Looking for special things inside of me
OOC: table code, image, and Filler © James; 702 words; That is fine. I wouldn't have cared either way.

His perception of himself was something that he couldn’t help. Just as he couldn’t control his physical gender as well. Most didn’t have their signals mixed and so their mind frame was able to fit with the body that they had. His didn’t work that way. His mind told him that he was a girl but his chromosomes hadn’t come out that way. But at least his Mommy was accepting of his condition. Everything in his head told him that he was a girl but he just didn’t have the body to match it. It was much like how someone couldn’t help who they fell in love with despite what the gender may be. There was no questioning it. You just knew. Everything inside of you told you that such a person was special. Well, it was like that for him. He couldn’t help the way he saw himself. Like no matter how much an anorexic or bulimic stared into that mirror they would always see that fat person staring back at them even if the image that was really portrayed was a skeleton. The image in the head simply wasn’t being shown in the body. At least his mental condition didn’t make him a sociopath so the gender identity crisis should be able to be easily overlooked. Or learnt to be lived with since it wasn’t hurting anyone.

His Mommy had told him that she had to go out for awhile and to stay within the area of the tribe as well as to be a good girl. So he had done just that. He hadn’t ventured out past the borders, or not that he knew of, and hadn’t bothered anyone. All in all he would say that he had been pretty good. All he really did was use the time to explore a little more and play. Mostly play though. And staying near the den even, imagine that. He had found a pile of snow that was big enough for him to run and jump into to make splat angels. And what is a splat angel, you may ask? Pretty much when you run and jump with all your limbs stretched out and land on you belly in the snow. Not very imaginative really but it kept him occupied for a great while. At least until he figured out that if you ran into a bush with snow on it then the snow falls off. That led him to attacking all of the nearby bushes until they have been rid of snow. Though that snow took up residence in places on his back instead.

By the time that Ember got back the pup was panting and laying within the den to rest. But as soon as he heard his Mommy calling his name he was quick to get up and come running out of the den. “Mommy!” He called out gleefully, aiming to lick at Ember’s face while she was on her hands and knees. There were still a few flakes of snow sticking to his back to show that it hadn’t been long since he went inside from being outside playing. “I did just like you said. I stayed right around here.” Excited words were rushed out as hindquarters gave a happy wiggle. “Mommy, look what I made!” He was quick to walk over to the snow that had piled up beside the cave where his splat angels were at. So what if they wouldn’t look all that impressive to someone with more experience but to him they were works of art because they were his very own, and first in this area, creations. “Aren’t they pretty Mommy? Can you do that too?” Okay, so maybe he was a bit more than just excited. He wanted his Mommy to love them because he wanted to make his Mommy proud of him. After all he felt sort of bad for not liking the toys that she had gotten him. He had tried playing with them but they just weren’t any fun. So he was trying very hard to make up for not really playing with the toys that she had gotten him. He couldn’t help liking soft and cuddly things.


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