((ooc: Thanks! I hope this is alright.))

Zasha sat patiently and waited. Now that she was no longer on the move, she could feel the effects of so much running in her paws and legs. She shifted them a little, trying to take pressure off of one. Mentally she pictured herself lying in the grass resting and basking in the sun. Ahh how refreshing. It made her feel the pain even more. She would lay down here while waiting, but she knew it would not be wise. Upon entering a new pack, she didn’t want to get caught at the borders sleeping. First impressions should always be done at the best of one’s abilities. Just trying to take pressure off of them a while would have to suffice for now.

She heard something and immediately her ears perked up. Standing on all fours she sniffed the air. Someone was coming. Thankfully she did not have to wait for too long. Relief swelled threw her. Hopefully soon she would get a drink of water and rest some. She had met many packs during her travels. Most had been friendly and accepted her in; where as some would snap and growl, making her scurry away. She hoped this pack was not the latter of the two.

Finally he came to view and came to rest in front of her. A smile was displayed showing no hostility, and she was very grateful for that. He even nodded in greeting. He was mannerly, and that was something she approved of. Some wolfs were not when meeting an outsider. It showed respect, to her at least, when meet on friendly terms.

Zasha bound her head and lower herself. “Yes I am. My name is Zasha Egorov. ” She made sure to sound friendly and have a smile of her own. “I wish to join your pack and enter your lands.” With all the different packs she had meant, it was hard for her to know exactly how one should stand when asking to join. Some wanted no need for submission while other wanted her gravel at their feet and whine. She tried a friendly, grateful, relaxed stance. Going from his attitude, she thought this was the best way.

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