let's just stop, drop everything
Noooo, it's fine! I just haven't been able to stop myself from writing so much XD My replies will probably start getting shorter 402

She would never stop loving him. It wasn't even the faintest of possibilities in her mind. Even when she had been hurt or mad at his actions her love hadn't ceased to exist. She was meant to be his, that was what the woman truly felt. Her coming to these lands were no accident, the fates had brought her here. They may have been separated by an ocean for the beginning of their lives, but then the world had brought her here. Brought her to him. No one else could even come close to occupying the space that the Sadira held in her mind and heart. No one could come close to being as attractive in her gaze. Kansas was everything she had ever wanted and everything she had ever needed. He was her partner; her other half, and she knew with all her being that that bond would surpass even death itself. Not even the void beyond this world would keep them apart.

The wine was in her blood now, intensifying every sensation and making it feel twice as good. Savina supposed she could understand why people would drink if it made them feel like this, but she would only drink around him. The buzz filling her mind may have been good, but it was only this good because he was there beside her and he had done this and planned this night for them. She knew that she wouldn't have been able to come up with something so wonderful. He had though, and here they were in their own private little corner of the world, enveloped by the heat from their bodies and the fire crackling near them and basking in the mystical glow of the blue lake.

Kansas' arm moved to grace his fingers down the length of her form and her skin prickled at his touch, the electricity shocking her nerves into hyper sensitivity. The beat of her heart sped up and her breathing also took on a quicker pace. As his fingers found their way between her legs her head laid back against his shoulder, her legs opening for him as a sigh of moan escaped her lips. Her hand fell from his chest to his thigh, her fingers pressing into his muscle before they began to massage slowly upward. Already the fey's arousal was clear, moisture coming to slick his fingers as he caressed her folds.


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