OOC: sorry... this one sucked... v.v

Aria gnawed on the inner side of her lip, trying to make it inconspicuous, while she watched the leader observe her. She was knocked off guard, mentally, when she realized that his gaze wasn't lecherous but rather concerned. The female blinked in confusion and kept her guard up, but inside she was confused, having never seen such worry since her early childhood before... "No!" she chided herself mentally "Those times are gone..." she shook her head to keep the grief at bay. The gray-white wolf looked up at her alpha and observed him, wondering what he could be thinking. She forced herself to not show her surprise and amazement when Dawali told her that he was a medic. Her previous leader had been abusive and had everyone else do the work. She glanced into his eyes for a moment to see if he was lying, but quickly lowered her gaze again, knowing it to be disrespectful and not wanting to give any reason for punishment to be brought down upon her.

Breathing slowly to calm herself, Aria simply nodded at the male's words, knowing that her voice could easily betray her and reveal her uncertainty, and would rather not take the risk. She noticed the over-the-top quality in his response but had no idea of how to process it so she brushed it aside mentally and watched him. She moved back a little when the male brought up his hands but stopped when she realized when it was a harmless gesture. Aria's ears turned to him when he spoke and carefully followed his words. Surprised she accidentally blurted out "You mean you trust the pack even though you don't know everything?..." and winced, wishing she had kept her mouth shut, sure that she was going to get punished for certain (if her past was anything to go by, which in this case wasn't). Aria sat there and awaited the punishment...

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