i know you'll look for me one day

Sonja searched his eyes for a moment. The smile on his features did little to make her believe he wanted this too. She felt conflicted all of a sudden. It was what she wanted and she realized the last little bit was all about her. While it was what she thought she wanted, she realized it was far from it. Her world before had always been about her. She never considered the others but now, this was something serious. This was a home, a family, and it could not be based on something she wanted. If he did not want it, what stopped from from leaving one day? Her in an empty home, with children running around and everything in between. That was not something she could handle on her own. Her jaw tightened and she looked away. She did not speak about this but instead smile half heartedly before she moved on.

She rubbed his upper arms for a moment before she parted from his grasp looked at the ground. "Guarderò giù l'atrio," she offered and left the bedroom. She needed a moment to herself before she could just let it pass. It was not a big deal, especially now, but she knew in the back of her head it was much bigger than that. She came here with him under the idea he wanted her to, because she loved him and expected much more from him, but perhaps it was just to please her. It had for only a little while but now her ego was bruised and she had to figure out if he really meant all the things he said or if they were a mask just to keep her along for the ride.

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