished, that was the job of a good leader. It had been a while since she had spoken with the Chance girl one-on-one and this would be a good opportunity to check in with her and make sure that things were going alright. She hadn't seen Ares around lately, but she hadn't come to the conclusion that he was gone. She couldn't keep track of everyone and assumed she had simply missed sight of him recently.

###Nearly as soon as the girl entered the room she could tell that she was nervous about something. The Commander's brows knit together in a concerned fashion and she hoped that whatever it was it wasn't too serious. Had something happened in regards to the war that raged to the north? Hopefully nothing had befallen Princess or anyone else. They had been lucky to avoid any adverse affects thus far, but she knew that could change at any moment. Had that moment come? "Don't be sorry, it's no problem. You didn't wake me or anything," she said reassuringly. Even if Princess had woke her she wouldn't have been upset at all. Her ears took in the words that the younger wolf had to say and she shook her head. "No, I'm not busy at all. Make yourself comfortable." Savina wasn't sure what it could be that had the girl so tense, but of course she would soon find out.


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