I'm beginning to hear voices
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... kka2-2.png); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">
but I still love you <3

What had happened to her mother made her sick to her stomach. No matter what hard feeling may have existed between them, Kaena was still her mother and she still loved her and never wanted anything so awful to happen to her. How the grizzled Lykoi matron had managed to deal with what had happened to her at all amazed Rikka. The golden woman could be frivolous when it came to sexual relations, but nothing could ever excuse forcing them upon someone. She couldn't even begin to imagine the trauma Kaena had gone through. It made her feel guilty for their argument. Rikka still felt the issue was important and didn't think she was wrong, but she shouldn't have been quarreling with her mother when she had been going through so much. If only she had known.

The soft voice made her jump, the rock scraping against her back and she whined. Still, she knew that voice and she knew that smell. Her own ears folded back against her head, eyes searching for the form of her dam. "Mom?" Her voice was timid but held a mixture of emotions. She was unsure of many things now, but one thing she knew she wanted in that moment was she wanted her mother. Tears welled in the corners of her golden Lykoi eyes, a pleading evident in them.


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